# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
# The software distribution should follow IQM trademark policy for open-source software
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import ast
import re
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.elements.waveguide_composite import Node, WaveguideComposite
from kqcircuits.util.library_helper import load_libraries, element_by_class_name
def get_nodes_near_position(top_cell, position, box_size=10, require_gui_editing_enabled=True):
"""Find all WaveguideComposite nodes near a specified position.
Considers only waveguides that are a direct child of the specified ``top_cell``.
top_cell: cell in which to search for WaveguideComposite instances
position: pya.DPoint position where to search for nodes
box_size: capture distance in x,y away from ``position`` where the node can be
require_gui_editing_enabled: if True, only instances with ``enable_gui_editing==True`` are considered.
a list of tuples ``(instance, node, node_index)`` where ``instance`` is the WaveguideComposite Instance,
``node`` is the ``Node`` object that ``node_index`` is the index of ``node`` in the ``nodes`` parameter of
the waveguide.
box = pya.DBox(pya.DPoint(-box_size, -box_size), pya.DPoint(box_size, box_size)).moved(pya.DVector(position))
found_nodes = []
for inst in top_cell.each_inst():
if inst.is_pcell() and isinstance(inst.pcell_declaration(), WaveguideComposite):
if (not require_gui_editing_enabled) or inst.pcell_parameter("enable_gui_editing"):
dtrans = inst.dcplx_trans
nodes = Node.nodes_from_string(inst.pcell_parameter("nodes"))
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
node_position = dtrans * node.position
if box.contains(node_position):
found_nodes.append((inst, node, i))
return found_nodes
def node_to_text(node):
"""Convert ``Node`` object to text fields that can be used for GUI editing.
The inverse of this function is ``node_from_text``.
node: Node to convert
tuple of strings ``(x, y, element, inst_name, angle, length_before, length_increment, align, parameters)``
x = str(node.position.x)
y = str(node.position.y)
inst_name = node.inst_name if node.inst_name is not None else ""
angle = str(node.angle) if node.angle is not None else ""
length_before = str(node.length_before) if node.length_before is not None else ""
length_increment = str(node.length_increment) if node.length_increment is not None else ""
element = node.element.__name__ if node.element is not None else ""
align = ",".join(node.align) if node.align is not None else ""
parameters = "\n".join([f"{key}={repr(value)}" for key, value in node.params.items()])
return (x, y, element, inst_name, angle, length_before, length_increment, align, parameters)
def node_from_text(x, y, element, inst_name, angle, length_before, length_increment, align, parameters):
"""Create Node from text inputs.
This is the inverse of ``node_to_text``.
For all arguments except x and y, an empty string is treated as default value. Spaces are stripped from the inputs.
For ``parameters``, the values will be parsed by ``ast.literal_eval``, which accepts most standard python literals.
x (str): x position, will be converted to float
y (str): y position, will be converted to float
element (str): class name of the element, must exist in the `kqcircuits.elements` namespace
inst_name (str): instance name to use for the element
angle (str): angle of the node, will be converted to float
length_before (str): length before this node, will be converted to float
length_increment (str): length increment produced by meander before this node, will be converted to float
align (str): input and output refpoint to use for aligning the element, separated by a comma
parameters (str): multiline string, where each line contains a parameter=value pair.
Returns: Node
ValueError: if an input value cannot be converted to the correct type.
x = float(x)
y = float(y)
params = {}
if inst_name != "":
params["inst_name"] = inst_name.strip()
if angle != "":
params["angle"] = float(angle)
if length_before != "":
params["length_before"] = float(length_before)
if length_increment != "":
params["length_increment"] = float(length_increment)
element = element.strip()
if element == "":
element = None
if align != "":
params["align"] = tuple(s.strip() for s in align.split(","))
param_lines = parameters.split("\n")
for param_line in param_lines:
param_line = param_line.strip()
if param_line != "":
m = re.fullmatch(r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*(.*)", param_line)
if not m:
raise ValueError("Element parameters should be one key=value pair on each line")
key = m.groups()[0]
value = ast.literal_eval(m.groups()[1])
params[key] = value
return Node.deserialize((x, y, element, params))
def replace_node(waveguide_instance, node_index, node):
"""Replace a Node in a WaveguideComposite by index.
waveguide_instance: Instance of the waveguide
node_index: (int) index of the node to replace
node: new Node
nodes = Node.nodes_from_string(waveguide_instance.pcell_parameter("nodes"))
nodes[node_index] = node
waveguide_instance.change_pcell_parameter("nodes", [str(node) for node in nodes])
# Update gui_path and gui_path_shadow to reflect possible position changes in the node
if waveguide_instance.pcell_parameter("enable_gui_editing"):
path = pya.DPath([node.position for node in nodes], 1)
# Round to database units since the KLayout partial tool also works in database units
dbu = waveguide_instance.layout().dbu
path = path.to_itype(dbu).to_dtype(dbu)
waveguide_instance.change_pcell_parameter("gui_path", path)
waveguide_instance.change_pcell_parameter("gui_path_shadow", path)
def get_all_node_elements():
"""Returns all class names from PCells in the Element library which can be used in WaveguideComposite nodes
List of class names (str)
valid_elements = ["Airbridge"]
layout = load_libraries(path="elements")["Element Library"].layout()
for pcell_id in layout.pcell_ids():
pcell = layout.pcell_declaration(pcell_id)
return valid_elements
def get_valid_node_elements():
"""Returns a list of all element class names which would be, at least in principle, usable as ```Node.element```.
An element is considered valid if it has at least two refpoint pairs ```X``` and ```X_corner```, for any value of
Note: this function creates each element with default parameter values. Since this is generally slow and clumsy,
this function is not used at startup. Instead, a curated list ```node_editor_valid_elements``` is kept in
List of class names (str)
layout = pya.Layout()
all_elements = get_all_node_elements()
valid_elements = []
for classname in all_elements:
element = element_by_class_name(classname)
if element is not None:
cell, refp = element.create_with_refpoints(layout)
refpoints_with_corner = [
name.rstrip("_corner") for name in refp if name.endswith("_corner") and name.rstrip("_corner") in refp
if len(refpoints_with_corner) > 1:
return valid_elements