Source code for kqcircuits.simulations.export.elmer.elmer_export

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2022 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
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import os
import stat
import logging
import json
import argparse
import platform

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Sequence, Union, Tuple, Dict, Optional

from kqcircuits.simulations.export.simulation_export import (
from kqcircuits.simulations.export.simulation_validate import validate_simulation
from kqcircuits.simulations.export.util import export_layers
from kqcircuits.util.export_helper import write_commit_reference_file
from kqcircuits.simulations.simulation import Simulation
from kqcircuits.simulations.cross_section_simulation import CrossSectionSimulation
from kqcircuits.simulations.export.elmer.elmer_solution import ElmerEPR3DSolution, ElmerSolution, get_elmer_solution
from kqcircuits.simulations.post_process import PostProcess

[docs] def export_elmer_json( simulation: Union[Simulation, CrossSectionSimulation], solution: ElmerSolution, path: Path, workflow: dict ): """ Export Elmer simulation into json and gds files. Args: simulation: The simulation to be exported. solution: The solution to be exported. path: Location where to write json and gds files. workflow: Parameters for simulation workflow Returns: Path to exported json file. """ is_cross_section = isinstance(simulation, CrossSectionSimulation) if simulation is None or not isinstance(simulation, (Simulation, CrossSectionSimulation)): raise ValueError("Cannot export without simulation") # write .gds file gds_file = + ".gds" gds_file_path = str(path.joinpath(gds_file)) if not Path(gds_file_path).exists(): export_layers( gds_file_path, simulation.layout, [simulation.cell], output_format="GDS2", layers=simulation.get_layers(), ) sim_data = simulation.get_simulation_data() sol_data = solution.get_solution_data() full_name = + if is_cross_section: sif_names = [f"{full_name}_C"] if sol_data["run_inductance_sim"]: if any((london > 0 for london in sim_data["london_penetration_depth"].values())): sif_names += [f"{full_name}_L"] else: sif_names += [f"{full_name}_C0"] elif solution.tool == "wave_equation": if solution.sweep_type == "interpolating": sif_names = [] else: sif_names = [full_name + "_f" + str(f).replace(".", "_") for f in sol_data["frequency"]] else: sif_names = [full_name] json_data = { "name": full_name, "workflow": workflow, **sim_data, **sol_data, "sif_names": sif_names, "gds_file": gds_file, "parameters": get_combined_parameters(simulation, solution), } # write .json file json_file_path = str(path.joinpath(full_name + ".json")) export_simulation_json(json_data, json_file_path) return json_file_path
[docs] def export_elmer_script( json_filenames, path: Path, workflow=None, script_folder: str = "scripts", file_prefix: str = "simulation", script_file: str = "", post_process=None, compile_elmer_modules=False, ): """ Create script files for running one or more simulations. Create also a main script to launch all the simulations at once. Args: json_filenames: List of paths to json files to be included into the script. path: Location where to write the script file. workflow: Parameters for simulation workflow script_folder: Path to the Elmer-scripts folder. file_prefix: File prefix of the script file to be created. script_file: Name of the script file to run. post_process: List of PostProcess objects, a single PostProcess object, or None to be executed after simulations compile_elmer_modules: Compile custom Elmer energy integration module at runtime. Not supported on Windows. Returns: Path of exported main script file """ if workflow is None: workflow = dict() sbatch = "sbatch_parameters" in workflow python_executable = workflow.get("python_executable", "python") main_script_filename = str(path.joinpath(file_prefix + ".sh")) execution_script = Path(script_folder).joinpath(script_file) path.joinpath("log_files").