
class kqcircuits.simulations.port.Port(number: int, resistance: float = 50, reactance: float = 0, inductance: float = 0, capacitance: float = 0, face: int = 0, junction: bool = False, renormalization: float = 50)[source]

Bases: object

Base data structure for simulation ports.

Depending on your simulation type, these produce excitations, set potentials, or act as ideal RLC lumped elements.

  • number – Port number.

  • resistance – Real part of impedance. Given in Ohms (\(\Omega\)).

  • reactance – Imaginary part of impedance. Given in Ohms (\(\Omega\)).

  • inductance – Inductance of the element. Given in Henrys (\(\text{H}\)).

  • capacitance – Capacitance of the element. Given in Farads (\(\text{F}\)).

  • face – Integer-valued face index for the port.

  • junction – Whether this port models a SQUID/Junction. Used in EPR calculations.

  • renormalization – Port renormalization in Ohms or None to not re-normalize the port.


Returns attributes as a dictionary.

class kqcircuits.simulations.port.InternalPort(number: int, signal_location: DPoint, ground_location: DPoint | None = None, resistance: float = 50, reactance: float = 0, inductance: float = 0, capacitance: float = 0, face: int = 0, junction: bool = False, signal_layer: str = 'signal', etch_width: float | None = None, floating: bool = False)[source]

Bases: Port

Data structure for ports inside the simulation area.

  • number – Port number.

  • signal_location – Edge location for signal source.

  • ground_location – Edge location to connect signal to. Usually ground.

  • resistance – Real part of impedance. Given in Ohms (\(\Omega\)).

  • reactance – Imaginary part of impedance. Given in Ohms (\(\Omega\)).

  • inductance – Inductance of the element. Given in Henrys (\(\text{H}\)).

  • capacitance – Capacitance of the element. Given in Farads (\(\text{F}\)).

  • face – Integer-valued face index for the port.

  • junction – Whether this port models a SQUID/Junction. Used in EPR calculations.

  • signal_layer – Manual override for simulation signal layer. May be used to set ports across the ground layer with ground.

  • etch_width – Width of a trace between signal_location and ground_location, on which the metal is etched away. Useful when adding a lumped port on a waveguide.

  • floating – activate floating port -> does not force “ground side” to ground.


Returns polygon under which the metal should be etched away

class kqcircuits.simulations.port.EdgePort(number: int, signal_location: DPoint, resistance: float = 50, reactance: float = 0, inductance: float = 0, capacitance: float = 0, deembed_len: float | None = None, face: int = 0, junction: bool = False, size=None)[source]

Bases: Port

Data structure for ports at the edge of the simulation area.

  • number – Port number.

  • signal_location – Edge location for signal source.

  • resistance – Real part of impedance. Given in Ohms (\(\Omega\)).

  • reactance – Imaginary part of impedance. Given in Ohms (\(\Omega\)).

  • inductance – Inductance of the element. Given in Henrys (\(\text{H}\)).

  • capacitance – Capacitance of the element. Given in Farads (\(\text{F}\)).

  • deembed_len – Port de-embedding length. Given in simulation units, usually microns (\(\text{um}\)).

  • face – Integer-valued face index for the port.

  • junction – Whether this port models a SQUID/Junction. Used in EPR calculations.

  • size – Width and height of the port to override Simulation.port_size. Optionally, the size can be set as a list specifying the extensions from the center of the port to left, right, down and up, respectively.
