# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
# The software distribution should follow IQM trademark policy for open-source software
# (meetiqm.com/iqm-open-source-trademark-policy). IQM welcomes contributions to the code.
# Please see our contribution agreements for individuals (meetiqm.com/iqm-individual-contributor-license-agreement)
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import copy
import os
import logging
import sys
from sys import argv
from time import perf_counter
from inspect import isclass
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
from kqcircuits.chips.chip import Chip
from kqcircuits.masks.multi_face_mask_layout import MultiFaceMaskLayout
from kqcircuits.run import argument_parser
from kqcircuits.util.log_router import route_log
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya, is_standalone_session
from kqcircuits.defaults import default_bar_format, TMP_PATH, default_face_id
from kqcircuits.masks.mask_export import export_chip, export_mask_set
from kqcircuits.masks.mask_layout import MaskLayout
from kqcircuits.klayout_view import KLayoutView
class MaskSet:
"""Class representing a set of masks for different chip faces.
A mask set consists of one or more MaskLayouts, each of which is for a certain face.
To create a mask, add mask layouts to the mask set using add_mask_layout() and add chips to these mask layouts using
add_chip(). These functions also export some files for each chip. Then call build() to create the
cell hierarchy of the entire mask, and finally export mask files by calling export().
Chips are created in parallel in separate processes but the user may choose to use a ``-d`` switch on
the command line for debugging with a single process. It is also possible to manually limit the number of
concurrently used CPUs for resource management purposes with the ``-c 4`` switch (to 4 in this example).
mask = MaskSet(...)
layout: pya.Layout of this mask set
name: Name of the mask set
version: Version of the mask set
with_grid: Boolean determining if ground grid is generated
export_drc: String specifying the DRC file used for exporting the report. Use empty string to ignore DRC report.
chips_map_legend: Dictionary where keys are chip names, values are chip cells
mask_layouts: list of MaskLayout objects in this mask set
mask_export_layers: list of names of the layers which are exported for each MaskLayout
used_chips: similar to chips_map_legend, but only includes chips which are actually used in mask layouts
export_path: The folder for mask files will be generated under this. TMP_PATH by default.
def __init__(
self._time = {"INIT": perf_counter(), "ADD_CHIPS": 0, "BUILD": 0, "EXPORT": 0, "END": 0}
if export_path is None:
arg_parser, _ = argument_parser()
arg_values, _ = arg_parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:])
export_path = TMP_PATH if not arg_values.p else arg_values.p
if view is None:
self.view = KLayoutView()
self.layout = self.view.layout
self.name = name
self.version = version
self.with_grid = with_grid
self.export_drc = export_drc
self.chips_map_legend = {}
self.mask_layouts = []
self.mask_export_layers = mask_export_layers if mask_export_layers is not None else []
self.used_chips = {}
self.add_mask_name_to_chips = add_mask_name_to_chips
self._extra_params = {}
self._mask_set_dir = Path(export_path) / f"{name}_v{version}"
print(f"Exporting to: {str(self._mask_set_dir)}")
self._mask_set_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self._extra_params["enable_debug"] = "-d" in argv
self._single_process = self._extra_params["enable_debug"] or not is_standalone_session()
self._extra_params["mock_chips"] = "-m" in argv
self._extra_params["skip_extras"] = "-s" in argv
self._cpu_override = 0
if "-c" in argv and len(argv) > argv.index("-c") + 1:
self._cpu_override = int(argv[argv.index("-c") + 1])
def add_mask_layout(self, chips_map, face_id=default_face_id, mask_layout_type=MaskLayout, **kwargs):
"""Creates a mask layout from chips_map and adds it to self.mask_layouts.
chips_map: List of lists (2D-array) of strings, each string is a chip name (or --- for no chip)
face_id: face_id of the mask layout
mask_layout_type: type of the mask layout (MaskLayout or a child class of it)
kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the mask layout
the created mask layout
if ("mask_export_layers" not in kwargs) and self.mask_export_layers:
kwargs["mask_export_layers"] = self.mask_export_layers
mask_layout = mask_layout_type(
self.layout, self.name, self.version, self.with_grid, chips_map, face_id, **kwargs
return mask_layout
def add_multi_face_mask_layout(
self, face_ids, chips_map=None, extra_face_params=None, mask_layout_type=MaskLayout, **kwargs
"""Create a multi face mask layout, which can be used to make masks with matching chip maps on multiple faces.
A ``MaskLayout`` is created of each face in ``face_ids``. By default, the individual mask layouts all have
identical parameters, but parameters can be overwritten for a single face id through ``extra_face_params``.
By default, ``bbox_face_ids`` is set to ``face_ids`` for all mask layouts.
face_ids: list of face ids to include
chips_map: Chips map to use, or None to use an empty chips map.
extra_face_params: a dictionary of ``{face_id: extra_kwargs}``, where ``extra_kwargs`` is a dictionary of
keyword arguments to apply only to the mask layout for ``face_id``.
mask_layout_type: optional subclass of MaskLayout to use
kwargs: any keyword arguments are passed to all containing mask layouts.
