- class StationControlClient(root_url, get_token_callback=None)#
Station control client implementation.
Current implementation uses HTTP calls to the remote station control service, that is controlling the station control instance.
- Parameters:
Station control client implements generic query methods for certain objects, like
, andquery_sequence_metadatas()
. These methods accept only keyword arguments as parameters, which are based on the syntaxfield__lookup=value
. Note double-underscore in the name, to separate field names likedut_field
from lookup types likein
. The syntax is based on Django implementation, documented here and here.As a convenience, when no lookup type is provided (like in
), the lookup type is assumed to be exact (dut_label__exact="foo"
). Other supported lookup types are:- range: Range test (inclusive).
For example,
created_timestamp__range=(datetime(2023, 10, 12), datetime(2024, 10, 14))
- in: In a given iterable; often a list, tuple, or queryset.
For example,
dut_field__in=["QB1.frequency", "QB2.readout.frequency"]
- icontains: Case-insensitive containment test.
For example,
- overlap: Returns objects where the data shares any results with the values passed.
For example,
tags__overlap=["calibration=good", "2023-12-04"]
- contains: The returned objects will be those where the values passed are a subset of the data.
For example,
tags__contains=["calibration=good", "2023-12-04"]
- isnull: Takes either True or False, which correspond to SQL queries of IS NULL and IS NOT NULL, respectively.
For example,
In addition to model fields (like “dut_label”, “dut_field”, “created_timestamp”, “invalid”, etc.), all of our generic query methods accept also following shared query parameters:
- latest: str. Return only the latest item for this field, based on “created_timestamp”.
For example,
would return only one result (latest “created_timestamp”) for each different “invalid” value in the database. Thus, maximum three results would be returned, one for each invalid value of True, False, and None.
order_by: str. Prefix with “-” for descending order, for example “-created_timestamp”.
limit: int: Default 20. If 0 (or negative number) is given, then pagination is not used, i.e. limit=infinity.
offset: int. Default 0.
Our generic query methods are not fully generalized yet, thus not all fields and lookup types are supported. Check query methods own documentation for details about currently supported query parameters.
Generic query methods will return a list of objects, but with additional (optional) “meta” attribute, which contains metadata, like pagination details. The client can ignore this data, or use it to implement pagination logic for example to fetch all results available.
Create an observation set in the database.
Create observations in the database.
Create sequence metadata in the database.
Delete sweep in the database.
Finalize an observation set in the database.
Return information about the station control.
Get a raw chip design record matching the given chip label.
Return the configuration of the station control.
Get DUT fields for the specified DUT label from the database.
Get DUTs of the station control.
Get an observation set from the database.
Get the constituent observations of an observation set from the database.
Get observations from the database.
Get software version set ID from the database, or create if it doesn't exist.
Get run data from the database.
Get sequence result from the database.
Return a tree representation of the default settings as defined in the configuration file.
Get N-dimensional sweep data from the database.
Get N-dimensional sweep results from the database.
Get task data.
Query observation sets from the database.
Query observations from the database.
Query runs from the database.
Query sequence metadatas from the database.
Either remove a sweep task from the queue, or abort it gracefully if it's already executing.
Execute an N-dimensional sweep of selected variables and save run, sweep and results.
Save sequence result in the database.
Execute an N-dimensional sweep of selected variables and save sweep and results.
Update an observation set in the database.
Update observations in the database.
- get_or_create_software_version_set(software_version_set)#
Get software version set ID from the database, or create if it doesn’t exist.
- get_settings()#
Return a tree representation of the default settings as defined in the configuration file.
- Return type:
- get_chip_design_record(dut_label)#
Get a raw chip design record matching the given chip label.
- sweep(sweep_definition)#
Execute an N-dimensional sweep of selected variables and save sweep and results.
The raw data for each spot in the sweep is saved as numpy arrays, and the complete data for the whole sweep is saved as an x-array dataset which has the sweep_definition.sweeps as coordinates and data of sweep_definition.return_parameters data as DataArrays.
