Source code for kqcircuits.masks.mask_layout

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
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# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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import math
from import Sequence

from typing import Tuple
from tqdm import tqdm

from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.defaults import (
from kqcircuits.elements.markers.marker import Marker
from kqcircuits.elements.markers.mask_marker_fc import MaskMarkerFc
from kqcircuits.util.geometry_helper import circle_polygon
from kqcircuits.util.label import produce_label, LabelOrigin
from kqcircuits.util.merge import merge_layout_layers_on_face, convert_child_instances_to_static

[docs] class MaskLayout: """Class representing the mask for a certain face. A MaskLayout is used to create the cells for the mask. Attributes: layout: pya.Layout for this mask name: Name of the mask version: Mask version with_grid: Boolean determining if ground grid is generated face_id: face_id of this mask layout, "1t1" | "2b1" | "2t1" layers_to_mask: dictionary of layers with mask label postfix for mask label and mask covered region creation covered_region_excluded_layers: list of layers in `layers_to_mask` for which mask covered region is not created chips_map: List of lists (2D-array) of strings, each string is a chip name (or --- for no chip) align_to: optional exact point of placement, an (x, y) coordinate tuple. By default the mask is centered. chips_map_legend: Dictionary where keys are chip names, values are chip cells wafer_rad: Wafer radius wafer_center: Wafer center as a pya.DVector chips_map_offset: Offset to make chips_map centered on wafer wafer_top_flat_length: length of flat edge at the top of the wafer wafer_bottom_flat_length: length of flat edge at the bottom of the wafer dice_width: Dicing width for this mask layout text_margin: Text margin for this mask layout chip_size: side width of the chips (for square chips), or tuple (width, height) for rectangular chips edge_clearance: minimum clearance of outer chips from the edge of the mask remove_chips: if True (default), chips that violate edge_clearance or conflict with markers are removed from chip maps. Note that ``extra_chips`` are never removed. chip_box_offset: Offset (pya.DVector) from chip origin of the chip frame boxes for this face chip_trans: DTrans applied to all chips mask_name_offset: (DEPRECATED) mask name label offset from default position (DPoint) mask_name_scale: text scaling factor for mask name label (float) mask_name_box_margin: margin around the mask name that determines the box size around the name (float) mask_text_scale: text scaling factor for graphical representation layer (float) mask_markers_dict: dictionary of all markers to be placed and kwargs to determine their position (dict) mask_marker_offset: offset of mask markers from wafer center in horizontal and vertical directions (float) mask_export_layers: list of layer names (without face_ids) to be exported as individual mask `.oas` files mask_export_density_layers: list of layer names (without face_ids) for which we want to calculate the coverage density submasks: list of submasks, each element is a tuple (submask mask_layout, submask position) extra_id: extra string used to create unique name for mask layouts with the same face_id extra_chips: List of tuples (name, position, trans, position_label) for chips placed outside chips_map trans is an optional transformation to use in place of self.chip_trans position_label is an optional string that overrides the automatic chip position label in the mask grid top_cell: Top cell of this mask layout added_chips: List of (chip name, chip_cell, chip position, chip bounding box, chip dtrans, position_label) populated by chips added during build() chips_placed_by_position_label: Dictionary of ``{position_label: chip_name}`` where the chip exists in chips_map_legend and will be placed according to the position_label chip_copies: Dictionary of ``{name_copy: properties}`` where ``properties`` contains the