Source code for kqcircuits.util.dependencies

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2024 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# The software distribution should follow IQM trademark policy for open-source software
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from importlib import import_module
from io import IOBase
from pathlib import Path
from sys import platform
import os
import site
import setuptools

[docs] def install_kqc_gui_dependencies(): """Check KQCircuits' dependencies against klayout-requirements.txt file and install/upgrade if missing. This is *only* for KLayout GUI. Stand-alone mode needs manual pip install or pip-sync, preferably in a venv. This function should run only once at KLayout startup. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya # Skip installation in stand-alone python package mode if not hasattr(pya, "MessageBox"): return detected_os = None if == "nt": # Windows detected_os = "win" elif == "posix": if platform == "darwin": # macOS detected_os = "mac" else: detected_os = "linux" else: raise SystemError("Unsupported operating system.") target_dir = os.path.split(setuptools.__path__[0])[0] test_file = IOBase() try: test_file_path = os.path.join(target_dir, ".test.file") # Following throws PermissionError if target_dir needs sudo test_file = open(test_file_path, "x") # pylint: disable=R1732 test_file.close() if os.path.exists(test_file_path): os.remove(test_file_path) except PermissionError: target_dir = site.USER_SITE finally: test_file.close() mismatch = {} # Check path expected after Developer guide installation requirements_dir = Path(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/../../kqcircuits_requirements") if not requirements_dir.exists(): # Check path expected after SALT installation requirements_dir = Path(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/../../requirements") if not requirements_dir.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( "Can't find gui-requirements.txt file. " + "If you used a developer GUI setup, try running 'python3'" ) requirements_file = f"{requirements_dir}/{detected_os}/gui-requirements.txt" with open(requirements_file) as f: for line in f: line = line.split("#")[0] tokens = line.split("==") if len(tokens) < 2: continue package = tokens[0].strip() version = tokens[1].split("\\")[0].strip() try: mod = import_module(package) if not hasattr(mod, "__version__"): raise ModuleNotFoundError() if mod.__version__ != version: mismatch[package] = (version, mod.__version__) except ModuleNotFoundError: mismatch[package] = (version, None) if not mismatch: return mismatch_msg = "\n".join( [ ( f" '{package}' ({expected_version}) - not installed" if not installed_version else f" '{package}' expected version {expected_version}, got {installed_version}" ) for package, (expected_version, installed_version) in mismatch.items() ] ) # Install missing modules inside KLayout. from pip import __main__ if hasattr(__main__, "_main"): main = __main__._main else: from pip._internal.cli.main import main ask = pya.MessageBox.warning( "Dependencies out of date", "Some dependencies for KQCircuits GUI were found to be out of date, according to\n" + f"{requirements_file}\n\n" + "The affected dependencies are:\n\n" + mismatch_msg + "\n\nInstall up to date dependencies?", pya.MessageBox.Yes + pya.MessageBox.No, ) if ask == pya.MessageBox.Yes: main(["install", "-r", requirements_file, "--upgrade", f"--target={target_dir}"]) error_msg = "" for package, (expected_version, _) in mismatch.items(): try: mod = import_module(package) if not hasattr(mod, "__version__"): raise ModuleNotFoundError() if mod.__version__ != expected_version: error_msg += f"{package} still has version {mod.__version__} instead of {expected_version}\n" except ModuleNotFoundError: error_msg += f"{package} still not installed\n" if error_msg: pya.MessageBox.warning( "Dependency update not in effect", f"{error_msg}\nDependency update has not come into effect, KLayout restart is needed.\n\n" + "If a prompt related to dependencies appears again, " + "this means something went wrong with the update.\n", 0, )