


Deserialize return parameters.

For backwards compatibility, changes values of the return parameters dict to a new, more general format: NdSweeps, which is a list of tuples of Sweeps.

A key in the dict may be a Parameter or a Setting; both will be converted to a Parameter. The values in the dict are converted with the following rules:

  • 1 is converted to an empty NdSweep, i.e., a scalar.

  • Other integers are converted to a linear_index_sweep()

  • Sweep is converted to an NdSweep that contains only the sweep

  • NdSweep and None are not converted.


json_str (str) – JSON representation of the return_parameters loaded from e.g. persistence


a reconstituted, typed return_parameters structure

Return type:

dict[Parameter, list[tuple[Sweep, …]] | None]