

iqm.pulse.scheduler.extend_hard_boundary(schedule, child_schedule, child_components, neighborhood_components, component_durations, is_alap)#

Merge two Schedules together such that the timebox boundary is respected.

This scheduling algorithm treats the Schedules as hard, rectangular boxes where any ragged edges will be padded with Waits, and the boxes are not allowed to overlap.

The algorithm is as follows:

1. When adding child_schedule to schedule, the longest channel in schedule that overlaps with the channels present in child determines the earliest possible starting time for the child_schedule, and all other channels in schedule are padded with Wait to the aforementioned max length.

2. An occupied channel in schedule will always occupy all channels of the corresponding component (qubit, coupler, …). This is handled by keeping track of occupied durations for each component (no unnecessary padding is added to channels which do not have an actual physical pulse).

3. After the schedules are combined, all the common channels of schedule and child_schedule are blocked up to their common maximum length.

This algorithm should not be used with variable sampling rates in the schedule channels. In that case, use extend_hard_boundary_in_seconds() instead.

  • schedule (Schedule) – Schedule that should be extended with child_schedule. Modified in place.

  • child_schedule (Schedule) – Child schedule to be added.

  • child_components (set[str]) – Components (qubits, couplers, computational_resonators) that have at least one channel in child_schedule.

  • neighborhood_components (set[str]) – QPU components neighboring the child_components that should additionally be blocked in the scheduling.

  • component_durations (dict[str, int]) – Blocked durations for each component used by schedule. These act as the earliest starting points for a new segment added to any of the channels of the component, but will also block the component even if it has no occupied channels in the schedule yet or ever (e.g. a computational resonator). Modified in place.

  • is_alap (bool) – Whether the scheduling strategy is ALAP (As Late As Possible).

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