Returns: a ``MultiFaceMaskLayout`` instance
if ("mask_export_layers" not in kwargs) and self.mask_export_layers:
kwargs["mask_export_layers"] = self.mask_export_layers
mfml = MultiFaceMaskLayout(
for face_id in mfml.face_ids:
return mfml
def add_chip(self, chips, variant_name=None, cpus=None, **parameters):
"""Adds a chip (or list of chips) with parameters to self.chips_map_legend and exports the files for each chip.
Note the complex polymorphism used here: ``chips`` is either a single chip class or a list of ``(chip, variant,
parameters)`` tuples. In the latter case the rest of the arguments (except ``cpus``) are ignored. Also,
``chips`` (or the individual chip part of tuples) may be a simple file name to load a static .oas file instead.
The chip's parameters dictionary may also contain an ``alt_netlists`` dictionary to specify alternative ways of
generating netlists. See ``export_cell_netlist()`` or the ``quick_demo.py`` mask for further information.
chip: A chip class. Or a list of tuples, like ``[(QualityFactor, "QDG", parameters),...]``,
parameters are optional.
variant_name: Name for specific variant, the same as in the mask layout.
cpus: Number of parallel processes to use for chip generation. By default uses ``os.cpu_count()``
or the number of chips, whichever is smaller.
**parameters: Any parameters passed to the a single chip PCell.
self._time["ADD_CHIPS"] = perf_counter()
if not isinstance(chips, list): # only one chip
cpus = 1
chips = [(chips, variant_name, parameters)]
if cpus is None:
cpus = min(len(chips), os.cpu_count())
if self._cpu_override > 0:
cpus = self._cpu_override
# Pool.map() needs all arguments packed into a single list
xargs = (self.name, self.with_grid, self._mask_set_dir, self.export_drc, self._extra_params)
chip_args = ((chip, xargs) for chip in chips)
file_names = []
print(f"Building chip variant(s) {[ch[1] for ch in chips]} using {cpus} process(es)")
if cpus == 1 or self._single_process:
file_names += map(self._create_chip, chip_args)
with Pool(cpus) as pool:
file_names += pool.map(self._create_chip, chip_args)
# import chip cells exported by the parallel processes into the mask
for variant, file_name in tqdm(file_names, desc="Add chips into mask", bar_format=default_bar_format):
self._load_chip_into_mask(file_name, variant)
def _create_chip(chip_arg):
"""Create chip, possibly in a separate process."""
chip, xargs = chip_arg
name, with_grid, _mask_set_dir, export_drc, _extra_params = xargs
chip_class, variant_name, *chip_params = chip
chip_params = chip_params[0] if chip_params else {}
alt_netlists = chip_params.pop("alt_netlists", None)
chip_path = _mask_set_dir / "Chips" / f"{variant_name}"
chip_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, force=True) # this level is NOT actually used
route_log(filename=chip_path / f"{variant_name}.log", stdout=_extra_params["enable_debug"])
mock_chip = _extra_params["mock_chips"] or chip_params.pop("mock_chip", False)
skip_extras = _extra_params["skip_extras"]
view = KLayoutView()
layout = view.layout
if isclass(chip_class):
params = {
"name_chip": variant_name,
"name_mask": name,
"with_grid": with_grid,
"merge_base_metal_gap": True,
"display_name": variant_name,
"name_copy": None,
if mock_chip:
mock_params = chip_class().pcell_params_by_name(Chip, **params)
if chip_params:
# Pass through parameters only if they exist in Chip
mock_params.update({k: v for k, v in chip_params.items() if k in mock_params})
"with_grid": False,
"with_gnd_bumps": False,
"with_gnd_tsvs": False,
cell = Chip.create(layout, **mock_params)
if chip_params:
cell = chip_class.create(layout, **params)
else: # it's a file name, load it
load_opts = pya.LoadLayoutOptions()
if hasattr(pya.LoadLayoutOptions, "CellConflictResolution"):
load_opts.cell_conflict_resolution = pya.LoadLayoutOptions.CellConflictResolution.RenameCell
layout.read(chip_class, load_opts)
cell = layout.top_cells()[-1]
export_chip(cell, variant_name, chip_path, layout, export_drc, alt_netlists, skip_extras)
return variant_name, str(chip_path / f"{variant_name}.oas")
def build(self, remove_guiding_shapes=True):
"""Builds the mask set.
