
A Docker image for CLI and CI usage is included in ci/Dockerfile.

The image can be built manually from the root of the repository with -f ci/Dockerfile. Additionally, the KLayout version can be specified with --build-arg options by providing the name of the KLayout package as KL_FILE and its MD5 hash as KL_HASH:

docker build -t kqcircuits -f ci/Dockerfile --build-arg KL_FILE=klayout_0.29.0-1_amd64.deb --build-arg KL_HASH=421df42661a3d795b534da5048261044 .

See possible versions and hashes for Ubuntu 22 in the KLayout website.

CLI usage

The image can be used to quickly generate files, such as masks and chips from Python scripts. For example, to run a script from a local directory, do the following:

docker run --volume ${PWD}:/kqc/tmp tmp/

This runs the script in a Docker container and on-default writes the output to /kqc/tmp, which is mounted to the working directory with --volume. More specifically, it executes the following command in ci/

klayout -e -z -nc -rx -r tmp/

Additional arguments can of course be given, such as variables through -wd <name>=<value>. See CLI arguments for KLayout for more info.


If the script imports code like elements not included in KQCircuits, your local KQCircuits environment should be mounted to overwrite the one in the container. To this end, simply mount /kqc.

If using the older HyperV backend on Windows, you might need to increase your RAM limit from the 1GB default depending on your usage. See Docker Runtime options with Memory for details.

To override ci/ entirely, you can use the Docker entrypoint argument.

Docker CI usage

The image is built and published automatically in the release workflow on version tags and pushes to the main branch. It is then used to run all the tests in the CI pipeline.

Pull requests build the image but do not push it to the registry so that the changes may be tested to see whether they break the image.

Singularity usage

Singularity images are like docker images ( that work better in HPC environments ( The latest image can be downloaded from the GitHub Container registry. It should be downloaded to a libexec folder under singularity with the name kqclib. This is performed as follows at the root of the repo:

singularity pull singularity/libexec/kqclib oras://

The image can also be built manually in the singularity folder by running:



If a singularity.pem RSA public key is present in the singularity folder then the image will be encrypted. To successfully use this image the user also needs the corresponding $HOME/singularity_private.pem private key. See the Singularity docs for further details.

After pulling or building, you can now run (again, in the singularity folder):


in order to get the executables for using the software in the image (instead of in your own system).

Among other executables, the image contains the following executables that are needed for the simulation workflow:

EXECUTABLES=("ElmerSolver" "ElmerSolver_mpi" "ElmerGrid" "klayout" "kqclib" "paraview" "python")

You could add your own executable in the list in (it is just a symbolic link named like the executable that then needs to be found in the image). Remember to add path-to-your-KQCircuits/singularity/bin to your $PATH environment variable.

You can now prepare KQC simulations using the image: For example go to path-to-your-KQCircuits/klayout_package/python/scripts/simulations/ And run:



path-to-your-KQCircuits/python (make sure python is run from $PWD)


python is not put in $PWD/bin such that it does not over-ride the system python even if the folder is added to PATH environment variable”


In, one has to set workflow['python_executable']='kqclib' or workflow['python_executable']='path-to-your-KQCircuits/singularity/python' (in order to use the singularity image or override the system python with the latter executable, by moving it to path-to-your-KQCircuits/singularity/bin).


The singularity container can be used with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) but problems with simulations getting stuck have been encountered while using the simple workload manager in klayout_package/python/scripts/simulations/elmer/scripts/

The simulation scripts are then prepared in a subfolder (for example $KQC_TMP_PATH/waveguides_sim_elmer in the affore mentioned example. The $KQC_TMP_PATH folder (is normally in ../tmp/, remember to set it! If you do not, you might get a read-only error when the singularity image tries to write to the image tmp folder that is read-only)

In order to run the actual simulations, run:



Note that now Gmsh and Elmer are run in the container so no need to install the software.