# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2024 IQM Finland Oy
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Functions to tune and replace junctions in existing design files.
See scripts/macros/export/export_tuned_junctions.lym for a use case of these functions
from os import path
from typing import Dict, List
import logging
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.junctions import junction_type_choices
from kqcircuits.junctions.junction import Junction
from kqcircuits.chips.chip import Chip
from kqcircuits.util.library_helper import load_libraries, to_library_name
class JunctionEntry:
"""All junction properties we want to store when extracting junctions"""
def __init__(self, class_type: type, trans: pya.DCplxTrans, parameters: Dict, parent_name: str, name: str) -> None:
self.type = class_type
self.trans = trans
self.parameters = parameters
self.parent_name = parent_name
self.name = name
def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool:
return (
self.type == __value.type
and self.trans == __value.trans
and self.parameters == __value.parameters
and self.parent_name == __value.parent_name
and self.name == __value.name
def _check_junction_names_unique(junctions):
"""Raises exception if ``junctions`` contains a non-unique (parent_name, name) key-pair"""
unique_names = set()
for junction in junctions:
if (junction.parent_name, junction.name) in unique_names:
error_text = (
"Following cell parent name and child name is not unique in top cell: "
f"{(junction.parent_name, junction.name)}. "
"Something seems to be wrong with KQC generated cell"
error = ValueError(error_text)
logging.exception(error_text, exc_info=error)
raise error
unique_names.add((junction.parent_name, junction.name))
def _check_missing_junction_parameters(
junction_class_name, junction_schema_errors, params, tuned_params, parent_name, name
"""Run for every found junction to compare junction library schema (`params`)
and schema as given in json file (`tuned_params`).
If some parameter keys are missing in `tuned_params`, stores missing keys in mutable `junction_schema_errors`.
`junction_schema_errors` is a dict that has junction class as keys, and as values
a tuple "missing_fields" with set of missing parameter keys and a list for junction names.
Note that some parameter keys are ignored.
ignore_param_keys = {
if junction_class_name not in junction_schema_errors:
junction_schema_errors[junction_class_name] = {"missing_fields": (set(), []), "surplus_fields": (set(), [])}
missing_fields = set(params.keys()).difference(set(tuned_params.keys())).difference(ignore_param_keys)
if len(missing_fields) > 0:
junction_schema_errors[junction_class_name]["missing_fields"][1].append((parent_name, name))
def _check_surplus_junction_parameters(
junction_class_name, junction_schema_errors, params, tuned_params, parent_name, name
"""Run for every found junction to compare junction library schema (`params`)
and schema as given in json file (`tuned_params`).
If some parameter keys are in `tuned_params` but not in `params`,
stores missing keys in mutable `junction_schema_errors`.
`junction_schema_errors` is a dict that has junction class as keys, and as values
a tuple "surplus_fields" with set of surplus parameter keys and a list for junction names.
if junction_class_name not in junction_schema_errors:
junction_schema_errors[junction_class_name] = {"missing_fields": (set(), []), "surplus_fields": (set(), [])}
surplus_fields = set(tuned_params.keys()).difference(set(params.keys()))
if len(surplus_fields) > 0:
junction_schema_errors[junction_class_name]["surplus_fields"][1].append((parent_name, name))
def _print_surplus_junction_parameters(junction_schema_errors):
"""Logs as warning the content of "surplus_fields" in `junction_schema_errors`
junction parameters that were attempted to be tuned,
yet were not defined for the given junction types.
for k, v in junction_schema_errors.items():
surplus_fields, junctions = v["surplus_fields"]
if len(surplus_fields) > 0:
f"{k} class junction attempted to be tuned with parameters "
f"that are not part of the class: {surplus_fields}"
logging.warning(f"for {junctions[:5]}\n")
def _halt_if_missing_junction_parameters(junction_schema_errors, is_pcell):
"""Raises exception if "missing_fields" for some entry in `junction_schema_errors` is not empty,
formats an error message to show all missing parameter keys detected for each junction type
and names the affected junctions.
error_text = ""
for k, v in junction_schema_errors.items():
missing_fields, junctions = v["missing_fields"]
if len(missing_fields) > 0:
error_text = (
f"{k} class junction parameters missing {missing_fields}\n"
f"missing for {junctions[:5]}\n\n"
if len(error_text) > 0:
if is_pcell:
error_text = (
"Since junction type was changed for some junctions, "
"the tuned junction json should give value at least for parameters "
"that are in new junction type but not in old junction type.\n"
f"Following junction parameters missing:\n\n{error_text}"
error_text = (
"Since the cell doesn't contain pre-existing PCell parameter data, "
"the tuned junction json should be exhaustive.\n"
f"Following junction parameters missing:\n\n{error_text}"
error = ValueError("Some junction parameters were missing in the tuning json, see log for details")
logging.exception(error_text, exc_info=error)
raise error
def check_static_cell_has_junctions(top_cell: pya.Cell) -> bool:
"""Perform quick check on a static chip cell if it contains a junction.
