Source code for kqcircuits.util.netlist_extraction

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
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import json
import logging
import os.path
from os import cpu_count

from kqcircuits.defaults import default_layers, default_netlist_breakdown, default_faces
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.util.geometry_helper import get_cell_path_length
from kqcircuits.util.geometry_json_encoder import GeometryJsonEncoder

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def export_cell_netlist(cell, filename, pcell=None, alt_netlists=None): """Exports netlist(s) in JSON into file(s). The file will have four sections: ``{"nets": {...}, "subcircuits": {...}, "circuits": {...}, "chip": {...}}`` KLayout's `terminology <>`__ differs from the one used in typical EDA tools where we have components (resistors, capacitors, etc.), pins (the endpoints of components) and nets (i.e. wires between pins). Components are PCell instances, a.k.a. cells, these are called subcircuits in the netlist file. The main conceptual difference is that waveguides, that would be analogous to wires, are also treated as components. Consequently, a net in the ``nets`` section usually contains exactly two overlapping pins that belong to two different components each identified by a unique ``subcircuit_id``. One of these is almost always a waveguide. Unconnected pins are not shown except for Launchers. The ``subcircuits`` section is a dictionary of the used cells: ``<subcircuit_id>: {"cell_name": "...", "subcircuit_location": {"_pya_type": "DPoint", "x": <x>, "y": <y>}, ...}``. Where ``cell_name`` is the name of the used Element optionally appended with ``$<n>`` if there are more than one Elements of the same type. Different instances of the same cell will have different ``subcircuit_id`` but identical ``cell_name``. ``subcircuit_location`` defines the center of the bounding box of the subcircuit's geometry in ``base_metal_gap_wo_grid`` layer, while ``subcircuit_origin`` defines the center of the bounding box of netlist ports of the cell. The ``circuits`` section maps ``cell_name`` to a dictionary of the named Element's parameters. If the Cell object is a Chip, the ``chip`` section contains bounding boxes of each face in the chip. This function may generate alternative netlists too as specified in the ``alt_netlists`` dictionary. The keys should be tags that get added to the generated netlist filenames and the values are the corresponding Element breakdown lists used to generate them. The default netlist is generated regadless of this parameter. Args: cell: pya Cell object filename: absolute path as convertible to string pcell: pya PCell object. If None, an attempt is made to treat cell as pcell alt_netlists: optional dictionary of file name postfixes and element breakdown lists """ if pcell is None: pcell = cell _export_cell_netlist_breakdown(cell, filename, pcell, default_netlist_breakdown) if isinstance(alt_netlists, dict): fn, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) for tag, breakdown in alt_netlists.items(): fnt = f"{fn}_{tag}{ext}" _export_cell_netlist_breakdown(cell, fnt, pcell, breakdown)
def _export_cell_netlist_breakdown(cell, filename, pcell, breakdown_list): """A helper function of ``export_cell_netlist``, processes a single breakdown list.""" # get LayoutToNetlist object layout = cell.layout() faces_with_ports = [face_id for face_id in default_faces if f"{face_id}_ports" in default_layers] port_layers = [layout.layer(default_layers[f"{face_id}_ports"]) for face_id in faces_with_ports] shapes_iter = pya.RecursiveShapeIterator(layout, cell, port_layers) ltn = pya.LayoutToNetlist(shapes_iter) # text_enlargement>0 converts the texts into boxes so that their overlaps are detected as connections ltn.dss().text_enlargement = 1 # parallel processing ltn.threads = cpu_count() # select conducting layers for face_id in faces_with_ports: connector_region = ltn.make_layer(layout.layer(default_layers[f"{face_id}_ports"]), f"connector_{face_id}") ltn.connect(connector_region) # extract netlist for the cell ltn.extract_netlist() # extract cell to circuit