
kqcircuits.simulations.export.export_and_run.export_and_run(export_script: Path, export_path: Path, quiet: bool = False, export_only: bool = False, args=None)[source]

Exports and runs a KQC simulation.

  • export_script (Path) – path to the simulation export script

  • export_path (Path) – path where simulation files are exported set with –export-path-basename. If None, the path set in export script will be used.

  • quiet (bool) – if True all the GUI dialogs are shown, otherwise not.

  • export_only (bool) – if True no simulation is run, only export files.

  • args (list) – a list of strings describing arguments to be passed to the simulation script


a tuple containing

  • export_script(Path): path to the simulation export script

  • export_path(list(Path)): list of paths where simulation files are exported

kqcircuits.simulations.export.export_and_run.run_export_script(export_script: Path, export_path: Path, quiet: bool = False, args=None)[source]

Generate the simulation files by running the export script. Returns list of paths where simulation files are exported. Returned paths are parsed from stdout of the export script printed by function create_or_empty_tmp_directory, based on the identifier EXPORT_PATH_IDENTIFIER

kqcircuits.simulations.export.export_and_run.run_simulations(script_export_paths: list[Path])[source]

Run exported simulations