name and location data for each chip that was actually added to the mask. mirror_labels: Boolean, if True mask and chip copy labels are mirrored. Default False. bbox_face_ids: List of face_ids to consider when calcualting the bounding box of chips. Defaults to [face_id] """ def __init__(self, layout, name, version, with_grid, chips_map, face_id, **kwargs): self.layout: pya.Layout = layout = name self.version = version self.with_grid = with_grid self.face_id = face_id self.chips_map = chips_map self.chips_map_legend = None self.chip_bounding_boxes = None self.layers_to_mask = kwargs.get("layers_to_mask", default_layers_to_mask) self.covered_region_excluded_layers = kwargs.get( "covered_region_excluded_layers", default_covered_region_excluded_layers ) + ["mask_edge"] self.wafer_rad = kwargs.get("wafer_rad", default_mask_parameters[self.face_id]["wafer_rad"]) self.wafer_center = pya.DVector(0, 0) self.chips_map_offset = kwargs.get( "chips_map_offset", default_mask_parameters[self.face_id]["chips_map_offset"] ) self.wafer_top_flat_length = kwargs.get("wafer_top_flat_length", 0) self.wafer_bottom_flat_length = kwargs.get("wafer_bottom_flat_length", 0) self.dice_width = kwargs.get("dice_width", default_mask_parameters[self.face_id]["dice_width"]) self.text_margin = kwargs.get("text_margin", default_mask_parameters[self.face_id]["text_margin"]) self.chip_size = kwargs.get("chip_size", default_mask_parameters[self.face_id]["chip_size"]) if isinstance(self.chip_size, Sequence): self.chip_width, self.chip_height = self.chip_size else: self.chip_width, self.chip_height = self.chip_size, self.chip_size self.edge_clearance = kwargs.get("edge_clearance", (self.chip_width + self.chip_height) / 4) self.remove_chips = kwargs.get("remove_chips", True) self.chip_box_offset = kwargs.get("chip_box_offset", default_mask_parameters[self.face_id]["chip_box_offset"]) self.chip_trans = kwargs.get("chip_trans", default_mask_parameters[self.face_id]["chip_trans"]) self.mask_name_offset = kwargs.get("mask_name_offset", pya.DPoint(0, 0)) # DEPRECATED self.mask_name_scale = kwargs.get("mask_name_scale", 1) self.mask_name_box_margin = kwargs.get("mask_name_box_margin", 1000) self.mask_text_scale = kwargs.get("mask_text_scale", default_mask_parameters[self.face_id]["mask_text_scale"]) self.mask_markers_dict = kwargs.get("mask_markers_dict", {Marker: {}, MaskMarkerFc: {}}) self.mask_markers_type = kwargs.get("mask_markers_type", "all") self.mask_marker_offset = kwargs.get( "mask_marker_offset", default_mask_parameters[self.face_id]["mask_marker_offset"] ) self.mask_export_layers = kwargs.get("mask_export_layers", default_mask_export_layers) self.mask_export_density_layers = kwargs.get("mask_export_density_layers", []) self.submasks = kwargs.get("submasks", []) self.extra_id = kwargs.get("extra_id", "") self.extra_chips = kwargs.get("extra_chips", []) self.chips_placed_by_position_label = kwargs.get("chips_placed_by_position_label", {}) self.mirror_labels = kwargs.get("mirror_labels", False) self.bbox_face_ids = kwargs.get("bbox_face_ids", [self.face_id]) self.top_cell = self.layout.create_cell(f"{} {self.face_id}") self.added_chips = [] self.graphical_representation_inputs = [] self.align_to = kwargs.get("align_to", None) self.chip_counts = {} self.extra_chips_maps = kwargs.get("extra_chips_maps", []) self.chip_array_to_export = [] self.chip_copies = {} # For mask name the letter I stats at x=750 self._mask_name_letter_I_offset = 750 self._mask_name_box_bottom_y = 35000 self._max_x = 0 self._max_y = 0 self._min_x = 0 self._min_y = 0
[docs] def add_chips_map(self, chips_map, align=None, align_to=None, chip_size=None, chip_trans=None): """Add additional chip maps to the main chip map. The specified extra chip map, a.k.a. sub-grid, will be attached to the main grid. It may use different chip size than the main grid. For convenience left and rigtht sub-grids will be rotated 90 degrees clockwise. Args: chips_map: List of lists (2D-array) of strings, each string is a chip name (or --- for no chip) align: to what side of the main grid this sub-grid attaches. Allowed values: top, left, right and bottom. align_to: optional exact point of placement. (x, y) coordinate tuple chip_size: a different chip size may be used in each sub-grid chip_trans: chip transformation to use for chips in this sub-grid, defaults to self.chip_trans. """ chip_size = self.chip_size if not chip_size else chip_size self.extra_chips_maps.append((chips_map, chip_size, align, align_to, chip_trans))
