Source code for kqcircuits.test_structures.airbridge_dc

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
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from kqcircuits.elements.airbridges.airbridge import Airbridge
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.test_structures.test_structure import TestStructure
from kqcircuits.util.parameters import Param, pdt

[docs] class AirbridgeDC(TestStructure): """The PCell declaration for an airbridge test structure for four-point DC measurements.""" n_ab = Param(pdt.TypeInt, "Number of airbridges", 30) pad_height = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Pad height", 500, unit="μm") width = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Total width", 2000, unit="μm")
[docs] def build(self): # create airbridges and islands through which they are connected cell_ab = self.add_element(Airbridge, airbridge_type="Airbridge Rectangular") ab_params = cell_ab.pcell_parameters_by_name() bridge_width = ab_params["bridge_width"] ab_pad_extra = ab_params["pad_extra"] ab_pad_width = ab_params["pad_length"] - 2 * ab_pad_extra ab_pad_length = ab_params["pad_length"] - 2 * ab_pad_extra bridge_length = ab_params["bridge_length"] + 2 * ab_pad_extra island_margin = 5 # how much an island extends beyond airbridge pads island_width = bridge_width + ab_pad_extra * 2 + 2 * island_margin airbridge_separation = 30 island_height = ( max(2 * (ab_pad_length + ab_pad_width / 2), 2 * (ab_pad_width + ab_pad_extra)) + airbridge_separation + island_margin * 2 ) island = pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(0, 0), pya.DPoint(0, island_height), pya.DPoint(island_width, island_height), pya.DPoint(island_width, 0), ] ) islands_region = pya.Region() x_step = island_width + bridge_length y_step = island_height + bridge_length pad_spacing_y = 150 # The airbridges are created from left to right, by "snaking" in such a way that minimal horizontal space is # used, while keeping within the vertical extents of the pads. n_ab_placed = 0 n_ab_remaining = self.n_ab n_ab_horizontal = 0 # The ab_type here depends the position and direction of the airbridge: # "bottom" and "top" for horizontal airbridges at top or bottom of a vertical sequence of airbridges # "up" and "down" for vertical airbridges depending on which direction the airbridge is compared to previous one ab_type = "bottom" x = 0 y = 0 row = 0 while n_ab_remaining > 0: if ab_type == "bottom": ab_trans = pya.DTrans( 1, False, x + (island_width + x_step) / 2, y + island_margin + ab_pad_width / 2 + ab_pad_extra ) x += x_step if row == 0 and n_ab_remaining < 5: ab_type = "top" else: ab_type = "up" n_ab_horizontal += 1 elif ab_type == "up": ab_trans = pya.DTrans(0, False, x + island_width / 2, y + island_height + (y_step - island_height) / 2) y += y_step row += 1 if y + 2 * island_height + bridge_length > pad_spacing_y / 2 + self.pad_height + island_height / 2 or ( row >= 0 and (n_ab_remaining <= row + 4 or n_ab_remaining == row + 6) ): ab_type = "top" elif ab_type == "top": ab_trans = pya.DTrans( 1, False, x + (island_width + x_step) / 2, y + island_height - island_margin - ab_pad_width / 2 - ab_pad_extra, ) x += x_step if row == 0 and n_ab_remaining < 5: ab_type = "bottom" else: ab_type = "down" n_ab_horizontal += 1 else: # ab_type == "down" ab_trans = pya.DTrans(0, False, x + island_width / 2, y - (y_step - island_height) / 2) y -= y_step row -= 1 if ( y - island_height - bridge_length < -pad_spacing_y / 2 - self.pad_height + island_height / 2 or (row < 0 and (n_ab_remaining <= -row + 4 or n_ab_remaining == -row + 6)) or (row == 0 and n_ab_remaining < 5) ): ab_type = "bottom" self.insert_cell(cell_ab, ab_trans) if n_ab_remaining > 1: island_trans = pya.DTrans(pya.DVector(x, y)) islands_region.insert((island_trans * island).to_itype(self.layout.dbu)) n_ab_placed += 1 n_ab_remaining -= 1 pad_spacing_x = n_ab_horizontal * (bridge_length + island_width) - island_width # once all the airbridges and islands have been created, transform them so that they are centered around (0, 0) islands_trans = pya.DTrans(pya.DVector(-pad_spacing_x / 2 - island_width, -island_height / 2)) islands_region.transform(islands_trans.to_itype(self.layout.dbu)) for inst in self.cell.each_inst(): inst.transform(islands_trans) # create pads pads_region = pya.Region() gap_extra = 50 # how much the gap layer extends beyond the pads pad_width = (self.width - pad_spacing_x) / 2 - gap_extra self.produce_four_point_pads( pads_region, pad_width, self.pad_height, pad_spacing_x, pad_spacing_y, True, refpoint_distance=100 ) # combine pads and islands and create the metal gap region based on them metal_region = islands_region + pads_region self.produce_etched_region( metal_region, pya.DPoint(0, 0), 2 * pad_width + pad_spacing_x + 2 * gap_extra, 2 * self.pad_height + pad_spacing_y + 2 * gap_extra, )