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if sbatch: def _multiply_time(time_str, multiplier): """ Helper function to multiply a time of format "HH:MM:SS" with a constant. In this case, we multiply timeout per simulation by the number of simulations Args: time_str (str): Time in format "HH:MM:SS" multiplier (float): multiplier Returns: New time string in format "HH:MM:SS" """ time_str = time_str.strip() if len(time_str) != 8: raise ValueError('Invalid sbatch/slurm time formatting! Format has to be "HH:MM:SS"') hours = int(int(time_str[0:2]) * multiplier) minutes = int(int(time_str[3:5]) * multiplier) seconds = int(int(time_str[6:8]) * multiplier) if seconds > 60: minutes = minutes + seconds // 60 seconds = seconds % 60 if minutes > 60: hours = hours + minutes // 60 minutes = minutes % 60 return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(hours, minutes, seconds) def _multiply_mem(mem_str, multiplier): """ Helper function to multiply a memory specification with a constant. If multiplier < 1, will convert to using smaller units if possible Args: mem_str (str): Amount of memory in format "1234X" where "X" specifies the unit and anything before is a number specifying the amount multiplier (float): multiplier Returns: New memory string """ original_memstr = mem_str.strip() unit = original_memstr[-1] if unit in ("K", "M", "G", "T"): original_mem_int = int(original_memstr.partition(unit)[0]) else: original_mem_int = int(original_memstr) unit = "M" downconversion = {"M": "K", "G": "M", "T": "G"} if multiplier < 1.0 and unit != "K": elmer_mem_per_f = int(original_mem_int * 1024 * multiplier) elmer_mem_per_f = str(elmer_mem_per_f) + downconversion[unit] else: elmer_mem_per_f = int(original_mem_int * multiplier) elmer_mem_per_f = str(elmer_mem_per_f) + unit return elmer_mem_per_f def _divup(a, b): return -(a // -b) sbatch_parameters = workflow["sbatch_parameters"] parallelization_level = workflow["_parallelization_level"] n_simulations = workflow["_n_simulations"] _n_workers = int(sbatch_parameters.pop("n_workers", 1)) if parallelization_level == "full_simulation": n_workers_full = _n_workers n_workers_elmer_only = 1 n_simulations_gmsh = n_simulations elif parallelization_level == "elmer": n_workers_full = 1 n_workers_elmer_only = _n_workers n_simulations_gmsh = 1 elif parallelization_level == "none": n_workers_full = 1 n_workers_elmer_only = 1 n_simulations_gmsh = 1 else: logging.warning(f"Unknown parallelization level {parallelization_level}") if sbatch_parameters.get("--account", "project_0") == "project_0": sbatch_parameters["--account"] = KQC_REMOTE_ACCOUNT common_keys = [k for k in sbatch_parameters.keys() if k.startswith("--")] sbatch_settings_elmer = {k: sbatch_parameters.pop(k) for k in common_keys} sbatch_settings_meshes = sbatch_settings_elmer.copy() max_cpus_per_node = int(sbatch_parameters.pop("max_threads_per_node", 40)) elmer_tasks_per_worker = int(sbatch_parameters.pop("elmer_n_processes", 10)) elmer_cpus_per_task = int(sbatch_parameters.pop("elmer_n_threads", 1)) if elmer_cpus_per_task > 1 and elmer_tasks_per_worker > 1: logging.warning( "Using both process and thread level parallelization" " with Elmer might result in poor performance" ) elmer_cpus_per_worker = elmer_tasks_per_worker * elmer_cpus_per_task elmer_mem_per_worker = sbatch_parameters.pop("elmer_mem", "64G") if elmer_cpus_per_worker > max_cpus_per_node: elmer_nodes_per_worker = _divup(elmer_cpus_per_worker, max_cpus_per_node) elmer_total_nodes = elmer_nodes_per_worker * _n_workers elmer_tasks_per_node = min(elmer_tasks_per_worker, max_cpus_per_node) elmer_mem_per_node = _multiply_mem(elmer_mem_per_worker, _n_workers / elmer_total_nodes) else: elmer_nodes_per_worker = 1 elmer_max_workers_per_node = max_cpus_per_node // elmer_cpus_per_worker elmer_total_nodes = _divup(_n_workers, elmer_max_workers_per_node) elmer_workers_per_node = min(_n_workers, elmer_max_workers_per_node) elmer_tasks_per_node = elmer_workers_per_node * elmer_tasks_per_worker elmer_mem_per_node = _multiply_mem(elmer_mem_per_worker, elmer_workers_per_node) gmsh_cpus_per_worker = int(sbatch_parameters.pop("gmsh_n_threads", 10)) if gmsh_cpus_per_worker > max_cpus_per_node: raise RuntimeError( "Requested more gmsh threads per worker {gmsh_cpus_per_worker}" " than the limit per node {max_cpus_per_node}" ) gmsh_max_workers_per_node = max_cpus_per_node // gmsh_cpus_per_worker gmsh_n_nodes = _divup(n_workers_full, gmsh_max_workers_per_node) gmsh_mem_per_worker = sbatch_parameters.pop("gmsh_mem", "64G") gmsh_workers_per_node = min(n_workers_full, gmsh_max_workers_per_node) gmsh_cpus_per_node = gmsh_cpus_per_worker * gmsh_workers_per_node gmsh_mem_per_node = _multiply_mem(gmsh_mem_per_worker, gmsh_workers_per_node) sbatch_settings_elmer["--time"] = _multiply_time( sbatch_parameters.pop("elmer_time", "00:10:00"), _divup(n_simulations, _n_workers) ) sbatch_settings_elmer["--nodes"] = elmer_total_nodes sbatch_settings_elmer["--ntasks-per-node"] = elmer_tasks_per_node sbatch_settings_elmer["--cpus-per-task"] = elmer_cpus_per_task sbatch_settings_elmer["--mem"] = elmer_mem_per_node sbatch_settings_meshes["--time"] = _multiply_time( sbatch_parameters.pop("gmsh_time", "00:10:00"), _divup(n_simulations_gmsh, n_workers_full) ) sbatch_settings_meshes["--nodes"] = gmsh_n_nodes sbatch_settings_meshes["--ntasks-per-node"] = 1 sbatch_settings_meshes["--cpus-per-task"] = gmsh_cpus_per_node sbatch_settings_meshes["--mem"] = gmsh_mem_per_node if len(sbatch_parameters) > 0: logging.warning("Unused sbatch parameters: ") for k, v in sbatch_parameters.items(): logging.warning(f"{k} : {v}") main_script_filename_meshes = str(path.joinpath(file_prefix + "")) with open(main_script_filename_meshes, "w") as main_file: main_file.write("#!/bin/bash\n") for s_key, s_value in sbatch_settings_meshes.items(): main_file.write(f"#SBATCH {s_key}={s_value}\n") main_file.write("\n") main_file.write("# set the number of threads based on --cpus-per-task\n") main_file.write("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK\n") main_file.write("\n") if compile_elmer_modules: main_file.write('echo "Compiling Elmer modules"\n') main_file.write( f"elmerf90 -fcheck=all {script_folder}/SaveBoundaryEnergy.F90 -o SaveBoundaryEnergy > /dev/null\n" ) for i, json_filename in enumerate(json_filenames): with open(json_filename) as f: json_data = json.load(f) simulation_name = json_data["name"] script_filename_meshes = str(path.joinpath(simulation_name + "")) with open(script_filename_meshes, "w") as file: file.write("#!/bin/bash\n") file.write("set -e\n") file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} Gmsh"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( 'srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {3} {2} "{0}" "{1}" --only-gmsh -q 2>&1 >> ' '"log_files/{4}.Gmsh.log"\n'.format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable, str(gmsh_cpus_per_worker), simulation_name, ) ) file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} ElmerGrid"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( 'srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {2} ElmerGrid 14 2 "{0}.msh" 2>&1 >> ' '"log_files/{0}.ElmerGrid.log"\n'.format( simulation_name, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), str(gmsh_cpus_per_worker), ) ) if int(elmer_tasks_per_worker) > 1: file.write( 'srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {3} ElmerGrid 2 2 "{0}" 2>&1 -metis {1} 4' ' --partdual --removeunused >> "log_files/{0}.ElmerGrid_part.log"\n'.format( simulation_name, str(elmer_tasks_per_worker), Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), str(gmsh_cpus_per_worker), ) ) file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} Write Elmer sif files"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( 'srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {3} {2} "{0}" "{1}" --only-elmer-sifs ' '2>&1 >> "log_files/{4}.Elmer_sifs.log"\n'.format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable, str(gmsh_cpus_per_worker), simulation_name, ) ) os.chmod(script_filename_meshes, os.stat(script_filename_meshes).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) main_file.write('echo "Submitting gmsh and ElmerGrid part {}/{}"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) main_file.write('echo "--------------------------------------------"\n') main_file.write('source "{}" &\n'.format(Path(script_filename_meshes).relative_to(path))) if (i + 1) % n_workers_full == 0: main_file.write("wait\n") # change permission os.chmod(main_script_filename_meshes, os.stat(main_script_filename_meshes).