Args: top_cell - top cell of the chip
Returns: True if chip contains at least one junction.
layout = top_cell.layout()
def recursive_junction_search(inst):
cell = layout.cell(inst.cell_index)
cell_class_from_name = cell.name.split("$")[0].replace("*", " ")
is_junction = cell_class_from_name in junction_type_choices
if is_junction:
return True
for i in cell.each_inst():
if recursive_junction_search(i):
return True
return False
for i in top_cell.each_inst():
if recursive_junction_search(i):
return True
return False
def place_junctions(top_cell: pya.Cell, junctions: List[JunctionEntry]) -> None:
"""Places `junctions` to `top_cell` in the same location and orientation as in
the cell they were extracted from, but with possibly tuned parameters.
layout = top_cell.layout()
for junction in junctions:
if "junction_type" not in junction.parameters:
junction.parameters["junction_type"] = to_library_name(junction.type.__name__)
if to_library_name(junction.type.__name__) != junction.parameters["junction_type"]:
error_text = (
f"Exported junction of class '{to_library_name(junction.type.__name__)}', "
f"but 'junction_type' parameter was set to {junction.parameters['junction_type']}"
error = ValueError(error_text)
logging.exception(error_text, exc_info=error)
raise error
junction_cell = Junction.create(layout, **junction.parameters)
top_cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(junction_cell.cell_index(), junction.trans))
def get_tuned_junction_json(junctions: List[JunctionEntry]) -> Dict:
"""Returns a jsonable dict of all junction parameters for each junction entry in `junctions`.
If junctions were extracted from a cell with pcell data, the json can be extracted to
have an exhaustive list of all junction parameters so that junctions can then be tuned
using a cell with no pcell data, which is faster to read.
result = {}
for junction in junctions:
if junction.parent_name not in result:
result[junction.parent_name] = {}
result[junction.parent_name][junction.name] = junction.parameters
return result
def copy_one_layer_of_cell(
write_path: str, top_cell: pya.Cell, junctions: List[JunctionEntry], layer_string: str
) -> None:
"""Extracts all geometry in `top_cell` at layer `layer_string`
and saves the geometry into a new file at `write_path`.
The face of the layer is determined from `junctions` parameters.
This can be used to extract geometry of alignment markers as well as other geometry
to visualize junctions within a context of surrounding elements.
The file at `write_path` may be loaded later and junctions may be placed using
`place_junctions` into the top cell of the file, then saved again.
# TODO: Assuming face of the junction determined by first element of 'face_ids'.
# Reconsider once multiface junctions are introduced.
faces_set = {j.parameters["face_ids"][0] for j in junctions}
if len(faces_set) > 1:
error_text = f"Detected inconsistent junction face assignments {faces_set}"
error = ValueError(error_text)
logging.exception(error_text, exc_info=error)
raise error
face = list(faces_set)[0]
layout = top_cell.layout()
layers = [l for l in layout.layer_infos() if l.name == (f"{face}_{layer_string}")]
if not layers:
error_text = f"Layer not found '{face}_{layer_string}'"
error = ValueError(error_text)
logging.exception(error_text, exc_info=error)
raise error
layer = layers[0]
svopt = pya.SaveLayoutOptions()
svopt.add_layer(layout.layer(layer), layer)
svopt.write_context_info = False
layout.write(write_path, svopt)
def replace_squids(cell, junction_type, parameter_name, parameter_start, parameter_step, parameter_end=None):
"""DEPRECATED! Replaces squids by code generated squids with the given parameter sweep.
All squids below top_cell in the cell hierarchy are removed. The number of code
generated squids may be limited by the value of parameter_end.
cell (Cell): The cell where the squids to be replaced are
junction_type: class name of the code generated squid that replaces the other squids
parameter_name (str): Name of the parameter to be swept
parameter_start: Start value of the parameter
parameter_step: Parameter value increment step
parameter_end: End value of the parameter. If None, there is no limit for the parameter value, so that all
squids are replaced
layout = cell.layout()
parameter_value = parameter_start
junction_types = [choice if isinstance(choice, str) else choice[1] for choice in junction_type_choices]
old_squids = [] # list of tuples (squid instance, squid dtrans with respect to cell, old name)
def recursive_replace_squids(top_cell_inst, combined_dtrans):
"""Appends to old_squids all squids in top_cell_inst or any instance below it in hierarchy."""
