Source code for kqcircuits.elements.chip_frame

# This code is part of KQCircuits
# Copyright (C) 2021 IQM Finland Oy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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import math
from kqcircuits.pya_resolver import pya
from kqcircuits.util.label import produce_label, LabelOrigin
from kqcircuits.util.parameters import Param, pdt
from kqcircuits.elements.element import Element
from kqcircuits.elements.markers.marker import Marker
from kqcircuits.defaults import default_brand, default_marker_type, default_chip_label_face_prefixes

[docs] class ChipFrame(Element): """The PCell declaration for a chip frame. The chip frame consists of a dicing edge, and labels and markers in the corners. .. MARKERS_FOR_PNG 0,5000,10000,5000 5000,0,5000,10000 """ box = Param( pdt.TypeShape, "Border", pya.DBox(pya.DPoint(0, 0), pya.DPoint(10000, 10000)), docstring="Bounding box of the chip frame", ) dice_width = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Dicing width", 200, unit="μm") dice_grid_margin = Param( pdt.TypeDouble, "Margin between dicing edge and ground grid", 100, docstring="Margin of the ground grid avoidance layer for dicing edge", ) name_mask = Param(pdt.TypeString, "Name of the mask", "M000") # string '_3' will leave empty space for M000 name_chip = Param(pdt.TypeString, "Name of the chip", "CTest") name_copy = Param(pdt.TypeString, "Name of the copy", None) name_brand = Param(pdt.TypeString, "Name of the brand", default_brand) text_margin = Param( pdt.TypeDouble, "Margin for labels", 100, docstring="Margin of the ground grid avoidance layer around the text" ) marker_dist = Param( pdt.TypeDouble, "Marker distance from edges", 1500, docstring="Distance of markers from closest edges of the chip face", ) diagonal_squares = Param(pdt.TypeInt, "Number of diagonal squares for the markers", 10) use_face_prefix = Param(pdt.TypeBoolean, "Use face prefix for chip name label", False) marker_types = Param( pdt.TypeList, "Marker type for each chip corner, clockwise starting from lower left", default=[default_marker_type] * 4, ) chip_dicing_width = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Width of the chip dicing reference line", 10.0, unit="µm") chip_dicing_line_length = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Length of the chip dicing reference line", 100.0, unit="µm") chip_dicing_gap_length = Param(pdt.TypeDouble, "Gap between two chip dicing reference dashes", 50.0, unit="µm") chip_dicing_in_base_metal = Param(pdt.TypeBoolean, "Insert chip dicing lines in base metal addition", False)
[docs] def build(self): """Produces dicing edge, markers, labels and ground grid for the chip face.""" self._produce_dicing_edge() self._produce_labels() self._produce_markers()
def _produce_labels(self): x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = self._box_points() if self.use_face_prefix: face_id = self.face()["id"] face_prefix = ( default_chip_label_face_prefixes[face_id].upper() if default_chip_label_face_prefixes and (face_id in default_chip_label_face_prefixes) else face_id.upper() ) chip_name = face_prefix + self.name_chip else: chip_name = self.name_chip labels = [self.name_mask, chip_name, self.name_copy, self.name_brand] self._produce_label(labels[0], pya.DPoint(x_min, y_max), LabelOrigin.TOPLEFT) if self.name_chip: self._produce_label(labels[1], pya.DPoint(x_max, y_max), LabelOrigin.TOPRIGHT) self._produce_label(labels[2], pya.DPoint(x_max, y_min), LabelOrigin.BOTTOMRIGHT) self._produce_label(labels[3], pya.DPoint(x_min, y_min), LabelOrigin.BOTTOMLEFT) def _produce_label(self, label, location, origin): """Produces Text PCells with text `label` with `origin` of the text at `location`. Wrapper for the stand alone function `produce_label`. Text size scales with chip dimension for chips smaller than 7 mm. Args: label: the produced text location: DPoint of the location of the text origin: LabelOrigin of the corner of the label to be placed at the location Effect: label PCells added to the layout into the parent PCell """ size = 350 * min(1, / 7000, / 7000) produce_label( self.cell, label, location, origin, self.dice_width, self.text_margin, [self.face()["base_metal_gap_wo_grid"], self.face()["base_metal_gap_for_EBL"]], self.face()["ground_grid_avoidance"], size, ) def _produce_markers(self): x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = self._box_points() if len(self.marker_types) == 4: self._produce_marker( self.marker_types[0], pya.DTrans(x_min + self.marker_dist, y_min + self.marker_dist) * pya.DTrans.R180, self.face()["id"] + "_marker_sw", ) self._produce_marker( self.marker_types[3], pya.DTrans(x_max - self.marker_dist, y_min + self.marker_dist) * pya.DTrans.R270, self.face()["id"] + "_marker_se", ) self._produce_marker( self.marker_types[1], pya.DTrans(x_min + self.marker_dist, y_max - self.marker_dist) * pya.DTrans.R90, self.face()["id"] + "_marker_nw", ) self._produce_marker( self.marker_types[2], pya.DTrans(x_max - self.marker_dist, y_max - self.marker_dist) * pya.DTrans.R0, self.face()["id"] + "_marker_ne", ) else: print("Warning: chip frame markers need to be for all four corners") def _produce_marker(self, marker_type, trans, name): if not marker_type: return cell_marker = self.add_element(Marker, marker_type=marker_type) self.insert_cell(cell_marker, trans) self.refpoints[name] = trans.disp def _produce_dicing_edge(self): shape = pya.DPolygon(self._border_points(self.dice_width)) self.cell.shapes(self.get_layer("base_metal_gap_wo_grid")).insert(shape) self.cell.shapes(self.get_layer("base_metal_gap_for_EBL")).insert(shape) protection = pya.DPolygon(self._border_points(self.dice_width + self.dice_grid_margin, self.margin)) self.cell.shapes(self.get_layer("ground_grid_avoidance")).insert(protection) box_points = self._box_points() p1 = pya.DPoint(box_points[0], box_points[2]) p2 = pya.DPoint(box_points[1], box_points[2]) p3 = pya.DPoint(box_points[0], box_points[3]) p4 = pya.DPoint(box_points[1], box_points[3]) self._produce_lines_along_edge(p1.y, p3.y, True, p1) self._produce_lines_along_edge(p1.x, p2.x, False, p1) self._produce_lines_along_edge(p2.y, p4.y, True, p2) self._produce_lines_along_edge(p3.x, p4.x, False, p3) def _box_points(self): """Returns x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max for the given box.""" x_min = min(, x_max = max(, y_min = min(, y_max = max(, return x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max def _border_points(self, w, extension=0): """Returns a set of points forming frame with outer edge on the chip boundaries, and frame thickness ``w``. Optional parameter ``extension`` extends the outer edge of the box. """ x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = self._box_points() points = [ pya.DPoint(x_min - extension, y_min - extension), pya.DPoint(x_max + extension, y_min - extension), pya.DPoint(x_max + extension, y_max + extension), pya.DPoint(x_min - extension, y_max + extension), pya.DPoint(x_min - extension, y_min - extension), pya.DPoint(x_min + w, y_min + w), pya.DPoint(x_min + w, y_max - w), pya.DPoint(x_max - w, y_max - w), pya.DPoint(x_max - w, y_min + w), pya.DPoint(x_min + w, y_min + w), ] return points def _produce_lines_along_edge(self, line_start, line_end, is_vertical, position): """Adds chip dicing reference lines along one edge of the chip. The line pattern is tied to the global coordinate system Args: line_start: One-dimensional coordinate of start of the line line_end: One-dimensional coordinate of end of the line is_vertical: True to draw a line along y-axis, False to draw along x-axis position: A DPoint that is in the line """ start = line_start segment_length = self.chip_dicing_line_length + self.chip_dicing_gap_length end = math.floor(line_start / segment_length) * segment_length + self.chip_dicing_line_length if end > start: self._add_chip_dicing_line_dash(start, end, is_vertical, position) while True: start = end + self.chip_dicing_gap_length if start > line_end: break end = start + self.chip_dicing_line_length if end > line_end: self._add_chip_dicing_line_dash(start, line_end, is_vertical, position) break self._add_chip_dicing_line_dash(start, end, is_vertical, position) def _add_chip_dicing_line_dash(self, start, end, is_vertical, position): """Adds a dash as part of a chip dicing reference line. Args: start: One-dimensional coordinate of start of the dash end: One-dimensional coordinate of end of the dash is_vertical: True to draw a dash along y-axis, False to draw along x-axis position: A DPoint that is in the line to which the dash belongs to """ if is_vertical: box = pya.DBox(position.x - self.chip_dicing_width / 2, start, position.x + self.chip_dicing_width / 2, end) else: box = pya.DBox(start, position.y - self.chip_dicing_width / 2, end, position.y + self.chip_dicing_width / 2) self.cell.shapes(self.get_layer("chip_dicing")).insert(box) if self.chip_dicing_in_base_metal: self.cell.shapes(self.get_layer("base_metal_addition")).insert(box)