Source code for kqcircuits.simulations.epr.circular_capacitor

# This code is part of KQCircuits
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import math
from typing import Callable
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.simulations.epr.utils import extract_child_simulation
from kqcircuits.simulations.partition_region import PartitionRegion
from kqcircuits.simulations.simulation import Simulation
from kqcircuits.util.geometry_helper import arc_points

# Partition region and correction cuts definitions for CircularCapacitor element

def _has_waveguides(simulation):
    """Determines if waveguide regions and cuts are added used"""
    return simulation.fixed_length > 0 or simulation.waveguide_length > 0 or not simulation.use_internal_ports

def _is_flip_chip(simulation):
    """Determines if the geometry consists of multiple substrate layers"""
    return len(simulation.face_stack) > int(simulation.lower_box_height > 0) + 1

def _waveguide_end_dist(simulation):
    """Distance from the center to the end of the waveguide"""
    if simulation.use_internal_ports:
        x_guide = simulation.waveguide_length + simulation.a + 1
        if simulation.fixed_length > 0:
            return x_guide + simulation.fixed_length / 2
            return x_guide + simulation.r_outer + simulation.ground_gap
        return / 2

def _get_ab2(simulation):
    """Get the correct a2 and b2 used in the geometry"""
    a2 = simulation.a if simulation.a2 < 0 else simulation.a2
    b2 = simulation.b if simulation.b2 < 0 else simulation.b2
    return a2, b2

