
class iqm.iqm_client.models.RunRequest(*, circuits: list[Circuit], custom_settings: dict[str, Any] | None = None, calibration_set_id: UUID | None = None, qubit_mapping: list[SingleQubitMapping] | None = None, shots: int, max_circuit_duration_over_t2: float | None = None, heralding_mode: HeraldingMode = HeraldingMode.NONE, move_validation_mode: MoveGateValidationMode = MoveGateValidationMode.STRICT, move_gate_frame_tracking_mode: MoveGateFrameTrackingMode = MoveGateFrameTrackingMode.FULL, active_reset_cycles: int | None = None, dd_mode: DDMode = DDMode.DISABLED, dd_strategy: DDStrategy | None = None)#

Bases: BaseModel

Request for an IQM quantum computer to run a job that executes a batch of quantum circuits.

Note: all circuits in a batch must measure the same qubits otherwise batch execution fails.



Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].


batch of quantum circuit(s) to execute


Custom settings to override default IQM hardware settings and calibration data.


ID of the calibration set to use, or None to use the latest calibration set


mapping of logical qubit names to physical qubit names, or None if using physical qubit names


how many times to execute each circuit in the batch, must be greater than zero


Circuits are disqualified on the server if they are longer than this ratio of the T2 time of the qubits.


which heralding mode to use during the execution of circuits in this request.


Which method of MOVE gate validation to use for circuit compilation.


Which method of MOVE gate frame tracking to use for circuit compilation.


Number of active reset operations inserted at the beginning of each circuit for each active qubit.


Control whether dynamical decoupling should be enabled or disabled during the execution.


A particular dynamical decoupling strategy to be used during the execution.


circuits: CircuitBatch#

batch of quantum circuit(s) to execute

custom_settings: dict[str, Any] | None#

Custom settings to override default IQM hardware settings and calibration data. Note: This field should be always None in normal use.

calibration_set_id: UUID | None#

ID of the calibration set to use, or None to use the latest calibration set

qubit_mapping: list[SingleQubitMapping] | None#

mapping of logical qubit names to physical qubit names, or None if using physical qubit names

shots: int#

how many times to execute each circuit in the batch, must be greater than zero

max_circuit_duration_over_t2: float | None#

Circuits are disqualified on the server if they are longer than this ratio of the T2 time of the qubits. If set to 0.0, no circuits are disqualified. If set to None the server default value is used.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

heralding_mode: HeraldingMode#

which heralding mode to use during the execution of circuits in this request.

move_validation_mode: MoveGateValidationMode#

Which method of MOVE gate validation to use for circuit compilation.

move_gate_frame_tracking_mode: MoveGateFrameTrackingMode#

Which method of MOVE gate frame tracking to use for circuit compilation.

active_reset_cycles: int | None#

Number of active reset operations inserted at the beginning of each circuit for each active qubit. None means active reset is not used but instead reset is done by waiting (relaxation). Integer values smaller than 1 result in neither active nor reset by wait being used, in which case any reset operations must be explicitly added in the circuit.

dd_mode: DDMode#

Control whether dynamical decoupling should be enabled or disabled during the execution.

dd_strategy: DDStrategy | None#

A particular dynamical decoupling strategy to be used during the execution.