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) with open(main_script_filename, "w") as main_file: main_file.write("#!/bin/bash\n") for s_key, s_value in sbatch_settings_elmer.items(): main_file.write(f"#SBATCH {s_key}={s_value}\n") main_file.write("\n") main_file.write("# set the number of threads based on --cpus-per-task\n") main_file.write("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK\n") main_file.write("\n") for i, json_filename in enumerate(json_filenames): with open(json_filename) as f: json_data = json.load(f) simulation_name = json_data["name"] sif_names = json_data["sif_names"] script_filename = str(path.joinpath(simulation_name + ".sh")) with open(script_filename, "w") as file: file.write("#!/bin/bash\n") file.write("set -e\n") file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} Elmer"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) n_sifs = len(sif_names) sifs_split = [ sif_names[i : min(i + n_workers_elmer_only, n_sifs)] for i in range(0, n_sifs, n_workers_elmer_only) ] for sif_list in sifs_split: for sif in sif_list: file.write( "srun --cpu-bind none --exact --mem={4} -N {5} -n {0} -c {3} " 'ElmerSolver_mpi "{1}/{2}.sif" 2>&1 >> "log_files/{2}.Elmer.log" & \n'.format( elmer_tasks_per_worker, simulation_name, sif, elmer_cpus_per_task, elmer_mem_per_worker, elmer_nodes_per_worker, ) ) file.write("wait\n") file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} write results json"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( 'srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {3} {2} "{0}" "{1}" --write-project-results 2>&1 >> ' "log_files/{4}.write_project_results.log\n".format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable, 1, simulation_name, ) ) file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} write versions json"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( 'srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {3} {2} "{0}" "{1}" --write-versions-file 2>&1 >> ' "log_files/{4}.write_versions_file.log\n".format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable, 1, simulation_name, ) ) os.chmod(script_filename, os.stat(script_filename).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) main_file.write('echo "Submitting ElmerSolver part{}/{}"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) main_file.write('echo "--------------------------------------------"\n') main_file.write('source "{}" &\n'.format(Path(script_filename).relative_to(path))) if (i + 1) % n_workers_full == 0: main_file.write("wait\n") main_file.write(get_post_process_command_lines(post_process, path, json_filenames)) else: n_workers = workflow.get("n_workers", 1) parallelization_level = workflow["_parallelization_level"] parallelize_workload = parallelization_level == "full_simulation" and n_workers > 1 with open(main_script_filename, "w") as main_file: main_file.write("#!/bin/bash\n") if compile_elmer_modules: main_file.write('echo "Compiling Elmer modules"\n') main_file.write( f"elmerf90 -fcheck=all {script_folder}/SaveBoundaryEnergy.F90 -o SaveBoundaryEnergy > /dev/null\n" ) if parallelize_workload: main_file.write("export OMP_NUM_THREADS={}\n".format(workflow["elmer_n_threads"])) main_file.write( "{} {}/ {}".format(python_executable, script_folder, n_workers) ) for i, json_filename in enumerate(json_filenames): with open(json_filename) as f: json_data = json.load(f) simulation_name = json_data["name"] script_filename = str(path.joinpath(simulation_name + ".sh")) with open(script_filename, "w") as file: file.write("#!/bin/bash\n") file.write("set -e\n") file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} Gmsh"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( '{2} "{0}" "{1}" --only-gmsh 2>&1 >> "log_files/{3}.Gmsh.log"\n'.format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable, simulation_name ) ) file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} ElmerGrid"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( '{2} "{0}" "{1}" --only-elmergrid 2>&1 >> "log_files/{3}.ElmerGrid.log"\n'.format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable, simulation_name ) ) file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} Write Elmer sif