Source code for kqcircuits.elements.finger_capacitor_square

# This code is part of KQCircuits
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from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.util.parameters import Param, pdt, add_parameters_from
from kqcircuits.elements.element import Element
from kqcircuits.elements.finger_capacitor_taper import FingerCapacitorTaper

[docs] @add_parameters_from(FingerCapacitorTaper, "*", "taper_length") class FingerCapacitorSquare(Element): """The PCell declaration for a square finger capacitor. Two ports with reference points. The arm leading to the finger has the same width as fingers. The feedline has the same length as the width of the ground gap around the coupler. .. MARKERS_FOR_PNG 20,-10,ground_padding 0,17,finger_width 0,5,finger_gap """ a2 = Param( pdt.TypeDouble, "Width of center conductor on the other end", -1, unit="μm", docstring="Non-physical value '-1' means that the default size 'a' is used.", ) b2 = Param( pdt.TypeDouble, "Width of gap on the other end", -1, unit="μm", docstring="Non-physical value '-1' means that the default size 'b' is used.", ) finger_gap_end = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Gap between the finger and other pad", 3, unit="μm") ground_padding = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Ground plane padding", 20, unit="μm") fixed_length = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Fixed length of element, 0 for auto-length", 0, unit="μm") ground_gap_ratio = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Ground connection width per gap ratio", 0, unit="μm")
[docs] def can_create_from_shape_impl(self): return self.shape.is_path()
[docs] def build(self): y_mid = self.finger_area_width() / 2 y_left = self.a / 2 y_right = (self.a if self.a2 < 0 else self.a2) / 2 x_mid = self.finger_area_length() / 2 x_left = x_mid + self.finger_width + (self.ground_padding if y_left > y_mid else 0.0) x_right = x_mid + self.finger_width + (self.ground_padding if y_right > y_mid else 0.0) x_end = x_mid + self.finger_width + self.ground_padding x_max = x_end + self.corner_r region_ground = self.get_ground_region() region_taper_right = pya.Region( pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(x_mid, y_mid), pya.DPoint(x_right, y_mid), pya.DPoint(x_right, y_right), pya.DPoint(x_max, y_right), pya.DPoint(x_max, -y_right), pya.DPoint(x_right, -y_right), pya.DPoint(x_right, -y_mid), pya.DPoint(x_mid, -y_mid), ] ).to_itype(self.layout.dbu) ) region_taper_left = pya.Region( pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(-x_mid, y_mid), pya.DPoint(-x_left, y_mid), pya.DPoint(-x_left, y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_max, y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_max, -y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_left, -y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_left, -y_mid), pya.DPoint(-x_mid, -y_mid), ] ).to_itype(self.layout.dbu) ) polys_fingers = [] for i in range(self.finger_number): x = (i % 2) * self.finger_gap_end - x_mid y = i * (self.finger_width + self.finger_gap) - y_mid polys_fingers.append( pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(x + self.finger_length, y + self.finger_width), pya.DPoint(x + self.finger_length, y), pya.DPoint(x, y), pya.DPoint(x, y + self.finger_width), ] ) ) region_fingers = pya.Region([poly.to_itype(self.layout.dbu) for poly in polys_fingers]) region_etch = region_taper_left + region_taper_right + region_fingers region_etch.round_corners(self.corner_r / self.layout.dbu, self.corner_r / self.layout.dbu, self.n) self.cut_region(region_etch, x_end, max(y_mid, y_left, y_right)) self.add_waveguides(region_etch, x_end, y_left, y_right) region = region_ground - region_etch self.cell.shapes(self.get_layer("base_metal_gap_wo_grid")).insert(region) # protection region_protection = region_ground.size(self.margin / self.layout.dbu, self.margin / self.layout.dbu, 2).merged() self.add_protection(region_protection) # ports x_port = max(x_end, self.fixed_length / 2) self.add_port("a", pya.DPoint(-x_port, 0), pya.DVector(-1, 0)) self.add_port("b", pya.DPoint(x_port, 0), pya.DVector(1, 0))
