Qiskit adapter for IQM’s quantum computers.
Subpackages and modules
Example code. |
Fake backends for simulating IQM quantum computers. |
Qiskit backend for IQM quantum computers. |
A simple extension of the QuantumCircuit class to allow the MOVE gate to be applied with a .move(qubit, resonator) shortcut. |
Circuit execution jobs. |
A layout algorithm that generates an initial layout for a quantum circuit that is valid on the quantum architecture specification of the given IQM backend. |
Naive transpilation for the IQM Star architecture. |
Qiskit backend provider for IQM backends. |
Transpilation tool to optimize the decomposition of single-qubit gates tailored to IQM hardware. |
MOVE gate to be used on the IQM Star architecture. |
Conversion tools from Qiskit to IQM representation. |