map for finding the netlist of interest cm = ltn.const_cell_mapping_into(layout, cell) reverse_cell_map = {v: k for k, v in cm.table().items()} # export the circuit of interest circuit = ltn.netlist().circuit_by_cell_index(reverse_cell_map[cell.cell_index()]) if circuit:"Exporting netlist to {filename}") _export_netlist(circuit, filename, ltn.internal_layout(), layout, cm, pcell, breakdown_list) else:"No circuit found for {cell.display_title()}") def _transformations_close_enough(trans_a, trans_b): angle_a, angle_b = trans_a.angle, trans_b.angle if angle_a - angle_b > 180: angle_a -= 360 elif angle_b - angle_a > 180: angle_b -= 360 return ( trans_a.mag == trans_b.mag and trans_a.is_mirror() == trans_b.is_mirror() and abs(angle_a - angle_b) < 0.001 and (trans_a.disp - trans_b.disp).length() < 0.001 ) def _export_netlist(circuit, filename, internal_layout, original_layout, cell_mapping, pcell, breakdown_list): """A helper function of ``export_cell_netlist``, exports ``circuit`` into ``filename``. Args: circuit: pya Circuit object filename: absolute path as convertible to string internal_layout: pya layout object where the netlist cells are registered original_layout: pya Layout object where the original cells and pcells are registered cell_mapping: CellMapping object as given by pya LayoutToNetlist object pcell: pya PCell object from which circuit was extracted breakdown_list: a list of Elements to break down for the netlist """ # first flatten subcircuits mentioned in elements to breakdown # TODO implement an efficient depth first search or similar solution for _ in range(internal_layout.top_cell().hierarchy_levels()): subcircuits = list(circuit.each_subcircuit()) for subcircuit in subcircuits: internal_cell = internal_layout.cell(subcircuit.circuit_ref().cell_index) if"$")[0].replace("*", " ") in breakdown_list: circuit.flatten_subcircuit(subcircuit) nets_for_export = {} for net in circuit.each_net(): nets_for_export[net.expanded_name()] = extract_nets(net) subcircuits_for_export = {} used_internal_cells = set() # selects last cell in the layout, which will contain all instances of all cells with user properties *_, last_cell = original_layout.each_cell() # retrieve all instances in last_cell hierarchy # instances in original layout are identified by cell index and transformation # the concatenated transformation of instance's predecessors is stored as tuple's second element original_instances = [] instance_queue = list(last_cell.each_inst()) instance_queue = [(instance, pya.DCplxTrans.R0) for instance in instance_queue] while len(instance_queue) > 0: instance, instance_trans = instance_queue.pop(0) original_instances.append((instance, instance_trans)) for child in instance.cell.each_inst(): instance_queue.append((child, instance_trans * instance.dcplx_trans)) # Indexing as defined in default_layers is not consistent with layer indexing in original_layout base_metal_gap_wo_grid_layer_idx_array = [ idx for idx, li in enumerate(original_layout.layer_infos()) if"_base_metal_gap_wo_grid") ] for subcircuit in circuit.each_subcircuit(): internal_cell = internal_layout.cell(subcircuit.circuit_ref().cell_index) if cell_mapping.has_mapping(internal_cell.cell_index()): original_cell_index = cell_mapping.cell_mapping(internal_cell.cell_index()) possible_instances = [ (i, i_trans) for i, i_trans in original_instances if i.cell.cell_index() == original_cell_index ] else: original_cell = original_layout.cell( if not original_cell: ( f"{} element has no cell mapping in {} " "between circuit layout and orignal layout. " "Depending on cell type this can make the netlist unusable. " "Using subcircuit center point as subcircuit_location" ) ) possible_instances = [] else: ( f"There was no cell mapping for {} element " "between circuit layout and orignal layout, " "but the element in original layout was succesfully looked up by name." ) ) original_cell_index = original_cell.cell_index() possible_instances = [ (i, i_trans) for i, i_trans in original_instances if i.cell.cell_index() == original_cell_index ] used_internal_cells.add(internal_cell) if hasattr(subcircuit, "trans"): subcircuit_trans = subcircuit.trans