Pulse timing#

Measure and ReadoutTrigger#

The ReadoutTrigger Instruction responsible of qubit readout has several timing-related attributes. The measure.constant gate implementation produces the lower-level ReadoutTrigger instruction from a simplified set of settings. The figure below shows how the settings relate to the more flexible attributes of the instruction.


Fast feedback timing#

With conditional Instructions, we specify how the information from readout operations should affect Instructions at runtime. Usually, the goal is use the information as soon as possible, but it takes a finite time to propagate from the acquisition unit to the drive channels that execute the Instructions conditionally.


On all hardware supported by IQM QCCSW, ConditionalInstruction reads the signal bit at the time of excution, regardless of when the signal bit was last updated. This means that if the Conditionalinstruction is executed too early, the condition will be executed based on the previous state of the bit.

To facilitate efficient timing of the feedback signals, IQM Pulse uses virtual channels between probeline channels (the source of the signals) and drive channels (the destinations). Block instructions on the virtual channel represent the travel time of the signals.

CCPRX_Composite is GateImplementation of the cc_prx (classically controlled PRX) that outputs two TimeBoxes: the first one to represent the travel time, and the second one with the actual ConditionalInstruction. In typical use, both should be scheduled in the same order, to ensure the Conditionalinstrucion starts when the signal bit is available.

The following image illustrates how the TimeBoxes are used for qubits QB2 and QB3. For QB2, this is also how Reset_Conditional implements the reset operation.

The equaivalent code would be

measure = builder.measure(["QB2", "QB3", "QB4"])(feedaback_key="A")
reset_qb2 = builder.cc_prx(["QB2"])(feedback_qubit="QB2", feedaback_key="A")  # 2 timeboxes, use both
set_qb3_to_1 = builder.cc_prx(["QB3"])(feedback_qubit="QB3", feedaback_key="A") # 2 timeboxes, use both
cc_prx_qb4 = builder.cc_prx(["QB4"])(feedback_qubit="QB4", feedaback_key="A") # 2 timeboxes, use 2nd only

prx_qb3 = builder.prx(["QB3"]).rx(np.pi)
prx_qb4 = builder.prx(["QB4"]).rx(np.pi)
wait = builder.wait(["QB4"], 80e-9)

circuit = measure + reset_qb2
circuit += prx_qb3 + set_qb3_to_1
circuit += prx_qb4 + prx_qb4 + prx_qb4 + wait + prx_qb4 + cc_prx_qb4[1]

Instructions are spaced out in time only for visual clarity. When scheduled ASAP, they would be left-aligned such that the ConditionalInstructions start right after the associated control_delay has passed.

The bottom of the image illustrates an alternative use of CCPRX_Composite to have more freedom in the timing. There, the optional delay TimeBox is not used for scheduling the Instructions on QB4. Instead, the user has ensured that the other instructions take enough time for the signal to arrive. This could be used to act on the previous feedback signal (not shown).


This section is not about IQM Pulse itself, but might help in understanding the details of the execution.

The image below shows a typical timing of a Playlist segment with 2 AWG devices for driving, and a readout instrument. Here, all statements that apply to an AWG apply to readout instruments as well. The AWGs can output an arbitrary sequence of pulses, and the readout instrument can additionally read out the response to the pulses.

With readout, the raw signal response from the readout pulse will be integrated to produce a single number, such as a complex number or a bit, corresponding to a particular qubit in a particular segment.

In the figure, one of the AWGs has been selected as the trigger master, which means it sends trigger pulses to start the execution on the slave devices. As shown in the picture, different delays caused by the travel time of signals can be compensated for by adjusting the trigger_delay setting of each device.


Settings in the figure that can be adjusted by user in the higher level libraries:




Wait time between the end of the trigger signal of the AWG master and the beginning of the pulse sequence.

<awg>.trigger_delay (slave)

Wait time between receiving the trigger signal at the AWG slave and the beginning of the pulse sequence.


Wait time between the end of the pulse segment and the next trigger.


The duration of the hardware instruction for a gate, possibly rounded to satisfy granularity constraints. For the ReadoutTrigger instruction, the meaning is different, see below.

Other notes:

  • The AWG spcecified by options.trigger_master is the only channel that does not wait for a trigger at the start of a segment.

  • Slave AWGs may also emit a trigger pulse to allow daisy chaining trigger signals.

  • Systems with IQM Control System are triggered centrally and the channels run independently, and the options.trigger_master has no effect.

  • Pipeline delays are delays between the execution of a command and the pulse actually getting outputted from a device. This delay is caused by the hardware and cannot be changed. In practice, it can be thought as being part of the cable delays, and thus can be compensated with trigger_delay setting.