
class kqcircuits.chips.quality_factor_twoface.QualityFactorTwoface[source]

Bases: Chip

The PCell declaration for a QualityFactorTwoFace chip.

Preliminary class for flip-chip resonators.


Child classes re-define this method to build the PCell.

produce_resonator(i, a, b, length, n_fingers, l_fingers, type_coupler, face_ids, resonator_type='capped', connector_distance=0.0, extra_resonator_avoidance=0.0, extra_resonator_etch=0.0, mirror=False)[source]

Produce a single spiral resonator and corresponding input capacitor.

The resonator is attached to the chip refpoint pl_{i}_t_port_c, where i is the resonator index (this can be any identifier, as long as it is used the same way in the refpoint name). The direction of the resonator is set by the corresponding _corner refpoint, but the spiral can be left or right depending on mirror.

  • i – Resonator index

  • a – CPW line width

  • b – CPW gap width

  • length – Resonator length (excluding capacitor)

  • n_fingers – Capacitor finger number, or finger_control for SmoothCapacitor

  • l_fingers – Capacitor finger length

  • type_coupler – Type of capacitor, see cap_params

  • face_ids – list of face ids for the resonator

  • resonator_type – String, type of resonator, one of etched, capped, solid or twoface

  • connector_distance – For twoface resonators, distance of the flip chip connector starting from capacitor

  • extra_resonator_avoidance – Extra ground_grid_avoidance margin around the resonator

  • extra_resonator_etch – Extra etching on top of etch_opposite_face_margin

  • mirror – Turn clockwise if False, or counter-clockwise if True.

PCell parameters:

  • resonator_types (List) - Choices: ‘capped’, ‘twoface’, ‘etched’, ‘solid’, default=['capped', 'capped', 'capped', 'capped', 'capped', 'capped']

  • resonator_faces (List) - Resonator face order list, default=[0, 1]

  • connector_distances (List) - Distances of face to face connectors from resonator inputs, default=[500, 1300, 2100, 2900, 3700, 4500, 500, 1300, 2100, 2900, 3700, 4500], unit=[μm]

  • spiral_box_height (Double) - Spiral resonator box height, default=2000

  • spiral_box_width (Double) - Spiral resonator box width, default=500

  • x_indentation (Double) - Resonator/connector indentation from side edges, default=800

  • cap_res_distance (Double) - Distance between spiral resonator and capacitor, default=200

  • waveguide_indentation (Double) - Waveguide indentation from top chip edge, default=500

  • extra_resonator_avoidance (List) - Added avoidance around resonators. At both faces., default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], unit=[μm]

  • extra_resonator_etch (List) - Extra opposite side etching margin around resonators., default=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], unit=μm

  • bridge_spacing (Double) - Airbridge spacing, default=0, unit=μm

  • frames_enabled (List) - List of face ids (integers) for which a ChipFrame is drawn, default=[0, 1]

  • res_lengths (List) - Physical length of resonators [μm], default=[5434, 5429, 5374, 5412, 5493, 5589], unit=[μm]

  • n_fingers (List) - Fingers in planar capacitors, default=[4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4]

  • l_fingers (List) - Length of the capacitor fingers [μm], default=[23.1, 9.9, 14.1, 10, 21, 28], unit=[μm]

  • type_coupler (List) - Coupler types, default=['interdigital', 'interdigital', 'interdigital', 'gap', 'gap', 'gap']

  • res_a (List) - Width of the center conductor in the resonators [μm], default=[10, 10, 10, 20, 10, 5], unit=[μm]

  • res_b (List) - Width of the gap in the resonators [μm], default=[6, 6, 6, 12, 6, 3], unit=[μm]
