Source code for kqcircuits.elements.markers.mask_marker_fc

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
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import math
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.util.parameters import Param, pdt
from kqcircuits.elements.element import Element

[docs] class MaskMarkerFc(Element): """The PCell declaration for a MaskMarkerFc. Mask alignment marker for flip-chip masks """ window = Param(pdt.TypeBoolean, "Window in airbridge flyover and UBM layer", False) arrow_number = Param(pdt.TypeInt, "Number of arrow pairs in the marker", 3)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_cross(arm_length, arm_width): m = arm_length / 2 n = arm_width / 2 cross = pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(-n, -m), pya.DPoint(-n, -n), pya.DPoint(-m, -n), pya.DPoint(-m, n), pya.DPoint(-n, n), pya.DPoint(-n, m), pya.DPoint(n, m), pya.DPoint(n, n), pya.DPoint(m, n), pya.DPoint(m, -n), pya.DPoint(n, -n), pya.DPoint(n, -m), ] ) return cross
[docs] def build(self): arrow = pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(0, 0), pya.DPoint(-20, 20), pya.DPoint(-11, 25), pya.DPoint(-5, 19), pya.DPoint(-5, 62), pya.DPoint(5, 62), pya.DPoint(5, 19), pya.DPoint(11, 25), pya.DPoint(20, 20), ] ) layer_gap = self.get_layer("base_metal_gap_wo_grid") layer_pads = self.get_layer("airbridge_pads") layer_flyover = self.get_layer("airbridge_flyover") layer_ubm = self.get_layer("underbump_metallization") layer_indium_bump = self.get_layer("indium_bump") layer_protection = self.get_layer("ground_grid_avoidance") def insert_to_main_layers(shape): self.cell.shapes(layer_gap).insert(shape) if not self.window: self.cell.shapes(layer_flyover).insert(shape) # protection for the box protection_box = pya.DBox(pya.DPoint(200, 350), pya.DPoint(-200, -350)) self.cell.shapes(layer_protection).insert(protection_box) negative_layer = pya.Region(protection_box.to_itype(self.layout.dbu)) # crosses arm_widths = [20, 35, 70] arm_lengths = [70, 124, 250] offset_width = [30, 43, 85] offset_length = [80, 132, 265] shift = pya.DPoint(0, 250) dislocation = 0 for i, (cross_width, cross_length) in enumerate(zip(arm_widths, arm_lengths)): if i != 0: dislocation = arm_lengths[i - 1] + arm_lengths[i] + 100 shift += pya.DPoint(0, -dislocation / 2) inner_shapes = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 0, False, pya.DVector(shift)) * self.create_cross( offset_length[i], offset_width[i] ) insert_to_main_layers(inner_shapes) inner_corner_shape = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 0, False, pya.DVector(shift)) * self.create_cross( cross_length, cross_width ) for layer_insert in [layer_pads]: self.cell.shapes(layer_insert).insert(inner_corner_shape) negative_offset = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 0, False, pya.DVector(shift)) * self.create_cross( arm_lengths[i], arm_widths[i] ) negative_layer -= pya.Region(negative_offset.to_itype(self.layout.dbu)) inner_shapes_offset = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 0, False, pya.DVector(shift)) * self.create_cross( arm_lengths[i], arm_widths[i] ) self.cell.shapes(layer_indium_bump).insert(inner_shapes_offset) self.cell.shapes(layer_ubm).insert(negative_layer) # marker arrow for i in range(self.arrow_number): for j in [-1, 1]: arrows_shape = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 0, j != 1, j * pya.DVector(0, 200 * i + 400)) * arrow insert_to_main_layers(arrows_shape) for layer_insert in [layer_pads, layer_indium_bump]: self.cell.shapes(layer_insert).insert(arrows_shape)
[docs] @classmethod def get_marker_locations(cls, cell_marker, **kwargs): # set markers to the edge clearance wafer_center_x = kwargs.get("wafer_center_x", 0) wafer_center_y = kwargs.get("wafer_center_y", 0) wafer_rad = kwargs.get("wafer_rad", 75000) edge_clearance = kwargs.get("edge_clearance", 1000) margin = kwargs.get("box_margin", 1000) _h = cell_marker.dbbox().height() _w = cell_marker.dbbox().width() coordinate = math.sqrt((wafer_rad - edge_clearance) ** 2 - (_h / 2 + margin) ** 2) return [ pya.DTrans(wafer_center_x - coordinate + (margin + _w / 2), wafer_center_y) * pya.DTrans.M90, pya.DTrans(wafer_center_x + coordinate - (margin + _w / 2), wafer_center_y) * pya.DTrans.R0, ]
[docs] @classmethod # TODO: this is a direct copy from Will be fixed in future issue def get_marker_region(cls, inst, **kwargs): margin = kwargs.get("box_margin", 1000) return pya.Region(inst.bbox()).extents(margin / inst.cell.layout().dbu)