[docs] def partition_regions(simulation: Simulation, prefix: str = "") -> list[PartitionRegion]: mer_x_dim = 3.0 mer_y_dim = 2.0 # Let's make the mer margin just a bit larger to prevent any artefacts region_safety_margin = 1.5 # um metal_edge_margin = mer_x_dim + region_safety_margin center = simulation.refpoints["base"] def _init_part_reg(name, region, mer=True, face=0, override_y_dim=mer_y_dim): return PartitionRegion( name=f"{prefix}{name}" + ("mer" if mer else "bulk"), face=simulation.face_stack[face], metal_edge_dimensions=mer_x_dim if mer else None, region=region, vertical_dimensions=override_y_dim, visualise=True, ) def _symmetric_sector(angle, r_out, angle_in=None, r_in=0, center=center, mirror=False): if angle_in is None: angle_in = angle def _arc(r, angle, mirror): half_angle = angle / 2 start = -half_angle + (math.pi if mirror else 0) stop = half_angle + (math.pi if mirror else 0) return arc_points(r, start=start, stop=stop, n=simulation.n, origin=center) outer_arc = _arc(r_out, angle, mirror) if r_in > 0: inner_arc = _arc(r_in, angle_in, mirror) else: inner_arc = [center] return pya.DPolygon(inner_arc + list(reversed(outer_arc))) def _angle_from_x(p, origin=center): return math.atan2(p.y - origin.y, p.x - origin.x) r_coupler_out = simulation.r_outer r_coupler_in = r_coupler_out - simulation.outer_island_width r_tot = r_coupler_out + simulation.ground_gap # Find the angles for the inner and outer arc forming the coupler from refpoints coupler_p_in = simulation.refpoints["epr_cplr_in"] coupler_p_out = simulation.refpoints["epr_cplr_out"] angle_in = 2 * _angle_from_x(coupler_p_in) angle_out = 2 * _angle_from_x(coupler_p_out) inner_gap_region = _symmetric_sector( angle_in, r_coupler_in + simulation.outer_island_width / 2 + region_safety_margin ) outer_gap_region = _symmetric_sector( angle_out, r_tot + 1.5 * metal_edge_margin, r_in=r_coupler_out - simulation.outer_island_width / 2 ) # if coupler angle is closer than 45 deg from the x axis, make the region cover the central trace. # Otherwise the central trace will be in wg1 region gap_type = ( simulation.swept_angle / 2 > 135 and abs(((coupler_p_in + coupler_p_out) / 2).x - center.x) > simulation.r_inner ) # how much the angle needs to be larger to include the MER area within the coupler coupler_angle_offset_in = 2 * math.atan(1.5 * metal_edge_margin / (r_coupler_in - metal_edge_margin)) coupler_angle_offset_out = 2 * math.atan(1.5 * metal_edge_margin / (r_coupler_out + metal_edge_margin)) if gap_type: coupler_gap_region = _symmetric_sector( 2 * math.pi - angle_out + coupler_angle_offset_out, r_coupler_out + metal_edge_margin, angle_in=2 * math.pi - angle_in + coupler_angle_offset_in, r_in=r_coupler_in - metal_edge_margin, mirror=True, ) else: coupler_up = pya.DPolygon( arc_points( r_coupler_out + metal_edge_margin, start=angle_out / 2 - coupler_angle_offset_out, stop=angle_out / 2 + coupler_angle_offset_out, n=2, origin=center, ) + arc_points( r_coupler_in - metal_edge_margin, start=angle_in / 2 + coupler_angle_offset_in, stop=angle_in / 2 - coupler_angle_offset_in, n=2, origin=center, ) ) # mirror the coupler region to the other side coupler_down = ( coupler_up.dup() .transform(pya.DTrans(pya.DVector(-center))) .transform(pya.DTrans(0, True, pya.DVector(center))) ) coupler_gap_region = [coupler_up, coupler_down] lead_region = pya.DBox( center + pya.DPoint(-r_tot - metal_edge_margin, -simulation.a / 2 - metal_edge_margin), center + pya.DPoint(-simulation.r_inner + metal_edge_margin, simulation.a / 2 + metal_edge_margin), ) a2, b2 = _get_ab2(simulation) lead2_region = pya.DBox( center + pya.DPoint(r_coupler_out - metal_edge_margin, -a2 / 2 - metal_edge_margin), center + pya.DPoint(r_tot + metal_edge_margin, a2 / 2 + metal_edge_margin), ) # Some of the regions overlap so the order of definition is important result = [ _init_part_reg("cplr", coupler_gap_region), _init_part_reg("cplr", coupler_gap_region, mer=False), _init_part_reg("1lead", lead_region), _init_part_reg("1lead", lead_region, mer=False), _init_part_reg("2lead", lead2_region), _init_part_reg("2lead", lead2_region, mer=False), ] if _has_waveguides(simulation): x_guide = _waveguide_end_dist(simulation) # include large bulk area such that all of the waveguide energy can be removed in post-processing wg_y_margin = 100 y1 = simulation.a / 2 + simulation.b + wg_y_margin y2 = a2 / 2 + b2 + wg_y_margin wg1_region = pya.DBox( center + pya.DPoint(-x_guide - metal_edge_margin, -y1), center + pya.DPoint(-r_tot - metal_edge_margin / 2, y1), ) wg2_region = pya.DBox( center + pya.DPoint(r_tot + metal_edge_margin / 2, -y2), center + pya.DPoint(x_guide + metal_edge_margin, y2), ) result += [ _init_part_reg("1wg", wg1_region), _init_part_reg("2wg", wg2_region), # Making the wg bulk regions very large to contain all wg energy _init_part_reg("1wg", wg1_region, mer=False, override_y_dim=100), _init_part_reg("2wg", wg2_region, mer=False, override_y_dim=100), ] result += [ _init_part_reg("1gap", inner_gap_region), _init_part_reg("2gap", outer_gap_region), _init_part_reg("1gap", inner_gap_region, mer=False), _init_part_reg("2gap", outer_gap_region, mer=False), _init_part_reg("bcomplement", None), _init_part_reg("bcomplement", None, mer=False), ] if _is_flip_chip(simulation): if simulation.etch_opposite_face: result.append(_init_part_reg("tcomplement", None, face=1)) result.append(_init_part_reg("tcomplement", None, mer=False, face=1)) return result