[docs] def build(self, chips_map_legend): """Builds the cell hierarchy for this mask layout. Inserts cells copied from chips_map_legend to self.top_cell at positions determined by self.chips_map. The copied cells are modified to only have layers corresponding to self.face_id, and they are translated and/or mirrored correctly based on self.face_id. Also inserts cells for mask markers, mask name label, and the circular area covered by the mask. Args: chips_map_legend: Dictionary where keys are chip names, values are chip cells """ self.chips_map_legend = {} self.chip_bounding_boxes = {} for name, cell in tqdm(chips_map_legend.items(), desc="Building cell hierarchy", bar_format=default_bar_format): self.chip_counts[name] = 0 if [name in row for row in self.chips_map] or [chip[0] == name for chip in self.extra_chips]: # create copies of the chips, so that modifying these only affects the ones in this MaskLayout new_cell = self.layout.create_cell(name) new_cell.copy_tree(cell) # Find the bounding box encompassing base metal gap shapes in all in bbox_face_ids bboxes = [ new_cell.dbbox_per_layer(self.layout.layer(default_faces[face_id]["base_metal_gap_wo_grid"])) for face_id in self.bbox_face_ids ] if not all(b.empty() for b in bboxes): p1_xs, p1_ys, p2_xs, p2_ys = zip( *[(b.p1.x, b.p1.y, b.p2.x, b.p2.y) for b in bboxes if not b.empty()] ) self.chip_bounding_boxes[name] = pya.DBox(min(p1_xs), min(p1_ys), max(p2_xs), max(p2_ys)) else: self.chip_bounding_boxes[name] = pya.DBox() # remove layers belonging to another face for face_id, face_dictionary in default_faces.items(): if face_id != self.face_id: for layer_info in face_dictionary.values(): shapes_iter = new_cell.begin_shapes_rec(self.layout.layer(layer_info)) # iterating shapes using shapes_iter.at_end() fails: # # solution is to use a separate buffer list to iterate shapes = [] while not shapes_iter.at_end(): try: shapes.append(shapes_iter.shape()) except ValueError: print("error occurs at %s at %s" % (name, face_id)) for shapes_to_remove in shapes: shapes_to_remove.delete() self.chips_map_legend[name] = new_cell self.region_covered = self._mask_create_geometry() if len(self.submasks) > 0: self.region_covered = pya.Region() # don't fill with metal gap layer if using submasks for submask_layout, submask_pos in self.submasks: self.top_cell.insert( pya.DCellInstArray( submask_layout.top_cell.cell_index(), pya.DTrans(submask_pos - submask_layout.wafer_center + self.wafer_center), ) ) maskextra_cell: pya.Cell = self.layout.create_cell("MaskExtra") marker_region = self._add_all_markers_to_mask(maskextra_cell) self._insert_mask_name_label(self.top_cell, default_layers["mask_graphical_rep"], "G") # add chips from chips_map self._add_chips_from_map(self.chips_map, self.chip_size, None, self.align_to, marker_region) for chips_map, chip_size, align, align_to, chip_trans in self.extra_chips_maps: self._add_chips_from_map(chips_map, chip_size, align, align_to, marker_region, chip_trans) # add chips outside chips_map for name, pos, *optional in self.extra_chips: trans, position_label = None, None if optional and isinstance(optional[0], pya.DTrans): trans = optional[0] if len(optional) > 1 and isinstance(optional[1], str): position_label = optional[1] else: trans = self.chip_trans if optional and isinstance(optional[0], str): position_label = optional[0] if name in chips_map_legend: self.region_covered -= self._add_chip(name, pos, trans, position_label)[1] self.chip_counts[name] += 1 self.region_covered -= marker_region self._mask_create_covered_region(maskextra_cell, self.region_covered, self.layers_to_mask) convert_child_instances_to_static(self.layout, maskextra_cell, only_elements=True, prune=True) merge_layout_layers_on_face(self.layout, maskextra_cell, self.face())
