Source code for kqcircuits.elements.meander

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
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from math import pi, cos, sin, tan, atan, atan2, degrees, sqrt
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from kqcircuits.util.parameters import add_parameters_from
from kqcircuits.elements.waveguide_coplanar_straight import WaveguideCoplanarStraight

from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.util.parameters import Param, pdt

from kqcircuits.elements.airbridges.airbridge import Airbridge
from kqcircuits.elements.element import Element
from kqcircuits.elements.waveguide_coplanar import WaveguideCoplanar
from kqcircuits.util.geometry_helper import vector_length_and_direction, get_angle

[docs] @add_parameters_from(WaveguideCoplanarStraight, "ground_grid_in_trace") class Meander(Element): """The PCell declaration for a meandering waveguide. Defined by two points, total length and number of meanders. The start and end points can be moved in GUI using the "Move"-tool. Alternatively, if a list of ``[x, y]`` coordinates is given for ``start`` and ``end``, the GUI markers will not be shown. The latter is useful for code-generated cells that cannot be edited in the GUI. By default, the number of meanders is automatically chosen to minimize the area taken by bounding box of the meander. Uses the same bending radius as the underlying waveguide. Equidistant airbridges can be placed in the meander using ``n_bridges`` parameter. .. MARKERS_FOR_PNG 0,0 """ start = Param(pdt.TypeShape, "Start", pya.DPoint(-600, 0)) end = Param(pdt.TypeShape, "End", pya.DPoint(600, 0)) length = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Length", 3000, unit="μm") meanders = Param(pdt.TypeInt, "Number of meanders (non-positive means automatic)", -1) n_bridges = Param(pdt.TypeInt, "Number of bridges", 0)
[docs] def can_create_from_shape_impl(self): return self.shape.is_path()
[docs] def parameters_from_shape_impl(self): points = [pya.DPoint(point * self.layout.dbu) for point in self.shape.each_point()] self.start = points[0] self.end = points[-1]
[docs] def build(self): if isinstance(self.start, list): start = pya.DPoint(self.start[0], self.start[1]) else: start = self.start if isinstance(self.end, list): end = pya.DPoint(self.end[0], self.end[1]) else: end = self.end angle = 180 / pi * atan2(end.y - start.y, end.x - start.x) transf = pya.DCplxTrans(1, angle, False, pya.DVector(start)) l_direct = start.distance(end) if l_direct < 4 * self.r: self.raise_error_on_cell( "Cannot create a Meander because start and end points are too close to each other.", (start + end) / 2 ) if self.meanders < 1: self.meanders = int(l_direct / (2 * self.r) - 1) # automatically choose maximum possible number of meanders target_increment = self.length - l_direct # target length increment compared to straight segment if target_increment < -1e-3: self.raise_error_on_cell( "Cannot create a Meander with the given parameters. Try increasing the length.", (start + end) / 2 ) def bend_corner_displacement(w): """Returns x-displacement of corner point as function of bend width w. Waveguide starts as straight segment from origin (0,0) and ends with bend pointing towards x at (self.r,w). """ if w >= self.r: return 0.0 return (self.r - w) / (1 - w / (2 * self.r)) def bend_length_increment(w): """Returns amount of waveguide length increment due to a single bend as function of bend width w. Waveguide starts as straight segment from origin (0,0) and ends with bend pointing towards x at (self.r,w). """ if w >= self.r: return self.r * (pi / 2 - 2) + w h = w / self.r x = (1 - h) / (1 - h / 2) return self.r * (2 * atan(1 - x) + (x + h * (h - 1)) / sqrt(x**2 + h**2) - 1) def meander_length_increment(w): """Returns amount of waveguide length increment due to all meander bends as function of meander width w.""" l0 = bend_length_increment(w / 4) # starting and ending bend increment l1 = bend_length_increment(w / 2) # middle bend increment return 4 * l0 + 2 * (self.meanders - 1) * l1 # Create meander points points = [pya.DPoint(0, 0)] if target_increment > 1e-3: min_90deg_increment = meander_length_increment(4 * self.r) # minimal length increment for 90-degree bends if target_increment >= min_90deg_increment: # if all meander bends are 90 degrees width = 4 * self.r + (target_increment - min_90deg_increment) / self.meanders else: # computation of meander width is not trivial, so we need to use root finding algorithm width = brentq(lambda w: meander_length_increment(w) - target_increment, 0.0, 4 * self.r) l_rest = l_direct / 2 - self.r * self.meanders # distance to first corner x0 = bend_corner_displacement(width / 4) # x-displacement of corner points in both ends x1 = bend_corner_displacement(width / 2) # x-displacement of corner points in the middle of meander points.append(pya.DPoint(l_rest - x0, 0)) points.append(pya.DPoint(l_rest + x0, width / 2)) for i in range(1, self.meanders): x = l_rest + 2 * self.r * i points.append(pya.DPoint(x - x1, (-1) ** (i + 1) * width / 2)) points.append(pya.DPoint(x + x1, (-1) ** i * width / 2)) points.append(pya.DPoint(l_direct - l_rest - x0, (-1) ** (self.meanders + 1) * width / 2)) points.append(pya.DPoint(l_direct - l_rest + x0, 0)) points.append(pya.DPoint(l_direct, 0)) # Create airbridges if self.n_bridges > 0: self._produce_bridges(points, transf) # Insert waveguide and ports waveguide = self.add_element(WaveguideCoplanar, path=points, ground_grid_in_trace=self.ground_grid_in_trace) wg_inst, _ = self.insert_cell(waveguide, transf) self.copy_port("a", wg_inst) self.copy_port("b", wg_inst)
def _produce_bridges(self, points, trans): """Produces equally spaced airbridges on top of the meander waveguide. Args: points: list of points for the waveguide path trans: transformation applied to the entire meander """ def insert_bridge(position, angle): self.insert_cell(Airbridge, trans * pya.DCplxTrans(1, angle, False, position)) bridge_separation = self.length / (self.n_bridges + 1) dist_to_next = bridge_separation n_inserted = 0 # Insert airbridges on bends and between bends for i in range(1, len(points) - 1): v1, _, a1, a2, c_pos = WaveguideCoplanar.get_corner_data(points[i - 1], points[i], points[i + 1], self.r) alpha = (a2 - a1 + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi # turn angle (between -pi and pi) in radians sign_r = self.r if alpha > 0 else -self.r # positive or negative radius depending on turn signature length, direction = vector_length_and_direction(v1) cut_dist = self.r * tan(abs(alpha) / 2) # distance between corner point and beginning of straights dist_to_next -= length - cut_dist while dist_to_next <= 0.0: # insert airbridges on straight segment before corner insert_bridge(points[i] + (dist_to_next - cut_dist) * direction, degrees(a1)) dist_to_next += bridge_separation n_inserted += 1 if n_inserted >= self.n_bridges: return dist_to_next -= alpha * sign_r while dist_to_next <= 0.0: # insert airbridges on corner segment a = a2 + dist_to_next / sign_r insert_bridge(c_pos + sign_r * pya.DVector(sin(a), -cos(a)), degrees(a)) dist_to_next += bridge_separation n_inserted += 1 if n_inserted >= self.n_bridges: return dist_to_next += cut_dist # Insert airbridges on the last segment length, direction = vector_length_and_direction(points[-1] - points[-2]) dist_to_next -= length while dist_to_next <= 0.0: # insert airbridges on last straight segment insert_bridge(points[-1] + dist_to_next * direction, get_angle(direction)) dist_to_next += bridge_separation n_inserted += 1 if n_inserted >= self.n_bridges: return