[docs] def correction_cuts(simulation: Simulation, prefix: str = "") -> dict[str, dict]: # def _init_cut(center, width, edges): result = {} center = simulation.refpoints["base"] # Make cuts this much shorter than allowed by perfect rounding to account for discretization cut_length_margin = 0.5 r_tot = simulation.r_outer + simulation.ground_gap is_flip_chip = _is_flip_chip(simulation) s_to_s_gap = simulation.chip_distance + 2 * simulation.metal_height z_me = -simulation.substrate_height[1] - s_to_s_gap if is_flip_chip else 0 a2, b2 = _get_ab2(simulation) def _coupler_cut_lim(unit_vec, start_p, origin_p, rlim): """ Find how long a line can be extended from `start_p` towards `unit vec` before being over `rlim` away from `origin_p`. Returns the solution with smallest absolute value Solves n from || start_p + n*unit_vec - origin_p || = rlim. """ diff = pya.DVector(start_p) - pya.DVector(origin_p) dotp = unit_vec.sprod(diff) pm = (dotp**2 - diff.sq_length() + rlim**2) ** 0.5 return min(abs(dotp + pm), abs(dotp - pm)) cut_center = center + pya.DPoint(-simulation.r_inner - 0.5, 0) cut_lim = _coupler_cut_lim( pya.DVector(0, 1), cut_center, center, simulation.r_outer - simulation.outer_island_width ) half_cut_length = min(cut_lim - cut_length_margin, 30) result[f"{prefix}1leadmer"] = { "p1": cut_center + pya.DPoint(0, -half_cut_length), "p2": cut_center + pya.DPoint(0, half_cut_length), "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length - simulation.a / 2, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + simulation.a / 2, "z": z_me}, ], "boundary_conditions": {"xmin": {"potential": 0}, "xmax": {"potential": 0}}, } cut_center = center + pya.DPoint(simulation.r_outer + simulation.ground_gap / 2, 0) cut_lim = _coupler_cut_lim(pya.DVector(0, 1), cut_center, center, simulation.r_outer + simulation.ground_gap) half_cut_length = min(cut_lim - cut_length_margin, 30) result[f"{prefix}2leadmer"] = { "p1": cut_center + pya.DPoint(0, -half_cut_length), "p2": cut_center + pya.DPoint(0, half_cut_length), "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length - a2 / 2, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + a2 / 2, "z": z_me}, ], "boundary_conditions": {"xmin": {"potential": 0}, "xmax": {"potential": 0}}, } if _has_waveguides(simulation): x_guide = _waveguide_end_dist(simulation) wg_cut_x = (x_guide + r_tot) / 2 - 0.2 # wg1 cut_center = center + pya.DPoint(-wg_cut_x, 0) half_cut_length = simulation.a / 2 + simulation.b + 20 result[f"{prefix}1wgmer"] = { "p1": cut_center + pya.DPoint(0, -half_cut_length), "p2": cut_center + pya.DPoint(0, half_cut_length), "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length - simulation.a / 2 - simulation.b, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length - simulation.a / 2, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + simulation.a / 2, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + simulation.a / 2 + simulation.b, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, ], } # wg2 cut_center = center + pya.DPoint(wg_cut_x, 0) half_cut_length = a2 / 2 + b2 + 20 result[f"{prefix}2wgmer"] = { "p1": cut_center + pya.DPoint(0, -half_cut_length), "p2": cut_center + pya.DPoint(0, half_cut_length), "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length - a2 / 2 - b2, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length - a2 / 2, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + a2 / 2, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + a2 / 2 + b2, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, ], } # 1gap cut half_gap = (simulation.r_outer - simulation.outer_island_width - simulation.r_inner) / 2 cut_center = center + pya.DPoint(simulation.r_inner + half_gap, 0) half_cut_length = half_gap + min(20, simulation.outer_island_width - cut_length_margin) result[f"{prefix}1gapmer"] = { "p1": cut_center + pya.DPoint(-half_cut_length, 0), "p2": cut_center + pya.DPoint(half_cut_length, 0), "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length - half_gap, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + half_gap, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, ], } # 2gap cut half_gap = simulation.ground_gap / 2 # for small swept angle and large a2 we might not be able to take a "gap-type" cross-section so a default one-sided # correction is used angle_margin = math.radians(0.5) wg2_angle = math.atan((b2 + a2 / 2) / (simulation.r_outer + simulation.ground_gap)) + angle_margin eff_coupler_angle = math.radians(simulation.swept_angle) / 2 - angle_margin if eff_coupler_angle > wg2_angle: cut_unit_vector = pya.DVector(math.cos(wg2_angle), math.sin(wg2_angle)) cut_center = center + (simulation.r_outer + half_gap) * cut_unit_vector half_cut_length = half_gap + min(simulation.outer_island_width - cut_length_margin, 