[docs] def overwrite_chips_by_position_label(self, chips_dict): """Overwrites chips with ones configured to be placed at specific label positions. Chips specified in the chips_placed_by_position_label dictionary replace existing chips with the same position label Args: chips_dict : {(x, y): (chip_name, _, bbox, dtrans, position_label, mask_layout)} """ for position_label, new_chip_name in self.chips_placed_by_position_label.items(): chips_to_replace = [v for v in chips_dict.values() if v[4] == position_label] if len(chips_to_replace) == 0: raise ValueError( ( f"Chip position label {position_label} not present " f"when inserting hardcoded chip {new_chip_name}." ) ) chip_name, _, bbox, dtrans, position_label, _ = chips_to_replace[0] new_bounding_box = self.chip_bounding_boxes[new_chip_name] if new_bounding_box.empty(): new_chip_cell = self.layout.create_cell("ept") new_chip_cell.shapes(self.layout.layer(default_faces[self.face_id]["base_metal_gap_wo_grid"])).insert( pya.Region(bbox.to_itype(self.layout.dbu)) ) new_chip_cell.shapes(self.layout.layer(default_faces[self.face_id]["base_metal_gap"])).insert( pya.Region(bbox.to_itype(self.layout.dbu)) ) new_bounding_box = bbox empty_bbox = True new_chip_name = "ept" else: new_chip_cell = self.chips_map_legend[new_chip_name] empty_bbox = False if new_bounding_box != bbox: if round(bbox.width()) == round(new_bounding_box.width()) and round(bbox.height()) == round( new_bounding_box.height() ): new_dtrans = dtrans * pya.DTrans(pya.DVector(bbox.p1) - pya.DVector(new_bounding_box.p1)) else: print(f"old bbox {bbox}, new bbox {new_bounding_box}") print(f"old width {bbox.width()}, height {bbox.height()}") print(f"new width {new_bounding_box.width()}, height {new_bounding_box.height()}") raise ValueError( ( f"Cannot insert hardcoded chip {new_chip_name} " f"in position {position_label} since it has a different bbox" ) ) else: new_dtrans = dtrans self.added_chips = [ (new_chip_name, new_chip_cell) + x[2:4] + (new_dtrans,) + x[5:] if x[4] == dtrans else x for x in self.added_chips ] self.chip_counts[chip_name] -= 1 if not empty_bbox: self.chip_counts[new_chip_name] += 1 self.chip_copies[position_label].update({"name_chip": new_chip_name}) self.graphical_representation_inputs = [ tpl if tpl[2] != position_label else tuple([new_chip_name] + list(tpl)[1:]) for tpl in self.graphical_representation_inputs ]
[docs] def insert_chips(self): """Insert chips after resolving their position labels""" for _, chip_cell, _, _, dtrans, _ in self.added_chips: self.top_cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(chip_cell.cell_index(), dtrans)) for params in self.graphical_representation_inputs: self._add_chip_graphical_representation_layer(*params)
[docs] def insert_chip_copy_labels(self, labels_cell, layers, mask_name_for_chip=None): """Inserts chip copy labels to all chips in this mask layout and its submasks Args: labels_cell: Cell to which the labels are inserted layers: list of layer names (without face_ids) where the labels are produced mask_name_for_chip: mask name to place on each chip, or None (default) to not add mask names to the chip. """ # find labels_cell for this mask and each submask labels_cells = {self: labels_cell} for submask_layout, submask_pos in self.submasks: for inst in submask_layout.top_cell.each_inst(): # workaround for getting the cell due to KLayout bug, see # # TODO: replace by `inst_cell = inst.cell` once KLayout bug is fixed inst_cell = submask_layout.layout.cell(inst.cell_index) if"ChipLabels"): labels_cells[submask_layout] = inst_cell break # find all unique x and y coords of center points of chip bboxes and place them in the corresponding keys # in chips_dict. These x and y coords are not used for anything else but to determine the content of labels chips_dict = {} # {(pos_x, pos_y): chip_name, chip_pos (in submask coordinates), chip_inst, mask_layout} xvals = set() yvals = set() # To not pollute the space of chip positions, rather than assigning a new row letter and column number # for each unique x- and