files"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( '{2} "{0}" "{1}" --only-elmer-sifs 2>&1 >> "log_files/{3}.Elmer_sifs.log"\n'.format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable, simulation_name ) ) file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} Elmer"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( '{2} "{0}" "{1}" --only-elmer\n'.format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable ) ) file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} Paraview"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( '{2} "{0}" "{1}" --only-paraview\n'.format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable ) ) file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} write results json"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( '{2} "{0}" "{1}" --write-project-results 2>&1 >> ' '"log_files/{3}_write_project_results.log"\n'.format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable, simulation_name ) ) file.write('echo "Simulation {}/{} write versions file"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames))) file.write( '{2} "{0}" "{1}" --write-versions-file\n'.format( execution_script, Path(json_filename).relative_to(path), python_executable ) ) # change permission os.chmod(script_filename, os.stat(script_filename).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) if parallelize_workload: main_file.write(' "./{}"'.format(Path(script_filename).relative_to(path))) else: main_file.write( 'echo "Submitting the main script of simulation {}/{}"\n'.format(i + 1, len(json_filenames)) ) main_file.write('echo "--------------------------------------------"\n') main_file.write('"./{}"\n'.format(Path(script_filename).relative_to(path))) main_file.write(get_post_process_command_lines(post_process, path, json_filenames)) # change permission os.chmod(main_script_filename, os.stat(main_script_filename).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) return main_script_filename
[docs] def export_elmer( simulations: Sequence[ Union[ Simulation, Tuple[Simulation, ElmerSolution], CrossSectionSimulation, Tuple[CrossSectionSimulation, ElmerSolution], ] ], path: Path, script_folder: str = "scripts", file_prefix: str = "simulation", script_file: str = "", workflow: Optional[Dict] = None, skip_errors: bool = False, post_process: Optional[Union[PostProcess, Sequence[PostProcess]]] = None, **solution_params, ) -> Path: """ Exports an elmer simulation model to the simulation path. Args: simulations: List of Simulation objects or tuples containing Simulation and Solution objects. path: Location where to output the simulation model script_folder: Path to the Elmer-scripts folder. file_prefix: File prefix of the script file to be created. script_file: Name of the script file to run. workflow: Parameters for simulation workflow skip_errors: Skip simulations that cause errors. (Default: False) .. warning:: **Use this carefully**, some of your simulations might not make sense physically and you might end up wasting time on bad simulations. post_process: List of PostProcess objects, a single PostProcess object, or None to be executed after simulations solution_params: ElmerSolution parameters if simulations is a list of Simulation objects. Returns: Path to exported script file. """ common_sol = None if all(isinstance(s, Sequence) for s in simulations) else get_elmer_solution(**solution_params) workflow = _update_elmer_workflow(simulations, common_sol, workflow) # If doing 3D epr simulations the custom Elmer energy integration module is compiled at runtime epr_sim = _is_epr_sim(simulations, common_sol) script_paths = ELMER_SCRIPT_PATHS + [SIM_SCRIPT_PATH / "elmer_modules"] if epr_sim else ELMER_SCRIPT_PATHS write_commit_reference_file(path) copy_content_into_directory(script_paths, path, script_folder) json_filenames = [] for sim_sol in simulations: simulation, solution = sim_sol if isinstance(sim_sol, Sequence) else (sim_sol, common_sol) validate_simulation(simulation, solution) try: json_filenames.append(export_elmer_json(simulation, solution, path, workflow)) except (IndexError, ValueError, Exception) as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except if skip_errors: logging.warning( f"Simulation {} skipped due to {e.args}. " "Some of your other simulations might not make sense geometrically. " "Disable `skip_errors` to see the full traceback." ) else: raise UserWarning( "Generating simulation failed. You can discard the errors using `skip_errors` in `export_elmer`. " "Moreover, `skip_errors` enables visual inspection of failed and successful simulation " "geometry files." ) from e return export_elmer_script( json_filenames, path, workflow, script_folder=script_folder, file_prefix=file_prefix, script_file=script_file, post_process=post_process, compile_elmer_modules=epr_sim, )
