- class kqcircuits.masks.mask_layout.MaskLayout(layout, name, version, with_grid, chips_map, face_id, **kwargs)[source]
Class representing the mask for a certain face.
A MaskLayout is used to create the cells for the mask.
- layout
pya.Layout for this mask
- name
Name of the mask
- version
Mask version
- with_grid
Boolean determining if ground grid is generated
- face_id
face_id of this mask layout, “1t1” | “2b1” | “2t1”
- layers_to_mask
dictionary of layers with mask label postfix for mask label and mask covered region creation
- covered_region_excluded_layers
list of layers in layers_to_mask for which mask covered region is not created
- chips_map
List of lists (2D-array) of strings, each string is a chip name (or — for no chip) or a dictionary with keys as pya.DPoints representing chip coordinate and as value a dictionary containing the keys chip_name, local_chip_trans and position_label. example: {pya.DPoint(-500,1000):{‘chip_name’: ‘ABC’, ‘local_chip_trans’: pya.DTrans(pya.DVector(1800, -1800)) * pya.DTrans().M90 , ‘position_label’:’H08’}}
- align_to
optional exact point of placement, an (x, y) coordinate tuple. By default the mask is centered.
- chips_map_legend
Dictionary where keys are chip names, values are chip cells
- wafer_rad
Wafer radius
- wafer_center
Wafer center as a pya.DVector
- chips_map_offset
Offset to make chips_map centered on wafer
- wafer_top_flat_length
length of flat edge at the top of the wafer
- wafer_bottom_flat_length
length of flat edge at the bottom of the wafer
- dice_width
Dicing width for this mask layout
- text_margin
Text margin for this mask layout
- chip_size
side width of the chips (for square chips), or tuple (width, height) for rectangular chips
- edge_clearance
minimum clearance of outer chips from the edge of the mask
- remove_chips
if True (default), chips that violate edge_clearance or conflict with markers are removed from chip maps. Note that
are never removed.
- chip_box_offset
Offset (pya.DVector) from chip origin of the chip frame boxes for this face
- chip_trans
DTrans applied to all chips
- mask_name_offset
(DEPRECATED) mask name label offset from default position (DPoint)
- mask_name_scale
text scaling factor for mask name label (float)
- mask_name_box_margin
margin around the mask name that determines the box size around the name (float)
- mask_text_scale
text scaling factor for graphical representation layer (float)
- mask_markers_dict
dictionary of all markers to be placed and kwargs to determine their position (dict)
- mask_marker_offset
offset of mask markers from wafer center in horizontal and vertical directions (float)
- mask_export_layers
list of layer names (without face_ids) to be exported as individual mask .oas files
- mask_export_density_layers
list of layer names (without face_ids) for which we want to calculate the coverage density
- submasks
list of submasks, each element is a tuple (submask mask_layout, submask position)
- extra_id
extra string used to create unique name for mask layouts with the same face_id
- extra_chips
List of tuples (name, position, trans, position_label) for chips placed outside chips_map trans is an optional transformation to use in place of self.chip_trans position_label is an optional string that overrides the automatic chip position label in the mask grid
- top_cell
Top cell of this mask layout
- added_chips
List of (chip name, chip_cell, chip position, chip bounding box, chip dtrans, position_label) populated by chips added during build()
- chips_placed_by_position_label
Dictionary of
{position_label: chip_name}
where the chip exists in chips_map_legend and will be placed according to the position_label
- chip_copies
Dictionary of
{name_copy: properties}
contains the name and location data for each chip that was actually added to the mask.
- mirror_labels
Boolean, if True mask and chip copy labels are mirrored. Default False.
- bbox_face_ids
List of face_ids to consider when calcualting the bounding box of chips. Defaults to [face_id]
- add_chips_map(chips_map, align=None, align_to=None, chip_size=None, chip_trans=None)[source]
Add additional chip maps to the main chip map. Only used when the main chip map is not a dictionary.
The specified extra chip map, a.k.a. sub-grid, will be attached to the main grid. It may use different chip size than the main grid. For convenience left and rigtht sub-grids will be rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
- Parameters:
chips_map – List of lists (2D-array) of strings, each string is a chip name (or — for no chip)
align – to what side of the main grid this sub-grid attaches. Allowed values: top, left, right and bottom.
align_to – optional exact point of placement. (x, y) coordinate tuple
chip_size – a different chip size may be used in each sub-grid
chip_trans – chip transformation to use for chips in this sub-grid, defaults to self.chip_trans.
- build(chips_map_legend)[source]
Builds the cell hierarchy for this mask layout.
Inserts cells copied from chips_map_legend to self.top_cell at positions determined by self.chips_map. The copied cells are modified to only have layers corresponding to self.face_id, and they are translated and/or mirrored correctly based on self.face_id. Also inserts cells for mask markers, mask name label, and the circular area covered by the mask.
- Parameters:
chips_map_legend – Dictionary where keys are chip names, values are chip cells
- static generate_position_label(chip_placement_list, unit_x, unit_y)[source]
Generate a position label based on the coordinate of each chip.
- Parameters:
chip_placement_list – list of lists [[chip_size, chip_coordinate, chip_name, position_label]]
unit_x – minimum chip x dimension
unit_y – minimum chip y dimension
- Returns: Dictionary with the global coordinates of each chip of the sub array. It has the form
{(coord_x, coord_y): {‘chip_name’: name, ‘position_label’: xxx}}
- generate_and_insert_chip_copy_labels(labels_cell, layers, mask_name_for_chip=None)[source]
Inserts chip copy labels to all chips in this mask layout and its submasks
- Parameters:
labels_cell – Cell to which the labels are inserted
layers – list of layer names (without face_ids) where the labels are produced
mask_name_for_chip – mask name to place on each chip, or None (default) to not add mask names to the chip.
- insert_chip_copy_labels(labels_cell, layers, mask_name_for_chip=None)[source]
Inserts position labels and mask name into chip frames, and then updates self.chip_copies dictionary
- Parameters:
labels_cell – Cell to which the labels are inserted
layers – list of layer names (without face_ids) where the labels are produced
mask_name_for_chip – mask name to place on each chip, or None (default) to not add mask names to the chip.