The values of sweep_definition.playlist will be uploaded to the controllers given by the keys of sweep_definition.playlist.
- Parameters:
sweep_definition (SweepDefinition) – The content of the sweep to be created.
- Returns:
Dict containing the task ID and sweep ID, and corresponding hrefs, of a successful sweep execution in monolithic mode or successful submission to the task queue in remote mode.
- Raises:
RequestError if submitting a sweep failed. –
- Return type:
- get_sweep(sweep_id)#
Get N-dimensional sweep data from the database.
- revoke_sweep(sweep_id)#
Either remove a sweep task from the queue, or abort it gracefully if it’s already executing.
If the task was already executing when revoked, the status of the task will be set to
. If the task had not started yet, the status will be set to"REVOKED"
. If the task is not found or is already finished nothing happens.- Parameters:
sweep_id (UUID) –
- Return type:
- delete_sweep(sweep_id)#
Delete sweep in the database.
- Parameters:
sweep_id (UUID) –
- Return type:
- get_sweep_results(sweep_id)#
Get N-dimensional sweep results from the database.
- run(run_definition, update_progress_callback=None, wait_task_completion=True)#
Execute an N-dimensional sweep of selected variables and save run, sweep and results.
- query_runs(**kwargs)#
Query runs from the database.
- Runs are queried by the given query parameters. Currently supported query parameters:
run_id: uuid.UUID
run_id__in: list[uuid.UUID]
sweep_id: uuid.UUID
sweep_id__in: list[uuid.UUID]
username: str
username__in: list[str]
username__contains: str
username__icontains: str
experiment_label: str
experiment_label__in: list[str]
experiment_label__contains: str
experiment_label__icontains: str
experiment_name: str
experiment_name__in: list[str]
experiment_name__contains: str
experiment_name__icontains: str
software_version_set_id: int
software_version_set_id__in: list[int]
begin_timestamp__range: tuple[datetime, datetime]
end_timestamp__range: tuple[datetime, datetime]
end_timestamp__isnull: bool
- Returns:
Queried runs with some query related metadata.
- Return type:
- create_observations(observation_definitions)#
Create observations in the database.
- Parameters:
observation_definitions (Sequence[ObservationDefinition]) – A sequence of observation definitions, each containing the content of the observation which will be created.
- Returns:
Created observations, each including also the database created fields like ID and timestamps.
- Return type:
- get_observations(*, mode, dut_label=None, dut_field=None, tags=None, invalid=False, run_ids=None, sequence_ids=None, limit=None)#
Get observations from the database.
Observations are queried by the given query parameters.
- Parameters:
mode (Literal['all_latest', 'tags_and', 'tags_or', 'sequence']) –
The “mode” used to query the observations. Possible values “all_latest”, “tags_and”, or “tags_or”.
”all_latest”:Query all the latest observations for the given
. No other query parameters are accepted.”tags_and”: Query observations. Query all the observations that have all the given
. By default, only valid observations are included. All other query parameters can be used to narrow down the query, expect “run_ids” and “sequence_ids”.”tags_or”: Query all the latest observations that have at least one of the given
. Additionally,dut_label
must be given. No other query parameters are used.”sequence”: Query observations originating from a list of run and/or sequence IDs. No other query parameters are accepted.
dut_label (str | None) – DUT label of the device the observations pertain to.
dut_field (str | None) – Name of the property the observation is about.
tags (list[str] | None) – Human-readable tags of the observation.
invalid (bool | None) – Flag indicating if the object is invalid. Automated systems must not use invalid objects. If
, both valid and invalid objects are included.run_ids (list[UUID] | None) – The run IDs for which to query the observations.
sequence_ids (list[UUID] | None) – The sequence IDs for which to query the observations.
limit (int | None) – Indicates the maximum number of items to return.
- Returns:
Observations, each including also the database created fields like ID and timestamps.
- Return type:
- query_observations(**kwargs)#
Query observations from the database.