y-coordinate, round the coordinates to the smallest chip dimensions. # This still guarantees that each chip gets unique chip position label, but rows that are closer # together than the smallest chip height will be assigned the same letter. unit_x = round(min(bbox.p2.x - bbox.p1.x for _, _, _, bbox, _, _ in self.added_chips)) unit_y = round(min(bbox.p2.y - bbox.p1.y for _, _, _, bbox, _, _ in self.added_chips)) for chip_name, _, pos, bbox, dtrans, position_label in self.added_chips: center_point = dtrans * pos_x = math.floor(round(center_point.x) / unit_x) * unit_x pos_y = math.floor(round(center_point.y) / unit_y) * unit_y if not position_label: xvals.add(pos_x) yvals.add(pos_y) chips_dict[(pos_x, pos_y)] = chip_name, pos, bbox, dtrans, position_label, self for submask_layout, submask_pos in self.submasks: for chip_name, _, pos, bbox, dtrans, position_label in submask_layout.added_chips: center_point = dtrans * pos_x = math.floor(round((center_point + submask_pos).x) / unit_x) * unit_x pos_y = math.floor(round((center_point + submask_pos).y) / unit_y) * unit_y if not position_label: xvals.add(pos_x) yvals.add(pos_y) chips_dict[(pos_x, pos_y)] = chip_name, pos, bbox, dtrans, position_label, submask_layout # produce the labels such that chips with identical x-coordinate (y-coordinate) have identical number (letter) used_position_labels = set() for (x, y), (chip_name, _, bbox, dtrans, position_label, mask_layout) in chips_dict.items(): labels_cell_2 = labels_cells[mask_layout] if x not in xvals or y not in yvals: i, j = None, None else: i = sorted(yvals, reverse=True).index(y) j = sorted(xvals).index(x) if not position_label: if i is None or j is None: raise ValueError("No position_label override yet label was not automatically generated") position_label = MaskLayout.two_coordinates_to_position_label(i, j) if position_label in used_position_labels: raise ValueError( f"Duplicate use of chip position label {position_label}. " f"When using extra_chips, please make sure to only use unreserved position labels" ) # update position label into chips_dict chips_dict[(x, y)] = (chip_name, _, bbox, dtrans, position_label, mask_layout) used_position_labels.add(position_label) total_mirror_label = bool(dtrans.is_mirror()) ^ bool(self.mirror_labels) bbox_x1, bbox_x2 = (bbox.left, bbox.right) if total_mirror_label else (bbox.right, bbox.left) produce_label( labels_cell_2, position_label, dtrans * (pya.DPoint(bbox_x1, bbox.bottom)), LabelOrigin.BOTTOMRIGHT, mask_layout.dice_width, mask_layout.text_margin, [mask_layout.face()[layer] for layer in layers], mask_layout.face()["ground_grid_avoidance"], mirror=self.mirror_labels, ) if mask_name_for_chip is not None: produce_label( labels_cell_2, mask_name_for_chip, dtrans * (pya.DPoint(bbox_x2,, LabelOrigin.TOPLEFT, mask_layout.dice_width, mask_layout.text_margin, [mask_layout.face()[layer] for layer in layers], mask_layout.face()["ground_grid_avoidance"], mirror=self.mirror_labels, ) bbox_xr = bbox.right if dtrans.is_mirror() else bbox.left self.graphical_representation_inputs.append( (chip_name, dtrans * (pya.DPoint(bbox_xr, bbox.bottom)), position_label, bbox.width(), labels_cell_2) ) chip_box = pya.DBox(dtrans * bbox) self.chip_copies[position_label] = { "name_chip": chip_name, "i": i, "j": j, "x": chip_box.left, "y": chip_box.bottom, "width": chip_box.width(), "height": chip_box.height(), } return chips_dict
[docs] def face(self): """Returns the face dictionary for this mask layout""" return default_faces[self.face_id]
[docs] @staticmethod def two_coordinates_to_position_label(row: int, column: int) -> str: """Converts two integers to chip position label, e.g. (2,3) -> 'C03'""" if row < 0 or ord("A") + row > ord("Z"): raise ValueError(f"Row coordinate {row} out of bounds") if column < 0 or column > 99: raise ValueError(f"Column coordinate {column} out of bounds") return chr(ord("A") + row) + ("{:02d}".format(column))
