Source code for kqcircuits.util.refpoints

# This code is part of KQCircuits
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from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya

[docs] class Refpoints: """Helper class for extracting reference points from given layer and cell. Once Refpoints is initialized, it can be used similar way as dictionary, where reference point text (string) field is the key and reference point position (pya.DPoint) is the value. Refpoints is implemented such that the dictionary is extracted from given layer and cell only when it's used for the first time. Extracting the dictionary can be relatively time-demanding process, so this way we can speed up the element creation process in KQC. Attributes: layer: layer specification for source of reference points cell: cell containing the reference points trans: transform for converting reference points into target coordinate system rec_levels: recursion level when looking for reference points from subcells. Set to 0 to disable recursion. """ def __init__(self, layer, cell, trans, rec_levels): self.layer = layer self.cell = cell self.trans = trans self.rec_levels = rec_levels self.refpoints = None
[docs] def dict(self): """Extracts and returns reference points as dictionary, where text is the key and position is the value.""" if self.refpoints is None: self.refpoints = {} shapes_iter = pya.RecursiveShapeIterator(self.cell.layout(), self.cell, self.layer) if self.rec_levels is not None: shapes_iter.max_depth = self.rec_levels while not shapes_iter.at_end(): shape = shapes_iter.shape() if shape.type() in (pya.Shape.TText, pya.Shape.TTextRef): self.refpoints[shape.text_string] = self.trans * ( shapes_iter.dtrans() * pya.DPoint(shape.text_dpos) ) return self.refpoints
def __iter__(self): """Returns iterator""" return iter(self.dict()) def __getitem__(self, item): """The [] operator to return position for given reference point text.""" return self.dict()[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value): """The [] operator to set a new reference point.""" self.dict()[item] = value
[docs] def items(self): """Returns a list of text-position pairs.""" return self.dict().items()
[docs] def keys(self): """Returns a list of texts.""" return self.dict().keys()
[docs] def values(self): """Returns a list of positions.""" return self.dict().values()
[docs] class RefpointToSimPort: """Class that takes a refpoint of an Element class with given string and places appropriate Simulation port(s) at the refpoint's location if the simulation object was instantiated using the `get_single_element_sim_class` class builder. Attributes: refpoint: Refpoint name string face: index of the face where the refpoint is located """ def __init__(self, refpoint, face=0): self.refpoint, self.face = refpoint, face
[docs] class RefpointToInternalPort(RefpointToSimPort): """Creates an InternalPort at refpoint with given string""" def __init__( self, refpoint, ground_refpoint, resistance=50, reactance=0, inductance=0, capacitance=0, face=0, junction=False, signal_layer="signal", ): super().__init__(refpoint, face) ( self.ground_refpoint, self.resistance, self.reactance, self.inductance, self.capacitance, self.junction, self.signal_layer, ) = (ground_refpoint, resistance, reactance, inductance, capacitance, junction, signal_layer)
[docs] class RefpointToEdgePort(RefpointToSimPort): """Creates an EdgePort at refpoint with given string""" def __init__( self, refpoint, resistance=50, reactance=0, inductance=0, capacitance=0, face=0, deembed_len=None, junction=False, ): super().__init__(refpoint, face) self.resistance, self.reactance, self.inductance, self.capacitance, self.deembed_len, self.junction = ( resistance, reactance, inductance, capacitance, deembed_len, junction, )
[docs] class WaveguideToSimPort(RefpointToSimPort): """A waveguide is created leading to the port at the refpoint with given string in the Simulation object Attributes: refpoint: Refpoint name string face: index of the face where the `refpoint` is located towards: Another refpoint name string towards which direction the waveguide will extend. If set to None, will default to "{refpoint}_corner" side: Indicate on which edge the port should be located. Ignored for internal ports. Must be one of `left`, `right`, `top` or `bottom` use_internal_ports: if True, ports will be inside the simulation. If False, ports will be brought out to an edge of the box, determined by `side`. Defaults to the value of the `use_internal_ports` parameter waveguide_length: length of the waveguide (μm), used only for internal ports Defaults to the value of the `waveguide_length` parameter term1: Termination gap (μm) at the location of `refpoint` turn_radius: Turn radius of the waveguide. Not relevant for internal ports. Defaults to the value of the `r` parameter a: Center conductor width. Defaults to the value of the `a` parameter b: Conductor gap width. Defaults to the value of the `b` parameter over_etching: Expansion of gaps. Defaults to the value of the `over_etching` parameter airbridge: if True, an airbridge will be inserted at location of the `refpoint`. Default False """ def __init__( self, refpoint, face=0, towards=None, side=None, use_internal_ports=None, waveguide_length=None, term1=0, turn_radius=None, a=None, b=None, over_etching=None, airbridge=False, ): super().__init__(refpoint, face) ( self.towards, self.side, self.use_internal_ports, self.waveguide_length, self.term1, self.turn_radius, self.a, self.b, self.over_etching, self.airbridge, ) = (towards, side, use_internal_ports, waveguide_length, term1, turn_radius, a, b, over_etching, airbridge)
[docs] class JunctionSimPort(RefpointToSimPort): """Creates internal ports for a junction in the Simulation object. Depending on the value of the `separate_island_internal_ports` parameter, will either create two internal ports at both ends of the junction, or one port that covers both junctions. Attributes: refpoint: Refpoint name string. Defaults to "port_squid_a" as most commonly used junction port name other_refpoint: Refpoint name string of the other end of the junction Defaults to "port_squid_b" as most commonly used junction port name face: index of the face where the `refpoint` is located """ def __init__(self, refpoint="port_squid_a", other_refpoint="port_squid_b", face=0): super().__init__(refpoint, face) self.other_refpoint = other_refpoint