# cannot use just top_cell_inst.cell due to klayout bug, see
# https://www.klayout.de/forum/discussion/1191/cell-shapes-cannot-call-non-const-method-on-a-const-reference
top_cell = layout.cell(top_cell_inst.cell_index)
for subcell_inst in top_cell.each_inst():
subcell_name = subcell_inst.cell.name.split("$")[0]
if subcell_name in junction_types:
old_squids.append((subcell_inst, combined_dtrans * subcell_inst.dcplx_trans, subcell_name))
recursive_replace_squids(subcell_inst, combined_dtrans * subcell_inst.dcplx_trans)
for inst in cell.each_inst():
if inst.cell.name in junction_types:
old_squids.append((inst, inst.dcplx_trans, inst.cell.name))
recursive_replace_squids(inst, inst.dcplx_trans)
# sort left-to-right and bottom-to-top
old_squids.sort(key=lambda squid: (squid[1].disp.x, squid[1].disp.y))
for inst, dtrans, name in old_squids:
if (parameter_end is None) or (parameter_value <= parameter_end):
# create new squid at old squid's position
parameters = {parameter_name: parameter_value}
squid_cell = Junction.create(
layout, junction_type=junction_type, face_ids=inst.pcell_parameter("face_ids"), **parameters
cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(squid_cell.cell_index(), dtrans))
'Replaced squid "%s" with dtrans=%s by a squid "%s" with %s=%s.',
parameter_value += parameter_step
# delete old squid
def replace_squid(top_cell, inst_name, junction_type, mirror=False, squid_index=0, **params):
"""DEPRECATED! Replaces a SQUID by the requested alternative in the named instance.
Replaces the SQUID(s) in the sub-element(s) named ``inst_name`` with other SQUID(s) of
``junction_type``. The necessary SQUID parameters are specified in ``params``. If ``inst_name`` is
a Test Structure then ``squid_index`` specifies which SQUID to change.
top_cell: The top cell with SQUIDs to be replaced
inst_name: Instance name of PCell containing the SQUID to be replaced
junction_type: Name of SQUID Class or .gds/.oas file
mirror: Mirror the SQUID along its vertical axis
squid_index: Index of the SQUID to be replaced within a Test Structure
**params: Extra parameters for the new SQUID
def find_cells_with_squids(chip, inst_name):
"""Returns the container cells in `chip` called `inst_name`"""
cells = []
layout = chip.layout()
for inst in chip.each_inst():
if inst.property("id") == inst_name:
cells.append((chip, inst))
elif isinstance(inst.pcell_declaration(), Chip): # recursively look for more chips
cells += find_cells_with_squids(layout.cell(inst.cell_index), inst_name)
return cells
cells = find_cells_with_squids(top_cell, inst_name)
if not cells:
logging.warning(f"Could not find anything named '{inst_name}'!")
layout = top_cell.layout()
file_cell = None
if junction_type.endswith(".oas") or junction_type.endswith(".gds"): # try to load from file
if not path.exists(junction_type):
logging.warning(f"No file found at '{path.realpath(junction_type)}!")
load_opts = pya.LoadLayoutOptions()
load_opts.cell_conflict_resolution = pya.LoadLayoutOptions.CellConflictResolution.RenameCell
layout.read(junction_type, load_opts)
file_cell = layout.top_cells()[-1]
file_cell.name = f"Junction Library.{file_cell.name}"
for chip, inst in cells:
orig_trans = inst.dcplx_trans
ccell = inst.layout().cell(inst.cell_index)
if ccell.is_pcell_variant(): # make copy if used elsewhere
dup = ccell.dup()
dup.set_property("id", inst.property("id"))
chip.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(dup.cell_index(), orig_trans), dup.prop_id)
ccell = dup
squids = [sq for sq in ccell.each_inst() if sq.cell.qname().find("Junction Library") != -1]
squids.sort(key=lambda q: q.property("squid_index"))
if not squids or squid_index >= len(squids) or squid_index < 0:
logging.warning(f"No SQUID found in '{inst_name}' or squid_index={squid_index} is out of range!")
old_squid = squids[squid_index]
if old_squid.is_pcell():
params = {"face_ids": old_squid.pcell_parameter("face_ids"), **params}
trans = old_squid.dcplx_trans * pya.DCplxTrans.M90 if mirror else old_squid.dcplx_trans
squid_pos = (orig_trans * trans).disp
logging.info(f"Replaced SQUID of '{inst_name}' with {junction_type} at {squid_pos}.")
if file_cell:
new_squid = ccell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(file_cell.cell_index(), trans))
new_squid = Junction.create(layout, junction_type=junction_type, **params)
new_squid = ccell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(new_squid.cell_index(), trans))
new_squid.set_property("squid_index", squid_index)
def convert_cells_to_static(layout):
"""DEPRECATED! Converts all cells in the layout to static."""
converted_cells = {}
# convert the cells to static
for cell in layout.each_cell():
if cell.is_library_cell():
cell_idx = cell.cell_index()
new_cell_idx = layout.convert_cell_to_static(cell_idx)
if new_cell_idx != cell_idx:
converted_cells[cell_idx] = new_cell_idx
# translate the instances
for cell in layout.each_cell():
for inst in cell.each_inst():
if inst.cell_index in converted_cells:
inst.cell_index = converted_cells[inst.cell_index]
# delete the PCells
for cell_idx in converted_cells: