

Utility functions for IQM Pulla.

Module Attributes

InstructionLocation(channel_name, index, ...)

Return type for locate_instructions().


build_settings(shots, calibration_set, ...)

Construct the Station Control settings needed for executing a batch of quantum circuits.


Build an iqm-pulse QuantumOp calibration data tree from a calibration set.

circuit_operations_to_cpc(circ_ops[, name])

Convert a list of CircuitOperations to an IQM CPC Circuit.

convert_sweep_spot(results, readout_mappings)

Convert the sweep measurement results from Station Control into circuit measurement results.


Like convert_sweep_spot(), but for results that contain heralding measurements.


Prepare readout controller names for the request.

find_circuit_boundary(mode, ...)

Determine the boundary of a circuit executed on the QPU.


Get a unique id hash for a given circuit.

initialize_schedule_builder(calibration_set, ...)

Initialize a new schedule builder for the station, validate that it is configured properly.

iqm_circuit_to_gate_implementation(circuit, ...)

Wrap a circuit to a single GateImplementation that can then be registered as an independent "gate".

locate_instructions(schedule, instruction_type)

Locate specific instructions in a schedule.

map_qubit_indices(circuits, context)

Map qubit indices in circuits to the indices in the component mapping.


Convert sweep results returned by Station Control to the circuit measurement results the client expects.

print_channel(schedule, channel_name)

Print all instructions in a channel of a schedule.


Print all instructions in each segment of a schedule.

replace_instruction_in_place(schedule, ...)

Replace an instruction in a schedule with one or more instructions.


InstructionLocation(channel_name, index, ...)

Return type for locate_instructions().


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