# adds annotation based on refpoints calculated above
[docs] def get_ground_region(self): """Returns the ground region for the finger capacitor.""" finger_area_width = self.finger_area_width() y_mid = finger_area_width / 2 + self.ground_padding y_left = self.a / 2 + self.b y_right = (self.a if self.a2 < 0 else self.a2) / 2 + (self.b if self.b2 < 0 else self.b2) x_mid = self.finger_area_length() / 2 + self.finger_width x_left = x_mid + (self.ground_padding if y_left < y_mid else 0.0) x_right = x_mid + (self.ground_padding if y_right < y_mid else 0.0) x_end = x_mid + self.ground_padding x_max = x_end + self.corner_r region_ground = pya.Region( pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(-x_left, -y_mid), pya.DPoint(-x_left, -y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_max, -y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_max, y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_left, y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_left, y_mid), pya.DPoint(x_right, y_mid), pya.DPoint(x_right, y_right), pya.DPoint(x_max, y_right), pya.DPoint(x_max, -y_right), pya.DPoint(x_right, -y_right), pya.DPoint(x_right, -y_mid), ] ).to_itype(self.layout.dbu) ) if self.ground_gap_ratio > 0: x_conn = self.ground_gap_ratio * self.finger_gap_end / 2 left_pts = [] right_pts = [] for i in range(self.finger_number): sign = 2 * (i % 2) - 1 x = -sign * self.finger_length / 2 y0 = i * (self.finger_width + self.finger_gap) - (finger_area_width + self.finger_gap) / 2 y1 = y0 + self.finger_width + self.finger_gap y_conn = sign * self.ground_gap_ratio * self.finger_gap / 2 left_pts += [ pya.DPoint(x - x_conn, y0 - y_conn if i > 0 else -y_mid), pya.DPoint(x - x_conn, y1 + y_conn if i + 1 < self.finger_number else y_mid), ] right_pts += [ pya.DPoint(x + x_conn, y0 + y_conn if i > 0 else -y_mid), pya.DPoint(x + x_conn, y1 - y_conn if i + 1 < self.finger_number else y_mid), ] region_ground -= pya.Region(pya.DPolygon(left_pts + right_pts[::-1]).to_itype(self.layout.dbu)) region_ground.round_corners(self.corner_r / self.layout.dbu, self.corner_r / self.layout.dbu, self.n) self.cut_region(region_ground, x_end, max(y_mid, y_left, y_right)) self.add_waveguides(region_ground, x_end, y_left, y_right) return region_ground
[docs] def finger_area_width(self): return self.finger_number * self.finger_width + (self.finger_number - 1) * self.finger_gap
[docs] def finger_area_length(self): return self.finger_length + self.finger_gap_end
[docs] def cut_region(self, region, x_max, y_max): cutter = pya.Region( pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(x_max, -y_max), pya.DPoint(x_max, y_max), pya.DPoint(-x_max, y_max), pya.DPoint(-x_max, -y_max), ] ).to_itype(self.layout.dbu) ) region &= cutter
[docs] def add_waveguides(self, region, x_end, y_left, y_right): x_guide = self.fixed_length / 2 if self.fixed_length != 0 and x_guide < x_end: raise ValueError(f"FingerCapacitorSquare parameters not compatible with fixed_length={self.fixed_length}") if x_guide > x_end: region += pya.Region( pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(-x_end, -y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_guide, -y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_guide, y_left), pya.DPoint(-x_end, y_left), ] ).to_itype(self.layout.dbu) ) + pya.Region( pya.DPolygon( [ pya.DPoint(x_end, y_right), pya.DPoint(x_guide, y_right), pya.DPoint(x_guide, -y_right), pya.DPoint(x_end, -y_right), ] ).to_itype(self.layout.dbu) )
[docs] @classmethod def get_sim_ports(cls, simulation): return Element.left_and_right_waveguides(simulation)