- decode_json(obj)#
Custom json decoder for object, in case it is represented as complex number, ndarray or tuple. Otherwise decoder won’t be applied
Here is an example of encoded/decoded json with complex number and ndarray:
>>> import base64 >>> import numpy as np >>> from exa.common.helpers.json_helper import decode_json >>> complex_encoded = {'__complex__': True, 'real': 3, 'imag': 4} >>> decode_json(complex_encoded) (3+4j) >>> data_b64 = base64.b64encode(np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2)) >>> ndarray_encoded = {'__ndarray__': True, 'data': data_b64.decode('utf-8'), 'dtype': 'int64', 'shape':[2, 2]} >>> decode_json(ndarray_encoded) array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])