
A tree-structured container for Settings.

The SettingNode class combines a bunch of Settings together. It may also contain other SettingNodes. Together, the contents form a tree structure that provides a useful way of grouping Settings.

As an example, we manually construct a tree of SettingNodes with some dummy Settings, but it is usually not necessary. The root node in the following examples is called 'node'.

What’s inside?#

The easiest way to see the content of the node is the SettingNode.print_tree() method:

 >>> node.print_tree(levels=1)

  ╚═ flux: "root.flux"
  ╚═ pulse: "root.pulse"

We see that the 'root' node has two children, named 'root.flux' and 'root.pulse', which themselves are also SettingNodes. This follows the typical naming convention in EXA: Subnodes include the names of their parents, separated by a dot.

 >>> node.print_tree()

  ╠═ flux: "root.flux"
  ║   ╠─ voltage: Voltage = 1.5 V
  ║   ╚─ resistance: Resistance = None (automatic/unspecified)
  ╚═ pulse: "root.pulse"
      ╠─ amplitude: Amplitude = 1.0
      ╚─ duration: Duration = 1e-07 s

The children contain some dummy Settings, showing the keys, labels and current values.

For other ways to access the content of the node, see also SettingNode.children, SettingNode.all_settings, and SettingNode.nodes_by_type().

Get and set values#

The values within the nodes can be accessed using the attribute or dictionary syntax:

>>> node.pulse.amplitude.value
>>> node['flux']['voltage'].value

The values can be changed with a simple = syntax:

>>> node.pulse.amplitude = 1.4
>>> node.pulse.amplitude.value


node.setting refers to the Setting object. node.setting.value syntax refers to the data stored inside.

Basic manipulation#

Adding and deleting new Settings and nodes is simple:

>>> modified = node.copy()
>>> del modified.flux # removes the node
>>> del modified.pulse.amplitude # removes the Setting
>>> modified.pulse.my_new_setting = Setting(Parameter('my name'), 33)

It is usually a good idea to make a copy of the original node, so that it won’t be modified accidentally.

To merge values of two SettingNodes, there are helpers SettingNode.merge() and SettingNode.merge_values().

The first one merges the tree structure and values of two nodes and outputs a third one as a result. None values are always replaced by a proper value if such exists. In case of conflicting nodes or values, the content of the first argument takes priority.

>>> result = SettingNode.merge(node.flux, node.pulse)
>>> result.print_tree()
 ╠─ amplitude: Amplitude = 1.4
 ╠─ duration: Duration = 1e-07 s
 ╚─ voltage: Voltage = 1.5 V

Note how the result has values from node.flux, but also settings node.pulse that do not exist in node.flux.

The SettingNode.merge_values() method is an in-place operation that only changes the values of Settings that already exist in the node, if possible:

>>> modified = node.copy()
>>> modified.flux.voltage = 222
>>> modified.flux.resistance = 333
>>> node.merge_values(modified, prioritize_other=True)
>>> node.print_tree()

 ╠═ flux: "root.flux"
 ║   ╠─ voltage: Voltage = 222 V
 ║   ╚─ resistance: Resistance = 333 Ohm
 ╚═ pulse: "root.pulse"
     ╠─ amplitude: Amplitude = 1.4
     ╚─ duration: Duration = 1e-07 s

Sometimes, it is easier to collect values in a dictionary and set them all at once by using SettingNode.set_from_dict(). The nested structure of the dictionary should match the structure of the SettingNode. Keys that are not found in the tree are silently ignored, unless the strict flag is used.

>>> values_to_set = {'flux': {'resistance': 0.001}, 'ignored_entry': 234}
>>> node.set_from_dict(values_to_set)
>>> node.flux.print_tree()
 ╠─ voltage: Voltage = 222 V
 ╚─ resistance: Resistance = 0.001 Ohm

Full path:



A tree-structured Setting container.


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