- Observations are queried by the given query parameters. Currently supported query parameters:
observation_id: int
observation_id__in: list[int]
dut_label: str
dut_field: str
dut_field__in: list[str]
tags__overlap: list[str]
tags__contains: list[str]
invalid: bool
source__run_id__in: list[uuid.UUID]
source__sequence_id__in: list[uuid.UUID]
source__type: str
uncertainty__isnull: bool
created_timestamp__range: tuple[datetime, datetime]
observation_set_ids__overlap: list[uuid.UUID]
observation_set_ids__contains: list[uuid.UUID]
- Returns:
Queried observations with some query related metadata.
- Return type:
- update_observations(observation_updates)#
Update observations in the database.
- Parameters:
observation_updates (Sequence[ObservationUpdate]) – A sequence of observation updates, each containing the content of the observation which will be updated.
- Returns:
Updated observations, each including also the database created fields like ID and timestamps.
- Return type:
- query_observation_sets(**kwargs)#
Query observation sets from the database.
- Observation sets are queried by the given query parameters. Currently supported query parameters:
observation_set_id: UUID
observation_set_id__in: list[UUID]
observation_set_type: Literal[“calibration-set”, “generic-set”, “quality-metric-set”]
observation_ids__overlap: list[int]
observation_ids__contains: list[int]
describes_id: UUID
describes_id__in: list[UUID]
invalid: bool
created_timestamp__range: tuple[datetime, datetime]
end_timestamp__isnull: bool
dut_label: str
dut_label__in: list[str]
- Returns:
Queried observation sets with some query related metadata
- Return type:
- create_observation_set(observation_set_definition)#
Create an observation set in the database.
- Parameters:
observation_set_definition (ObservationSetDefinition) – The content of the observation set to be created.
- Returns:
The content of the observation set.
- Raises:
ExaError – If creation failed.
- Return type:
- get_observation_set(observation_set_id)#
Get an observation set from the database.
- Parameters:
observation_set_id (UUID) – Observation set to retrieve.
- Returns:
The content of the observation set.
- Raises:
ExaError – If retrieval failed.
- Return type:
- update_observation_set(observation_set_update)#
Update an observation set in the database.
- Parameters:
observation_set_update (ObservationSetUpdate) – The content of the observation set to be updated.
- Returns:
The content of the observation set.
- Raises:
ExaError – If updating failed.
- Return type:
- finalize_observation_set(observation_set_id)#
Finalize an observation set in the database.
A finalized set is nearly immutable, allowing to change only
flag after finalization.- Parameters:
observation_set_id (UUID) – Observation set to finalize.
- Raises:
ExaError – If finalization failed.
- Return type:
- get_observation_set_observations(observation_set_id)#
Get the constituent observations of an observation set from the database.
- Parameters:
observation_set_id (UUID) – UUID of the observation set to retrieve.
- Returns:
Observations belonging to the given observation set.
- Return type:
- get_dut_fields(dut_label)#
Get DUT fields for the specified DUT label from the database.
- Parameters:
dut_label (str) –
- Return type:
- query_sequence_metadatas(**kwargs)#
Query sequence metadatas from the database.
- Sequence metadatas are queried by the given query parameters. Currently supported query parameters:
origin_id: str
origin_id__in: list[str]
origin_uri: str
origin_uri__icontains: str
created_timestamp__range: tuple[datetime, datetime]
- Returns:
Sequence metadatas with some query related metadata.
- Return type:
- create_sequence_metadata(sequence_metadata_definition)#
Create sequence metadata in the database.
- Parameters:
sequence_metadata_definition (SequenceMetadataDefinition) –
- Return type:
- save_sequence_result(sequence_result_definition)#
Save sequence result in the database.
This method creates the object if it doesn’t exist and completely replaces the “data” and “final” if it does. Timestamps are assigned by the database. “modified_timestamp” is not set on initial creation, but it’s updated on each subsequent call.
- Parameters:
sequence_result_definition (SequenceResultDefinition) –
- Return type: