KQCircuits uses tox for running tests. It runs tools for different types of tests, such as pytest for unit tests or pylint for linting. The configuration of tox is done in tox.ini. You can execute all tests by executing tox, or you can use separate commands like pytest to run certain types of tests. The CI/CD pipeline uses tox to run the tests.
Unit tests
KQCircuits uses the pytest framework for unit tests. Run the unit tests by executing pytest or pytest -n <NUM> for some speed-up on multi core CPUs.
All tests are placed in a separate
folder in the project root. This folder should reflect the same hierarchy as
for the kqcircuits source folder. For example, if you are writing tests for
kqcircuits/util/library_helper.py, then you would create and use the same path to
the corresponding folder containing tests for library_helper.py
such as
For better organization and improved reporting, create a folder for each module
that you test. This folder would then contain a module for each method that you
want to test. Within that module, you would have test functions for each case
that you want to test for that method. For example, continuing to use
library_helper.py to demonstrate the proposed structure, the library_helper
would have a test_load_library.py
module which may contain test cases such as
The above approach helps us organize our test cases into files which can easily be located
and do not get too large, while also producing pytest reports which are easy to understand.
Unfortunately, the repetitive test
prefixes are conventional and needed for pytest to find
and/or filter tests at both module and function level. The required
prefixes/postfixes for the tests are defined in pytest.ini. Do not change
them without careful consideration, or the unit tests may not run properly.
You can run all tests and view coverage by running the following command in the project root directory.
pytest --cov --cov-report term-missing -rf
Refer to pytest documentation for other options, such as running single tests.
If you develop a new feature for the project, make sure you write a comprehensive set of unit tests which cover happy paths, points of failure, edge cases, and so on.
Do not test private methods directly, but only their effects on the public methods that call them.
Similarly, if you fix a bug, write a test that would have failed prior to your fix, so you can be sure that the bug wil not be reintroduced later.
Please note that the empty conftest.py file in the project root is required so that pytest can follow imports to source code.