Source code for kqcircuits.util.geometry_json_encoder

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
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import json

from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya

[docs] class GeometryJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """JSON encoder that converts several pya D* types into JSON objects."""
[docs] def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, pya.DPoint): return {"_pya_type": "DPoint", "x": o.x, "y": o.y} if isinstance(o, pya.DVector): return {"_pya_type": "DVector", "x": o.x, "y": o.y} if isinstance(o, pya.DBox): return {"_pya_type": "DBox", "p1": self.default(o.p1), "p2": self.default(o.p2)} if isinstance(o, pya.LayerInfo): return {"_pya_type": "LayerInfo", "layer": o.layer, "datatype": o.datatype} if isinstance(o, pya.DPath): return {"_pya_type": "DPath", "points": [self.default(p) for p in o.each_point()], "width": o.width} if isinstance(o, pya.DEdge): return {"_pya_type": "DEdge", "p1": self.default(o.p1), "p2": self.default(o.p2)} if isinstance(o, pya.DPolygon): return { "_pya_type": "DPolygon", "hull": [self.default(p) for p in o.each_point_hull()], "holes": [[self.default(p) for p in o.each_point_hole(i)] for i in range(o.holes())], } # Defer to standard json encoder for other cases return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
[docs] class GeometryJsonDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): """JSON decoder that converts JSON objects into pya D* type objects.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(object_hook=GeometryJsonDecoder._decode_geometry, *args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _decode_geometry(js): if "_pya_type" not in js: return js if js["_pya_type"] == "DPoint": return pya.DPoint(js["x"], js["y"]) if js["_pya_type"] == "DVector": return pya.DVector(js["x"], js["y"]) if js["_pya_type"] == "DBox": return pya.DBox(js["p1"], js["p2"]) if js["_pya_type"] == "LayerInfo": return pya.LayerInfo(js["layer"], js["datatype"]) if js["_pya_type"] == "DPath": return pya.DPath(js["points"], js["width"]) if js["_pya_type"] == "DEdge": return pya.DEdge(js["p1"], js["p2"]) if js["_pya_type"] == "DPolygon": polygon = pya.DPolygon(js["hull"]) for hole in js["holes"]: polygon.insert_hole(hole) return polygon raise json.JSONDecodeError(f"_pya_type '{js['_pya_type']}' not currently deserializable: {js}", js, 0)
[docs] def encode_python_obj_as_dict(o): """Encodes a Python object into a JSON parseable dict Args: o - Python object """ return json.loads(GeometryJsonEncoder().encode(o))
[docs] def decode_dict_as_python_obj(o): """Decodes a JSON parseable dict into a Python object Args: o - JSON parseable dict """ return GeometryJsonDecoder().decode(json.dumps(o))