


Get Version Control System (VCS) description for the caller’s current working directory.

The description is used to verify if a directory is installed under VCS and whether changes to the files have been made. First, the existence of .git directory will be checked from root_directory. Only if it exists, a git command is executed in a subprocess with a timeout of 1 seconds as the best effort only.


The path to the directory where the command will be executed. For instance when called from exa-experiment, it can be the exa-experiment root directory or any directory under it.


If root_directory is not installed under git, None will be returned. Otherwise, the output of git describe --dirty --tags --long is returned. In case of errors in executing the command, the caught subprocess.CalledProcessError will be converted to string and returned.


If the command fails or timeouts, an exception will be raised directly from subprocess.check_output.


root_directory (str) –

Return type:

str | None