Source code for kqcircuits.chips.quality_factor_twoface

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
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from math import ceil

from kqcircuits.chips.chip import Chip
from kqcircuits.elements.spiral_resonator_polygon import SpiralResonatorPolygon
from kqcircuits.elements.waveguide_composite import WaveguideComposite, Node
from kqcircuits.elements.waveguide_coplanar_splitter import WaveguideCoplanarSplitter
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.util.coupler_lib import cap_params
from kqcircuits.util.geometry_helper import get_angle
from kqcircuits.util.parameters import Param, pdt, add_parameters_from
from kqcircuits.chips.quality_factor import QualityFactor

[docs] @add_parameters_from( QualityFactor, "res_lengths", "n_fingers", "l_fingers", "type_coupler", res_a=[10, 10, 10, 20, 10, 5], res_b=[6, 6, 6, 12, 6, 3], ) @add_parameters_from(Chip, frames_enabled=[0, 1]) @add_parameters_from(SpiralResonatorPolygon, "bridge_spacing") class QualityFactorTwoface(Chip): """The PCell declaration for a QualityFactorTwoFace chip. Preliminary class for flip-chip resonators. """ resonator_types = Param( pdt.TypeList, "Resonator types (capped, twoface, etched, or solid)", ["capped"] * 6, docstring="Choices: 'capped', 'twoface', 'etched', 'solid'", ) resonator_faces = Param(pdt.TypeList, "Resonator face order list", [0, 1]) connector_distances = Param( pdt.TypeList, "Resonator input to face to face connector", [500, 1300, 2100, 2900, 3700, 4500] * 2, unit="[μm]", docstring="Distances of face to face connectors from resonator inputs", ) spiral_box_height = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Spiral resonator box height", 2000) spiral_box_width = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Spiral resonator box width", 500) x_indentation = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Resonator/connector indentation from side edges", 800) cap_res_distance = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Distance between spiral resonator and capacitor", 200) waveguide_indentation = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Waveguide indentation from top chip edge", 500) extra_resonator_avoidance = Param( pdt.TypeList, "Added avoidance", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], unit="[μm]", docstring="Added avoidance around resonators. At both faces.", ) extra_resonator_etch = Param( pdt.TypeList, "Added opposite face etch", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], unit="μm", docstring="Extra opposite side etching margin around resonators.", )
[docs] def build(self): self._produce_resonators()
def _produce_resonators(self): self.produce_launchers( "SMA8", launcher_assignments={ 3: "PL-1-OUT", 8: "PL-1-IN", }, ) # Constants face1_box = self.get_box(1) left_x = face1_box.left + self.waveguide_indentation right_x = face1_box.right - self.waveguide_indentation left_connector = face1_box.left + self.x_indentation right_connector = face1_box.right - self.x_indentation mid_y = resonator_face_ids = [self.face_ids[int(i)] for i in self.resonator_faces] n_resonators = len(self.res_lengths) start_x = left_connector + self.spiral_box_width resonator_spacing = (right_connector - left_connector - self.spiral_box_width) / n_resonators resonator_positions = [pya.DPoint(start_x + (i + 0.5) * resonator_spacing, mid_y) for i in range(n_resonators)] resonator_directions = [90, 270] * ceil(n_resonators / 2) # Create probeline tee_length = self.a_capped / 2 + self.b_capped side_tee_length = tee_length + 5 * self.a_capped splitter_nodes = [ Node( point, WaveguideCoplanarSplitter, angles=[0, 180, angle], lengths=[tee_length, tee_length, side_tee_length], inst_name=f"{i}_t", ) for i, (point, angle) in enumerate(zip(resonator_positions, resonator_directions)) ] probeline = self.add_element( WaveguideComposite, nodes=[ Node(self.refpoints["PL-1-IN_port"]), Node( pya.DPoint(face1_box.left, self.refpoints["PL-1-IN_port"].y), a=self.a_capped, b=self.b_capped, taper_length=100, ), Node(pya.DPoint(left_x, self.refpoints["PL-1-IN_port"].y)), Node(pya.DPoint(left_x, mid_y)), Node(pya.DPoint(left_connector, mid_y), face_id=resonator_face_ids[0]), *splitter_nodes, Node(pya.DPoint(right_connector, mid_y), face_id=self.face_ids[0]), Node(pya.DPoint(right_x, mid_y)), Node(pya.DPoint(right_x, self.refpoints["PL-1-OUT_port"].y)), Node( pya.DPoint(face1_box.right - 100, self.refpoints["PL-1-OUT_port"].y), a=self.a, b=self.b, taper_length=100, ), Node(self.refpoints["PL-1-OUT_port"]), ], ) self.insert_cell(probeline, inst_name="pl") # Create resonators for i in range(n_resonators): extra_resonator_etch = float(self.extra_resonator_etch[i]) if i < len(self.extra_resonator_etch) else 0.0 self.produce_resonator( i, float(self.res_a[i]), float(self.res_b[i]), float(self.res_lengths[i]), float(self.n_fingers[i]), float(self.l_fingers[i]), self.type_coupler[i], resonator_face_ids, self.resonator_types[i], float(self.connector_distances[i]), float(self.extra_resonator_avoidance[i]), extra_resonator_etch, mirror=(i % 2 == 1), )
[docs] def produce_resonator( self, i, a, b, length, n_fingers, l_fingers, type_coupler, face_ids, resonator_type="capped", connector_distance=0.0, extra_resonator_avoidance=0.0, extra_resonator_etch=0.0, mirror=False, ): """ Produce a single spiral resonator and corresponding input capacitor. The resonator is attached to the chip refpoint ``pl_{i}_t_port_c``, where `i` is the resonator index (this can be any identifier, as long as it is used the same way in the refpoint name). The direction of the resonator is set by the corresponding ``_corner`` refpoint, but the spiral can be left or right depending on ``mirror``. Args: i: Resonator index a: CPW line width b: CPW gap width length: Resonator length (excluding capacitor) n_fingers: Capacitor finger number, or finger_control for ``SmoothCapacitor`` l_fingers: Capacitor finger length type_coupler: Type of capacitor, see ``cap_params`` face_ids: list of face ids for the resonator resonator_type: String, type of resonator, one of ``etched``, ``capped``, ``solid`` or ``twoface`` connector_distance: For ``twoface`` resonators, distance of the flip chip connector starting from capacitor extra_resonator_avoidance: Extra ``ground_grid_avoidance`` margin around the resonator extra_resonator_etch: Extra etching on top of ``etch_opposite_face_margin`` mirror: Turn clockwise if False, or counter-clockwise if True. """ if resonator_type in ["etched", "capped"]: protect_opposite_face = False elif resonator_type == "solid": protect_opposite_face = True else: protect_opposite_face = self.protect_opposite_face # Get starting angle start = self.refpoints[f"pl_{i}_t_port_c"] start_corner = self.refpoints[f"pl_{i}_t_port_c_corner"] start_angle = get_angle(start_corner - start) # Capacitor cplr_params = cap_params( n_fingers, l_fingers, type_coupler, protect_opposite_face=protect_opposite_face, face_ids=face_ids, a=self.a_capped, b=self.b_capped, a2=a, b2=b, element_key="cell", ) _, cplr_refpoints = self.insert_cell( **cplr_params, align="port_a", align_to=start, etch_opposite_face=(resonator_type == "etched"), trans=pya.DCplxTrans(1, start_angle, False, 0, 0), ) # Spiral resonator if resonator_type == "twoface": res_params = {"connector_dist": connector_distance, "bridge_spacing": 0} elif resonator_type == "etched": res_params = { "airbridge_type": "Airbridge Multi Face", "include_bumps": False, "bridge_length": a + 2 * (b + self.etch_opposite_face_margin + extra_resonator_etch), "bridge_width": 2, "pad_length": 2, "bridge_spacing": self.bridge_spacing, "etch_opposite_face": True, "etch_opposite_face_margin": self.etch_opposite_face_margin + extra_resonator_etch, } else: res_params = {"bridge_spacing": 0} self.insert_cell( SpiralResonatorPolygon, margin=self.margin + extra_resonator_avoidance, input_path=pya.DPath( [ pya.DPoint(0, 0), ], 10, ), poly_path=pya.DPath( [ pya.DPoint(self.cap_res_distance, 0), pya.DPoint(self.spiral_box_height, 0), pya.DPoint(self.spiral_box_height, -self.spiral_box_width), pya.DPoint(self.cap_res_distance, -self.spiral_box_width), ], 10, ), length=length, a=a, b=b, face_ids=face_ids, protect_opposite_face=protect_opposite_face, **res_params, inst_name=f"resonator{i}", trans=pya.DCplxTrans(1, start_angle, mirror, cplr_refpoints["port_b"]), )