Creates cells for the mask based on self.mask_layouts and self.chips_map_legend. Optionally removes
guiding shapes from the layout. Populates self.used_chips with the chips used in the mask layouts.
remove_guiding_shapes (Boolean): determines if the guiding shapes are removed
self._time["BUILD"] = perf_counter()
# build mask layouts (without chip copy labels)
for mask_layout in self.mask_layouts:
# include face_id in mask_layout.name only for multi-face masks
if len(self.mask_layouts) > 1:
mask_layout.name += "-" + mask_layout.face_id
chip_copy_label_layers = ["base_metal_gap", "base_metal_gap_wo_grid", "base_metal_gap_for_EBL"]
# Insert submask cells to different cell instances, so that these cells can have different chip labels even if
# the original submask cells are identical. Also copy the MaskLayout objects of identical submasks into separate
# MaskLayout objects with different `extra_id` so that mask export can use that information.
mask_layouts_to_remove = set()
submask_layouts_with_exported_layers = set()
submask_layouts = []
for mask_layout in self.mask_layouts:
for i, (sm_layout, sm_pos) in enumerate(mask_layout.submasks):
new_sm_layout = copy.copy(sm_layout)
new_sm_layout.extra_id = f" s{i+1}"
old_top_cell = new_sm_layout.top_cell
new_sm_layout.top_cell = self.layout.create_cell(f"{new_sm_layout.name}{new_sm_layout.extra_id}")
new_sm_layout.top_cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(old_top_cell.cell_index(), pya.DTrans()))
pya.DTrans(sm_pos - sm_layout.wafer_center + mask_layout.wafer_center),
mask_layout.submasks[i] = (new_sm_layout, sm_pos)
# Make sure that layers are only exported once if there are multiple identical submasks
if sm_layout in submask_layouts_with_exported_layers:
# only export layers where chip copy labels are since they are different even for identical submasks
new_sm_layout.mask_export_layers = [
layer for layer in chip_copy_label_layers if layer in new_sm_layout.mask_export_layers
self.mask_layouts = submask_layouts + [ml for ml in self.mask_layouts if ml not in mask_layouts_to_remove]
# add chip copy labels for every mask layout
mask_name_for_chip = self.name if self.add_mask_name_to_chips else None
for mask_layout in tqdm(self.mask_layouts, desc="Adding chip copy labels", bar_format=default_bar_format):
labels_cell = mask_layout.layout.create_cell("ChipLabels")
mask_layout.top_cell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(labels_cell.cell_index(), pya.DTrans(pya.DVector(0, 0))))
if mask_layout not in submask_layouts:
if isinstance(mask_layout.chips_map, dict):
mask_layout.insert_chip_copy_labels(labels_cell, chip_copy_label_layers, mask_name_for_chip)
labels_cell, chip_copy_label_layers, mask_name_for_chip
# remove "$1" or similar unnecessary postfix from cell name
mask_layout.top_cell.name = f"{mask_layout.name}"
# populate used_chips with chips which exist in some mask_layout
for chip_name, cell in self.chips_map_legend.items():
for mask_layout in self.mask_layouts:
if mask_layout.chip_counts[chip_name]:
self.used_chips[chip_name] = cell
# remove the guiding shapes, like chip boxes and waveguide paths
if remove_guiding_shapes and self.layout.is_valid_layer(self.layout.guiding_shape_layer()):
def export(self):
"""Exports designs, bitmaps and documentation of this mask set.
Assumes that self.build() has been called before.
self._time["EXPORT"] = perf_counter()
print("Exporting mask set...")
export_mask_set(self, self._extra_params["skip_extras"])
self._time["END"] = perf_counter()
def tdiff(a, b): # get elapsed time from "a" to "b"
return f"{self._time[b] - self._time[a]:.1f}s" if self._time[a] and self._time[b] else "n/a"
f"Runtime: {tdiff('INIT', 'END')} (add chips: {tdiff('ADD_CHIPS', 'BUILD')}, "
f"build: {tdiff('BUILD', 'EXPORT')}, export: {tdiff('EXPORT', 'END')})"
def chips_map_from_box_map(box_map, mask_map):
"""Returns the chips_map created from box_map and mask_map.
Given NxN box map and MxM mask_map, creates chips_map of size MNxMN. So each element of mask map is "replaced"
by a box in the box map. Assumes that box_map and mask_map are square.
box_map: dictionary where keys are strings identifying the box type, and values are 2D arrays (lists of
lists) where each element is a string identifying the chip type
mask_map: 2D array (list of lists), where each element is a string identifying the box type
num_box_map_rows = len(list(box_map.values())[0])
num_mask_map_rows = len(mask_map)
num_chip_rows = num_box_map_rows * num_mask_map_rows
chips_map = [["" for _ in range(num_chip_rows)] for _ in range(num_chip_rows)]
for k, box_row in enumerate(mask_map):
for l, box in enumerate(box_row):
if box in box_map:
for i, row in enumerate(box_map[box]):
for j, slot in enumerate(row):
chips_map[k * num_box_map_rows + i][l * num_box_map_rows + j] = slot
return chips_map
def _load_chip_into_mask(self, file_name, variant_name):
"""Loads a chip from file_name to self.layout and adds it into self.chips_map_legend["variant_name"]"""
load_opts = pya.LoadLayoutOptions()
load_opts.cell_conflict_resolution = pya.LoadLayoutOptions.CellConflictResolution.RenameCell
self.layout.read(file_name, load_opts)
self.chips_map_legend.update({variant_name: self.layout.top_cells()[-1]})