[docs] @staticmethod def position_label_to_two_coordinates(position_label: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Converts chip position label to two integer coordinate, e.g. 'C03' -> (2,3)""" row, col = ord(position_label[0]) - ord("A"), int(position_label[1:]) if row < 0 or ord("A") + row > ord("Z"): raise ValueError(f"Letter part in {position_label} out of bounds") if col < 0 or col > 99: raise ValueError(f"Number part in {position_label} out of bounds") return row, col
def _mask_create_geometry(self): y_clip = -14.5e4 points = [] for a in range(0, 256 + 1): x = math.cos(a / 128 * math.pi) * self.wafer_rad y = max(math.sin(a / 128 * math.pi) * self.wafer_rad, y_clip) if (y > 0 and (x > self.wafer_top_flat_length / 2 or x < -self.wafer_top_flat_length / 2)) or ( y < 0 and (x > self.wafer_bottom_flat_length / 2 or x < -self.wafer_bottom_flat_length / 2) ): points.append(pya.DPoint(self.wafer_center.x + x, self.wafer_center.y + y)) region_covered = pya.Region(pya.DPolygon(points).to_itype(self.layout.dbu)) return region_covered def _add_chips_from_map(self, chips_map, chip_size, align, align_to, marker_region, chip_trans=None): if chip_trans is None: chip_trans = self.chip_trans if isinstance(chip_size, Sequence): chip_width, chip_height = chip_size else: chip_width, chip_height = chip_size, chip_size orig = pya.DVector(-self.wafer_rad, self.wafer_rad) - self.chips_map_offset if align_to: orig = pya.DVector(*align_to) elif align: # autoalign to the specified side of the existing layout w = len(chips_map[0]) * chip_width / 2 h = len(chips_map) * chip_height if align == "top": orig = pya.DVector(-w, h + self._max_y * self.layout.dbu) elif align == "bottom": orig = pya.DVector(-w, self._min_y * self.layout.dbu) elif align == "left": orig = pya.DVector(-h + self._min_x * self.layout.dbu, w) elif align == "right": orig = pya.DVector(self._max_x * self.layout.dbu, w) if align in ("left", "right"): # rotate clockwise chips_map = zip(*reversed(chips_map)) region_used = pya.Region() allowed_region = ( pya.Region(circle_polygon(self.wafer_rad - self.edge_clearance).to_itype(self.layout.dbu)) - marker_region - pya.Region( pya.DBox(-self.wafer_rad, self._mask_name_box_bottom_y, self.wafer_rad, self.wafer_rad).to_itype( self.layout.dbu ) ) ) for i, row in enumerate(tqdm(chips_map, desc="Adding chips to mask", bar_format=default_bar_format)): for j, name in enumerate(row): if name == "---": continue position = pya.DPoint(chip_width * j, -chip_height * (i + 1)) + orig added_chip, region_chip = self._add_chip( name, position, chip_trans, allowed_region=allowed_region, chip_width=chip_width ) region_used += region_chip if added_chip: self.chip_counts[name] += 1 self.region_covered -= region_used box = region_used.bbox() self._min_x = min(box.p1.x, self._min_x) self._min_y = min(box.p1.y, self._min_y) self._max_x = max(box.p2.x, self._max_x) self._max_y = max(box.p2.y, self._max_y) def _add_chip(self, name, position, trans, position_label=None, allowed_region=None, chip_width=None): """Returns a tuple (Boolean telling if the chip was added, Region which the chip covers).""" if chip_width is None: chip_width = self.chip_width chip_region = pya.Region() if name in self.chips_map_legend.keys(): chip_cell = self.chips_map_legend[name] bounding_box = self.chip_bounding_boxes[name] bbox_offset = chip_width - bounding_box.width() trans = pya.DTrans(position + pya.DVector(bbox_offset, 0) - self.chip_box_offset) * trans chip_region = pya.Region(pya.Box(trans * bounding_box * (1 / self.layout.dbu))) if self.remove_chips and allowed_region is not None and chip_region.inside(allowed_region).is_empty(): return False, pya.Region() self.added_chips.append((name, chip_cell, position, bounding_box, trans, position_label)) return True, chip_region return False, chip_region def _add_all_markers_to_mask(self, maskextra_cell): marker_region = pya.Region() for marker, m_kwargs in self.mask_markers_dict.items(): # load values into kwargs m_kwargs["window"] = m_kwargs.get("window", True) m_kwargs["face_ids"] = m_kwargs.get("face_ids", [self.face_id]) m_kwargs["wafer_rad"] = m_kwargs.get("wafer_rad", self.wafer_rad) m_kwargs["edge_clearance"] = m_kwargs.get("edge_clearance", self.edge_clearance) cell_marker = marker.create(self.layout, **m_kwargs) marker_transes = marker.get_marker_locations(cell_marker, **m_kwargs) for trans in marker_transes: inst = maskextra_cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(cell_marker.cell_index(), trans)) marker_region += marker.get_marker_region(inst, **m_kwargs) return marker_region def _mask_create_covered_region(self, maskextra_cell, region_covered, layers_dict): dbu = self.layout.dbu leftmost_label_x = 1e10 labels = [] for layer, postfix in layers_dict.items(): label_cell, label_trans = self._create_mask_name_label(self.face()[layer], postfix) if label_trans.disp.x < leftmost_label_x: leftmost_label_x = label_trans.disp.x labels.append((label_cell, label_trans)) # align left edges of mask name labels in different layers for label_cell, label_trans in labels: label_trans = pya.DTrans(label_trans.rot, label_trans.is_mirror(), leftmost_label_x, label_trans.disp.y) inst = maskextra_cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(label_cell.cell_index(), label_trans)) region_covered -= pya.Region(inst.bbox()).extents(self.mask_name_box_margin / dbu) circle = pya.DTrans(self.wafer_center) * pya.DPath( [ pya.DPoint(math.cos(a / 32 * math.pi) * self.wafer_rad, math.sin(a / 32 * math.pi) * self.wafer_rad) for a in range(0, 64 + 1) ], 100, ) maskextra_cell.shapes(self.layout.layer(default_layers["mask_graphical_rep"])).insert(circle) maskextra_cell.shapes(self.layout.layer(default_layers["mask_graphical_rep"])).insert(region_covered) # remove unwanted circle boundary and filling from `layers_to_mask` which have been excluded in # `covered_region_excluded_layers` for layer_name in layers_dict.keys(): if layer_name not in self.covered_region_excluded_layers: maskextra_cell.shapes(self.layout.layer(self.face()[layer_name])).insert(region_covered) self.top_cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(maskextra_cell.cell_index(), pya.DTrans())) def _get_chip_name(self, search_cell): for chip_name, cell in self.chips_map_legend.items(): if search_cell == cell: return chip_name return "" def _add_chip_graphical_representation_layer(self, chip_name, position, pos_index_name, chip_width, cell): chip_name_text = self.layout.create_cell( "TEXT", "Basic", { "layer": default_layers["mask_graphical_rep"], "text": chip_name, "mag": 15000 * self.mask_text_scale / len(chip_name), }, ) pos_index_name_text = self.layout.create_cell( "TEXT", "Basic", { "layer": default_layers["mask_graphical_rep"], "text": pos_index_name, "mag": 4000 * self.mask_text_scale, }, ) chip_name_trans = pya.DTrans( position + pya.DVector((chip_width - chip_name_text.dbbox().width()) / 2, self.mask_text_scale * 750) ) cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(chip_name_text.cell_index(), chip_name_trans)) pos_index_trans = pya.DTrans( position + pya.DVector((chip_width - pos_index_name_text.dbbox().width()) / 2, self.mask_text_scale * 6000) ) cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(pos_index_name_text.cell_index(), pos_index_trans)) def _insert_mask_name_label(self, cell, layer, postfix=""): cell_mask_name, trans = self._create_mask_name_label(layer, postfix) inst = cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(cell_mask_name.cell_index(), trans)) return inst def _create_mask_name_label(self, layer, postfix=""): if postfix != "": postfix = "-" + postfix cell_mask_name = self.layout.create_cell( "TEXT", "Basic", { "layer": layer, "text": default_brand + "-" + + "v" + str(self.version) + postfix, "mag": self.mask_name_scale * 5000.0, }, ) cell_mask_name_h = cell_mask_name.dbbox().height() cell_mask_name_w = cell_mask_name.dbbox().width() # height of top left corner cell_mask_name_y = math.sqrt( (self.wafer_rad - self.edge_clearance) ** 2 - (cell_mask_name_w / 2 + self.mask_name_box_margin) ** 2 ) self._mask_name_box_bottom_y = cell_mask_name_y - cell_mask_name_h - 2 * self.mask_name_box_margin trans = pya.DTrans( -self._mask_name_letter_I_offset - cell_mask_name_w / 2, cell_mask_name_y - cell_mask_name_h - self.mask_name_box_margin, ) if self.mirror_labels: trans *= pya.DTrans(2, True, -2 * trans.disp.x, 0) return cell_mask_name, trans