Converting elements placed in GUI into code

KQCircuits includes a macro export_cells_as_code.lym that can be used to convert elements placed in GUI into code that can be used in chip PCells. For more information, see the docstring and comments in the macro. The following animation demonstrates how a chip is modified by placing elements in the GUI and how to use this macro to include those elements in PCell generation code:


The macro has special handling for waveguides (of WaveguideCoplanar type). The code generated for them automatically detects nearby reference points of other elements, and uses these instead of hardcoded points as the positions of the waveguide nodes. See the Modifying waveguides section above for instructions on how to modify WaveguideCoplanar in GUI.

In order to make waveguides connect “nicely” to ports of other elements, most ports in KQC elements have an additional “corner refpoint”. To connect a waveguide to port “a” of instance “x”, you should generally place its first two points at x_port_a and x_port_a_corner. The corner point is not needed if the next point would anyway be in the direction of x_port_a_corner, since the purpose of the corner point is only to make the direction of the first waveguide segment aligned with the port.