subcircuit_location = (subcircuit.trans * subcircuit.circuit_ref().boundary).bbox().center() else: # sane defaults for klayout 0.26 as it does not have `subcircuit.trans` subcircuit_trans = pya.DCplxTrans.R0 subcircuit_location = pya.DPoint(0.0, 0.0) instances_with_eq_trans = [ (i, i_trans) for i, i_trans in possible_instances if _transformations_close_enough(i_trans * i.dcplx_trans, subcircuit_trans) ] property_dict = {} correct_instance = None if instances_with_eq_trans: # Find property_dict if available instances_with_property_dict = [(i, i_trans) for i, i_trans in instances_with_eq_trans if i.has_prop_id()] if instances_with_property_dict: correct_instance, correct_instance_trans = instances_with_property_dict[0] property_dict = { key: value for (key, value) in if key != "id" } else: correct_instance, correct_instance_trans = instances_with_eq_trans[0] # Collect bounding boxes for all *_base_metal_gap_wo_grid layers # then construct a bigger bounding box that envelops all of them bboxes = [] for idx in base_metal_gap_wo_grid_layer_idx_array: bbox = correct_instance.dbbox_per_layer(idx) if not bbox.empty(): bboxes.append(bbox) if len(bboxes) > 0: combined_bbox = pya.DBox( min([bbox.p1.x for bbox in bboxes]), min([bbox.p1.y for bbox in bboxes]), max([bbox.p2.x for bbox in bboxes]), max([bbox.p2.y for bbox in bboxes]), ) # subcircuit_location is the center of geometry of all *_base_metal_gap_wo_grid layers in the cell # we also transform the point by instance's predecessors' transformation subcircuit_location = correct_instance_trans * else: ( "%s element has no bounding boxes in *_base_metal_gap_wo_grid layers in %s," " using subcircuit center point as subcircuit_location instead" ),,, ) elif possible_instances: ( "Could not find a matching element for %s subcircuit in the orignal layout of %s," " using subcircuit center point as subcircuit_location instead" ),,, ) subcircuits_for_export[] = { "cell_name":, "instance_name":"id") if correct_instance else None, "subcircuit_origin": subcircuit_trans.disp, "subcircuit_location": subcircuit_location, "properties": property_dict, } circuits_for_export = {} for internal_cell in sorted(used_internal_cells, key=lambda cell: circuits_for_export[] = extract_circuits(cell_mapping, internal_cell, original_layout) chip_for_export = {} if pcell.pcell_declaration() is not None: chip_params = pcell.pcell_parameters_by_name() if {"frames_enabled", "face_boxes", "face_ids", "box"} <= set(chip_params.keys()): for face in chip_params["frames_enabled"]: face_box = chip_params["face_boxes"][int(face)] if face_box is None: face_box = chip_params["box"] face_id = chip_params["face_ids"][int(face)] chip_for_export[f"{face_id}_face_dimensions"] = face_box with open(str(filename), "w") as fp: json.dump( { "nets": nets_for_export, "subcircuits": subcircuits_for_export, "circuits": circuits_for_export, "chip": chip_for_export, }, fp, cls=GeometryJsonEncoder, indent=4, )
[docs] def extract_nets(net): """Extract dictionary for net for JSON export""" net_for_export = [] for pin_ref in net.each_subcircuit_pin(): net_for_export.append({"subcircuit_id": pin_ref.subcircuit().id(), "pin":}) return net_for_export
[docs] def extract_circuits(cell_mapping, internal_cell, layout): """Extract dictionary for circuit for JSON export""" if cell_mapping.has_mapping(internal_cell.cell_index()): original_cell_index = cell_mapping.cell_mapping(internal_cell.cell_index()) original_cell = layout.cell(original_cell_index) else: original_cell = layout.cell( if original_cell: # Cell looked up by name, circuits has cell after all original_cell_index = original_cell.cell_index() circuit_for_export = {"circuit_has_cell": original_cell is not None} if original_cell: is_pcell = original_cell.is_pcell_variant() circuit_for_export["is_pcell"] = is_pcell pcell_parameters = original_cell.pcell_parameters_by_name() # remove regardless if exists since it does not actually include more than base anyway pcell_parameters.pop("refpoints", None) if is_pcell: circuit_for_export = {**circuit_for_export, **pcell_parameters} circuit_for_export["waveguide_length"] = get_cell_path_length(original_cell) return circuit_for_export