Source code for kqcircuits.simulations.export.util

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
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import math
from typing import List
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.defaults import default_output_format

[docs] def export_layers(filename, layout, cells=None, layers=None, output_format=default_output_format): svopt = pya.SaveLayoutOptions() svopt.format = output_format svopt.write_context_info = False if layers is not None: svopt.deselect_all_layers() for layer in layers: svopt.add_layer(layout.layer(layer), layer) if cells is not None: svopt.clear_cells() for cell in cells: svopt.add_cell(cell.cell_index()) svopt.no_empty_cells = True layout.write(filename, svopt)
[docs] def find_edge_from_point_in_cell(cell: pya.Cell, layer: int, point: pya.DPoint, dbu, tolerance=0.01): """ Finds the edge closest to a point, and returns the edge as well as it's polygon and edge index """ return find_edge_from_point_in_polygons(cell.shapes(layer).each(pya.Shapes.SPolygons), point, dbu, tolerance)
def _dist(edge: pya.Edge, point: pya.Point): """ If point projected to line by edge is in edge then use `distance_abs` but otherwise take the minimum distance to end points """ v_edge = pya.Vector(edge.p2 - edge.p1) if v_edge.sprod(v_edge) > 0: v_point_start = pya.Vector(point - edge.p1) v_point_end = pya.Vector(point - edge.p2) v_point_start_projection = v_edge.sprod(v_point_start) / math.sqrt(v_edge.sprod(v_edge)) v_point_end_projection = v_edge.sprod(v_point_end) / math.sqrt(v_edge.sprod(v_edge)) if edge.length() >= abs(v_point_start_projection + v_point_end_projection): out = edge.distance_abs(point) else: out = min(point.distance(edge.p1), point.distance(edge.p2)) else: out = min(point.distance(edge.p1), point.distance(edge.p2)) return out
[docs] def find_edge_from_point_in_polygons(polygons: List[pya.Polygon], point: pya.DPoint, dbu, tolerance=0.01): """ Finds the edge closest to a point, and returns the edge as well as it's polygon and edge index """ # Find closest edge to point edges = [ (i, j, edge.to_dtype(dbu)) for (i, polygon) in enumerate(polygons) for (j, edge) in enumerate(polygon.each_edge()) ] (distance, i, j, nearest_edge) = sorted([(_dist(edge, point), i, j, edge) for (i, j, edge) in edges])[0] if distance < tolerance: return i, j, nearest_edge else: raise ValueError(f"No edge found at {point=}, {nearest_edge=}, {distance=}")
[docs] def get_enclosing_polygon(points: List[List[float]]): """ Order points in such a way that they form a polygon without intersecting lines. The ordering is clockwise starting from the left-most point. Arguments: points: List of points [x,y] Returns: ordered list of points [x,y] """ # Find y-coordinate of linear interpolation between p0 = [x0,y0] and # p1 = [x1,y1] corresponding to x def _linearinterpy(p0, p1, x): """ Find y-coordinate of linear interpolation between p0 = [x0,y0] and p1 = [x1,y1] corresponding to x Arguments: p0, p1: Points [x,y] x: x-coordinate to interpolate at Returns: y = y0 + (x-x0)*(dy/dx) """ return p0[1] + (x - p0[0]) * ((p1[1] - p0[1]) / (p1[0] - p0[0])) # Sort by x and then y, to ensure we go from lowest left-most point to # highest right-most point. points.sort() # Leftmost and rightmost point pleft = points[0] pright = points[-1] # Split remaining points into groups above and below # the line pleft - pright pabove = [] pbelow = [] for p in points[1:-1]: if p[1] > _linearinterpy(pleft, pright, p[0]): pabove.append(p) else: pbelow.append(p) # Construct polygon starting from pleft and going clockwise # Note: we rely on the fact that pabove and pbelow are still sorted by x # Note: the polygon is not closed. pbelow.reverse() return [pleft] + pabove + [pright] + pbelow