20) result[f"{prefix}2gapmer"] = { "p1": cut_center - half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "p2": cut_center + half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length - half_gap, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + half_gap, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, ], } else: cut_unit_vector = pya.DVector(math.cos(eff_coupler_angle / 2), math.sin(eff_coupler_angle / 2)) cut_center = center + simulation.r_outer * cut_unit_vector half_cut_length = min(simulation.outer_island_width - cut_length_margin, 30) result[f"{prefix}2gapmer"] = { "p1": cut_center - half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "p2": cut_center + half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length - half_gap, "z": z_me}, ], "boundary_conditions": {"xmax": {"potential": 0}}, } # cplr cut cmin = simulation.refpoints["epr_cplr_in"] cmax = simulation.refpoints["epr_cplr_out"] coupler_edge_center = (cmin + cmax) / 2 # make the cut across the central trace and both couplers if the remaining angle between coupler and # trace is less than 45 degrees and the cut doesn't cause overlaps with inner islands. # Otherwise use one-sided cross-section with the 0 potential "at infinity" gap_type = simulation.swept_angle / 2 > 135 and abs(coupler_edge_center.x - center.x) > simulation.r_inner if gap_type: cut_center = pya.DPoint(coupler_edge_center.x, center.y) # vertical unit vector cut_unit_vector = pya.DVector(0, -1) cplr_gap_width = coupler_edge_center.y - center.y - simulation.a / 2 half_cut_lim_coupler = _coupler_cut_lim(cut_unit_vector, coupler_edge_center, center, simulation.r_outer) half_cut_length = cplr_gap_width + simulation.a / 2 + min(half_cut_lim_coupler - cut_length_margin, 20) result[f"{prefix}cplrmer"] = { "p1": cut_center - half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "p2": cut_center + half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length - simulation.a / 2 - cplr_gap_width, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length - simulation.a / 2, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + simulation.a / 2, "z": z_me}, {"x": half_cut_length + simulation.a / 2 + cplr_gap_width, "x_reversed": True, "z": z_me}, ], } else: cut_center = coupler_edge_center # unit vector perpendicaular to the coupler island cut_unit_vector = pya.DVector(-(cmax - cmin).y, (cmax - cmin).x) cut_unit_vector = (1 / cut_unit_vector.length()) * cut_unit_vector # restrict the cut to stay in the coupler island half_cut_lim_coupler = _coupler_cut_lim(cut_unit_vector, coupler_edge_center, center, simulation.r_outer) # restrict not to cut over the central trace half_cut_trace_lim = ( math.inf if cut_unit_vector.y == 0 else abs((cut_center.y - center.y - simulation.a / 2) / cut_unit_vector.y) ) half_cut_length = min(half_cut_lim_coupler, half_cut_trace_lim) # default to max 40 half_cut_length = min(40, half_cut_length - cut_length_margin) result[f"{prefix}cplrmer"] = { "p1": cut_center - half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "p2": cut_center + half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length, "z": z_me}, ], "boundary_conditions": {"xmax": {"potential": 0}}, } # bcomplement cut # This might contain one or 2 metal edges with maybe non-optimal placement with some parameters # However, in the edge cases the bcomplement region is almost empty so it doesnt have much effect wg1_angle = ( math.atan( (simulation.b + simulation.a / 2 + simulation.etch_opposite_face_margin) / (simulation.r_outer + simulation.ground_gap) ) + angle_margin ) cut_unit_vector = pya.DVector(math.cos(math.pi - wg1_angle), math.sin(math.pi - wg1_angle)) cut_center = center + (simulation.r_outer + simulation.ground_gap) * cut_unit_vector half_cut_length = 30 result[f"{prefix}bcomplementmer"] = { "p1": cut_center + half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "p2": cut_center - half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length, "z": z_me}, ], "boundary_conditions": {"xmax": {"potential": 1}}, } # tcomplement cut # almost same as bcomplement cut but different mer box if is_flip_chip and simulation.etch_opposite_face: cut_center = ( center + (simulation.r_outer + simulation.ground_gap + simulation.etch_opposite_face_margin) * cut_unit_vector ) half_cut_length = 30 result[f"{prefix}tcomplementmer"] = { "p1": cut_center + half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "p2": cut_center - half_cut_length * cut_unit_vector, "metal_edges": [ {"x": half_cut_length, "z": z_me + s_to_s_gap}, ], "boundary_conditions": {"xmax": {"potential": 1}}, } return result
[docs] def extract_circular_capacitor_from( simulation: Simulation, refpoint_prefix: str, parameter_remap_function: Callable[[Simulation, str], any] ): # fmt: off return extract_child_simulation( simulation, refpoint_prefix, parameter_remap_function, [ "n", "a", "a2", "b", "b2", "face_stack", "waveguide_length", "fixed_length", "r_inner", "r_outer", "swept_angle", "outer_island_width", "ground_gap", "etch_opposite_face", "etch_opposite_face_margin", "use_internal_ports", "box", ], )
# fmt: on