Source code for kqcircuits.masks.multi_face_mask_layout

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from kqcircuits.masks.mask_layout import MaskLayout

[docs] class MultiFaceMaskLayout: """Class representing multiple mask layouts, corresponding to multiple faces on the same wafer. This is a helper class to create multiple ``MaskLayout`` instances, one for each face, and set the same properties and chips map for each, and a container for the created mask layouts. It also provides `add_chips_map` that distributes over each containing `MaskLayout.add_chips_map`. The usual way to instantiate ``MultiFaceMaskLayout`` is through ``MaskSet.add_multi_face_mask_layout``. Attributes: face_ids: List of face ids to include in this mask layout mask_layouts: Dictionary of {face_id: mask_layout} of the individual ``MaskLayouts`` contained in this class """ def __init__( self, layout, name, version, with_grid, face_ids, chips_map=None, extra_face_params=None, mask_layout_type=MaskLayout, **kwargs, ): """Create a multi face mask layout, which can be used to make masks with matching chip maps on multiple faces. A ``MaskLayout`` is created of each face in ``face_ids``. If ``face_ids`` is a list, the individual mask layouts all have identical parameters. To specify some parameters differently for each mask layout, supply ``face_ids`` as a dictionary ``{face_ids: extra_params}``, where ``extra_params`` is a dictionary of arguments passed only to the mask layout for that face id. These override ``kwargs`` if they contain the same keys. By default, ``bbox_face_ids`` is set to ``list(face_ids)`` for all mask layouts. Args: layout: Layout to use name: name of the mask version: version of the mask with_grid: if True, ground grids are generated face_ids: either a list of face ids to include, or a dictionary of ``{face_id: extra_params}``, where ``extra_params`` is a dictionary of keyword arguments to apply only to this mask layout. chips_map: Chips map to use, or None to use an empty chips map. mask_layout_type: optional subclass of MaskLayout to use kwargs: any keyword arguments are passed to all containing mask layouts. """ self.face_ids = face_ids self.mask_layouts = {} for face_id in face_ids: all_kwargs = {"bbox_face_ids": self.face_ids} all_kwargs.update(kwargs) if extra_face_params is not None and face_id in extra_face_params: all_kwargs.update(**extra_face_params[face_id]) self.mask_layouts[face_id]: MaskLayout = mask_layout_type( layout=layout, name=name, version=version, with_grid=with_grid, face_id=face_id, chips_map=chips_map if chips_map is not None else [[]], **all_kwargs, )
[docs] def add_chips_map(self, chips_map, **kwargs): for face_id in self.face_ids: self.mask_layouts[face_id].add_chips_map(chips_map, **kwargs)