Version 2.4#
Changed Qscore to operate under the new base class.
Version 2.3#
Reverted QV simulation circuits to untranspiled ones (fixes bug giving all HOPs equal to zero).
Version 2.2#
Added Clifford RB example notebook to docs. #20
Version 2.1#
Fixed bug in RB plots for individual decays.
Version 2.0#
Adds Circuits, BenchmarkCircuit and CircuitGroup as a way to easily store and interact with multiple quantum circuits.
BenchmarkRunResult now takes a circuits argument, expecting an instance of Circuits. QuantumCircuit instances can now exist there instead of inside xarray Datasets. All analysis methods should also expect to use an instance of BenchmarkRunResult.
Ported all of the benchmarks subclassing from Benchmark to use the new containers.
Updates the usage of qiskit.QuantumCircuit to iqm.qiskit_iqm.IQMCircuit in many places.
Version 1.12#
Miscellaneous small bugs fixed.
Version 1.11#
Relaxes dependencies to allow for ranges.
Version 1.10#
Added API docs building and publishing.
Version 1.9#
Fixed bug (overwriting observations) in Quantum Volume.
Fixed small bug in CLOPS when calling plots in simulator execution.
Version 1.8#
Changed compressive GST to operate under the new base class and added multiple qubit layouts.
Added plot to GHZ benchmark and applied small fixes.
Added tutorial notebook for the GHZ benchmark.
Version 1.7#
Remove explicit dependency on qiskit, instead taking it from qiskit-on-iqm.
Version 1.6#
Minor change in dependencies for compatibility.
Version 1.5#
fit results are no longer BenchmarkObservation, and instead are moved into the datasets.
Version 1.4#
AnalysisResult -> BenchmarkAnalysisResult
RunResult -> BenchmarkRunResult
Adds BenchmarkObservation class, and modifies BenchmarkAnalysisResult so observations now accepts a list[BenchmarkObservation].
Adds BenchmarkObservationIdentifier class.
Rebases RandomizedBenchmarking benchmarks, QuantumVolume, GHZ and CLOPS to use the new Observation class.
Fixes serialization of some circuits.
Adds AVAILABLE_BENCHMARKS to map a benchmark name to its class in __init__.
Adds benchmarks and configurations to __init__ for public import.
Other fixes.
Version 1.3#
Further improvements to type hints, docstrings, and error messages.
Version 1.2#
Minor improvements to type hints, docstrings, and error messages.
Version 1.1#
Fixed bug preventing execution on a generic IQM Backend.
Randomized Benchmarking (Clifford, Interleaved and Mirror), Quantum Volume, CLOPS and GHZ state fidelity all functioning exclusively under new Benchmark base class.
Updated separate example Jupyter notebooks.
Version 1.0#
Published Randomized Benchmarking (Clifford, Interleaved and Mirror), Quantum Volume, CLOPS and GHZ state fidelity all functioning exclusively under new Benchmark base class.
Updated separate example Jupyter notebooks.