Source code for kqcircuits.simulations.export.sonnet.parser

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
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import logging
from string import Template

[docs] def apply_template(filename_template, filename_output, rules): with open(filename_template) as filein: src = Template( results = src.substitute(rules) with open(filename_output, "w") as fileout: fileout.write(results)
# dirname_sondata = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename_output), "sondata") # if not os.path.exists(dirname_sondata): # os.mkdir(dirname_sondata) # dirname_project = os.path.join(dirname_sondata, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename_output))[0]) # if not os.path.exists(dirname_project): # os.mkdir(dirname_project)
[docs] def polygon_head( nvertices, # number of vertices of the polygon debugid, # unique number for sonnet internal debugging ilevel=0, # sonnet layer number mtype=-1, # metallization type index, -1 for lossless filltype="N", # N for staircase, T for diagonal, V for conformal xmin=1, # minimum subsection size ymin=1, # minimum subsection size xmax=100, # maximum subsection size ymax=100, # maximum subsection size conmax=0, # maximum length for conformal mesh subsection, 0 for auto res=0, # reserved for sonnet future edge_mesh="Y", # edge mesh on (Y) or off (N) ): return ( f"{ilevel} {nvertices} {mtype} {filltype} {debugid} {xmin} {ymin} {xmax} {ymax} {conmax} {res} {res} " f"{edge_mesh}\n" )
[docs] def symmetry(sym: bool = False): sonnet_str = "" if sym: sonnet_str = "SYM" return sonnet_str
[docs] def box( xwidth: float = 8000.0, ywidth: float = 8000.0, xcells: int = 8000, ycells: int = 8000, materials_type: str = "Si BT", ): xcells2 = 2 * xcells ycells2 = 2 * ycells nsubs = 20 # placeholder for deprecated parameter eeff = 0 # placeholder for deprecated parameter materials = { "Si RT": '3000 1 1 0 0 0 0 "vacuum"\n500 11.7 1 0 0 0 0 "Silicon (room temperature)"', "Si BT": '3000 1 1 0 0 0 0 "vacuum"\n500 11.45 1 1e-006 0 0 0 "Silicon (10mK)"', "SiOx+Si": '3000 1 1 0 0 0 0 "vacuum"\n0.55 3.78 11.7 1 0 0 0 "SiOx (10mK)"\n525 11.45 1 1e-06 0 0 0 "Si ' '(10mK)"', "Si+Al": '3000 1 1 0 0 0 0 "vacuum"\n0.5 9.9 1 0.0001 0 0 0 "Alumina (99.5%)"\n0.45 1 1 0 0 0 0 "vacuum"' '\n525 11.45 1 1e-06 0 0 0 "Si (10mK)"', }[materials_type] nlev = {"Si": 1, "Si BT": 1, "SiOx+Si": 2, "Si+Al": 3}[materials_type] return f"BOX {nlev} {xwidth} {ywidth} {xcells2} {ycells2} {nsubs} {eeff}\n{materials}"
[docs] def refplane( position: str, length: int = 0, port_ipoly: str = "" # "LEFT" | "RIGHT" | "TOP" | "BOTTOM", # "LINK" or "FIX" ): if port_ipoly != "": plane_type = "LINK" poly = "POLY {} 1\n0\n".format(port_ipoly[0]) length = "" else: plane_type = "FIX" poly = "" return f"DRP1 {position} {plane_type} {length}\n{poly}"
[docs] def refplanes(positions, length, port_ipolys): sonnet_str = "" for i, pos in enumerate(positions): sonnet_str += refplane(pos, length, port_ipolys[i]) return sonnet_str
[docs] def port( portnum, ipolygon, ivertex, port_type="STD", # STD for standard | AGND autogrounded | CUP cocalibrated xcord=0, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ycord=0, # pylint: disable=unused-argument group="", resist=50, react=0, induct=0, capac=0, ): if group: group = '"' + group + '"' return f"POR1 {port_type} {group}\nPOLY {ipolygon} 1\n{ivertex}\n{portnum} {resist} {react} {induct} {capac}\n"
# {xcord} {ycord} [reftype rpcallen] # def ports(shapes): # sonnet_str = "" # polygons = 0 # # # FIXME Maybe the shapes will not have the same indexes as polygons in the region! # for shape in shapes.each(): # if shape: # polygons += 1 # ivertex ="sonnet_port_edge") # portnum ="sonnet_port_nr") # if ivertex!=None and portnum!=None: # sonnet_str += port(ipolygon=polygons-1, portnum=portnum, ivertex=ivertex) # # return sonnet_str
[docs] def control(control_type): return { "Simple": "SIMPLE", # Linear frequency sweep "ABS": "ABS", # Sonnet guesses the resonances, simulates about 5 points around the resonance and interpolates # the rest "Sweep": "VARSWP", }[control_type]
[docs] def polygons(polygons, v, dbu, ilevel, fill_type): sonnet_str = "NUM {}\n".format(len(polygons)) for i, hole_poly in enumerate(polygons): poly = hole_poly.resolved_holes() if hasattr(poly, "isVia"): sonnet_str += via(poly, debugid=i, ilevel=next(ilevel)) else: sonnet_str += polygon_head( nvertices=poly.num_points_hull() + 1, debugid=i + 1, ilevel=next(ilevel), filltype=fill_type ) # "Debugid" is actually used for mapping ports to polygons, 0 is # not allowed for _, point in enumerate(poly.each_point_hull()): sonnet_str += "{} {}\n".format( point.x * dbu + v.x, -(point.y * dbu + v.y) ) # sonnet Y-coordinate goes in the other direction point = next(poly.each_point_hull()) # first point again to close the polygon sonnet_str += "{} {}\nEND\n".format(point.x * dbu + v.x, -(point.y * dbu + v.y)) return sonnet_str
[docs] def via(poly, debugid, ilevel): via_head = polygon_head(nvertices=poly.num_points_hull() + 1, debugid=debugid, ilevel=ilevel, mtype=0) return "VIA POLYGON\n" + via_head + "TOLEVEL 1 RING COVERS\n"