def _is_epr_sim(simulations, common_sol): """Helper to check if doing 3D epr simulation""" epr_sim = False if common_sol is None: if any(isinstance(simsol[1], ElmerEPR3DSolution) for simsol in simulations): epr_sim = True elif isinstance(common_sol, ElmerEPR3DSolution): epr_sim = True if epr_sim and platform.system() == "Windows": logging.warning("Elmer 3D EPR Simulations are not supported on Windows") return epr_sim def _update_elmer_workflow(simulations, common_solution, workflow): """ Modify workflow based on number of simulations and available computing resources Args: simulations: List of Simulation objects or tuples containing Simulation and Solution objects. common_solution: Solution object if not contained in `simulations` workflow: workflow to be updated Returns: Updated workflow """ if workflow is None: workflow = {} parallelization_level = "none" n_worker_lim = 1 num_sims = len(simulations) if num_sims == 1: sol_obj = simulations[0][1] if common_solution is None else common_solution if sol_obj.tool == "wave_equation" and len(sol_obj.frequency) > 1: parallelization_level = "elmer" n_worker_lim = len(sol_obj.frequency) elif num_sims > 1: # TODO enable Elmer level parallelism with solution sweep n_worker_lim = num_sims parallelization_level = "full_simulation" workflow["_parallelization_level"] = parallelization_level workflow["_n_simulations"] = n_worker_lim if "sbatch_parameters" in workflow: n_workers = workflow["sbatch_parameters"].get("n_workers", 1.0) workflow["sbatch_parameters"]["n_workers"] = min(int(n_workers), n_worker_lim) workflow.pop("elmer_n_processes", "") workflow.pop("elmer_n_threads", "") workflow.pop("n_workers", "") workflow.pop("gmsh_n_threads", "") else: n_workers = workflow.get("n_workers", 1) n_processes = workflow.get("elmer_n_processes", 1) n_threads = workflow.get("elmer_n_threads", 1) if n_processes > 1 and n_threads > 1: logging.warning( "Using both process and thread level parallelization" " with Elmer might result in poor performance" ) # for the moment avoid psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) max_cpus = int(os.cpu_count() / 2 + 0.5) workflow["local_machine_cpu_count"] = max_cpus if n_workers == -1: n_processes = 1 if n_processes == -1 else n_processes n_threads = 1 if n_threads == -1 else n_threads n_workers = max(max_cpus // (n_threads * n_processes), 1) n_workers = min(n_workers, n_worker_lim) elif n_processes == -1: n_workers = min(n_workers, n_worker_lim) n_threads = 1 if n_threads == -1 else n_threads n_processes = max(max_cpus // (n_threads * n_workers), 1) elif n_threads == -1: n_workers = min(n_workers, n_worker_lim) n_threads = max(max_cpus // (n_processes * n_workers), 1) requested_cpus = n_workers * n_processes * n_threads if requested_cpus > max_cpus: logging.warning(f"Requested more CPUs ({requested_cpus}) than available ({max_cpus})") gmsh_n_threads = workflow.get("gmsh_n_threads", 1) if gmsh_n_threads == -1: if parallelization_level == "full_simulation": gmsh_n_threads = max(max_cpus // n_workers, 1) else: gmsh_n_threads = max_cpus workflow["n_workers"] = n_workers workflow["elmer_n_processes"] = n_processes workflow["elmer_n_threads"] = n_threads workflow["gmsh_n_threads"] = gmsh_n_threads parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true") args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() if args.quiet: workflow.update( { "run_gmsh_gui": False, # For GMSH: if true, the mesh is shown after it is done # (for large meshes this can take a long time) "run_paraview": False, # this is visual view of the results } ) return workflow