Source code for kqcircuits.util.merge

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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from kqcircuits.elements.element import Element
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.util.geometry_helper import region_with_merged_polygons

[docs] def merge_layers(layout, cell_list, layer_1, layer_2, layer_merged): """Inserts shapes in layer_1 and layer_2 to layer_merged. Args: layout: Layout of the cells cell_list: list of Cells whose shapes are merged (recursively) layer_1: LayerInfo of the layer to be merged with layer_2 layer_2: LayerInfo of the layer to be merged with layer_1 layer_merged: LayerInfo of the layer where the merged shapes are inserted """ for cell in cell_list: iter1 = pya.RecursiveShapeIterator(layout, cell, layout.layer(layer_1)) iter2 = pya.RecursiveShapeIterator(layout, cell, layout.layer(layer_2)) reg1 = pya.Region(iter1) reg2 = pya.Region(iter2) merge_reg = reg1 + reg2 cell.shapes(layout.layer(layer_merged)).insert(merge_reg)
[docs] def merge_layout_layers_on_face(layout, cell, face, tolerance=0.004): """Creates "base_metal_gap" layer on given face. The layer shape is combination of three layers using subtract (-) and insert (+) operations: "base_metal_gap" = "base_metal_gap_wo_grid" - "base_metal_addition" + "ground_grid" Args: layout: Layout containing the cell cell: Cell to merge face: face dictionary containing layer names as keys and layer info objects as values tolerance: gap length to be ignored while merging (µm) """ gaps = pya.Region(cell.begin_shapes_rec(layout.layer(face["base_metal_gap_wo_grid"]))) metal = pya.Region(cell.begin_shapes_rec(layout.layer(face["base_metal_addition"]))) grid = cell.begin_shapes_rec(layout.layer(face["ground_grid"])) res = cell.shapes(layout.layer(face["base_metal_gap"])) res.insert(region_with_merged_polygons(gaps - metal, tolerance / layout.dbu)) res.insert(grid)
[docs] def convert_child_instances_to_static( layout: pya.Layout, cell: pya.Cell, only_elements: bool = True, prune: bool = True ): """Convert child instances of a cell to static. This function avoids duplicating cells: in case there are multiple instances pointing to the same PCell, only one static cell is created and all instances are pointed to that cell. This is in contrast to calling ``Instance.convert_to_static()`` on each instance separately. Args: layout: the Layout that contains the cell cell: static cell that may contain PCell instances to be converted only_elements: if True (default), only PCells which are descendants of Element are made static prune: if True, the PCells are deleted if they are no longer used anywhere in the layout. """ # Build a dictionary {pcell: list of instances} for all instances that need to be converted cells_to_convert = {} for inst in cell.each_inst(): if inst.is_pcell() and (not only_elements or isinstance(inst.pcell_declaration(), Element)): pcell = layout.cell(inst.cell_index) cells_to_convert[pcell] = cells_to_convert.get(pcell, []) + [inst] # Convert the cells and point the instances to the new static cell for pcell, instances in cells_to_convert.items(): static_cell_index = layout.convert_cell_to_static(pcell.cell_index()) for inst in instances: inst.cell_index = static_cell_index # Prune: deletes the old PCells unless they are still used elsewhere. if prune: for pcell in cells_to_convert: layout.prune_cell(pcell.cell_index(), -1)