IQM Client

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IQM Client#

Client-side Python library for connecting to an IQM quantum computer.


IQM client is not intended to be used directly by human users. For executing code on an IQM quantum computer, you can use for example the Qiskit on IQM library.

If you want just this library, though, you can install it from the Python Package Index (PyPI):

$ pip install iqm-client


Documentation for the latest version is available online. You can build documentation for any older version locally by cloning the Git repository, checking out the corresponding tag, and running the docs builder. For example, to build the documentation for version 15.4:

$ git clone
$ cd iqm-client
$ git checkout 15.4
$ tox run -e docs

(Unless you need to build documentation for multiple versions, consider passing git clone options to only clone the commit for the specific version tag, e.g. --branch 15.4 --depth 1 for version 15.4. This will be much faster than cloning the full repository, because some large files have been stored in the commit history.)

tox run -e docs will build the documentation at ./build/sphinx/html. This command requires the tox,, sphinx and sphinx-book-theme Python packages (see the docs optional dependency in pyproject.toml); you can install the necessary packages with pip install -e ".[dev,docs]"