
Functions for exporting mask sets.

kqcircuits.masks.mask_export.export_mask_set(mask_set, skip_extras=False)[source]

Exports the designs, bitmap and documentation for the mask_set.


Exports .oas and .gds files of the mask_set.

kqcircuits.masks.mask_export.export_chip(chip_cell, chip_name, chip_dir, layout, export_drc, alt_netlists=None, skip_extras=False)[source]

Exports a chip used in a maskset.

kqcircuits.masks.mask_export.export_masks_of_face(export_dir, mask_layout, mask_set)[source]

Exports masks for layers of a single face of a mask_set.

  • export_dir – directory for the face specific subdirectories

  • mask_layout – MaskLayout object for the cell and face reference

  • mask_set – MaskSet object for the name and version attributes to be included in the filename

kqcircuits.masks.mask_export.export_mask(export_dir, layer_name, mask_layout, mask_set)[source]

Exports a mask from a single layer of a single face of a mask set.

  • export_dir – directory for the files

  • layer_name – name of the layer exported as a mask. The following prefixes can be used to modify the export: * Prefix -: invert the shapes on this layer * Prefix ^: mirror the layer (left-right)

  • mask_layout – MaskLayout object for the cell and face reference

  • mask_set – MaskSet object for the name and version attributes to be included in the filename

kqcircuits.masks.mask_export.export_docs(mask_set, filename='Mask_Documentation.md')[source]

Exports mask documentation containing mask layouts and parameters of all chips in the mask_set.

kqcircuits.masks.mask_export.export_bitmaps(mask_set, spec_layers=['mask_graphical_rep'])[source]

Exports bitmaps for the mask_set.

kqcircuits.masks.mask_export.get_mask_layout_full_name(mask_set, mask_layout)[source]
kqcircuits.masks.mask_export.export_junction_parameters(cell, path)[source]

Exports a json file containing all parameter values for each junction in the given chip (as cell)
