Documentation ------------- The documentation for KQCircuits is created from the ``.rst`` files in the ``docs`` folder using Sphinx. To build the documentation locally, open the command line in the ``docs`` folder and write ``make html``. If you want to completely rebuild the documentation, run ``make clean`` to remove the built files first. The API documentation is generated from the ``.rst`` files in ``docs/api`` folder, which are generated automatically by sphinx-apidoc when you run ``make html``. The template files used to generate these are in :git_url:`docs/templates/apidoc`. There are some custom Sphinx extensions used in the documentation generation, these are in the :git_url:`docs/sphinxext` folder. Also the :git_url:`docs/` script is used by ``make html`` to create a .png image of every PCell into the pcell_images directory, these get included in the API documentation. The docstring of PCell classes may contain a ``.. MARKERS_FOR_PNG x,y x_2,y_2, ...`` line that will annotate the generated .png image with "rulers" documenting the important dimensions of the design. The rulers are placed according to KLayout's rules for rulers going through a specified point. These annotations should preferably also have the name of the parameter controlling the illustrated dimensions, like ``.. MARKERS_FOR_PNG x,y,param_name``. Some times KLayout's automatic ruler placement is not satisfactory in this case the user may specify both starting and ending points of the ruler ``.. MARKERS_FOR_PNG x,y,x2,y2[,param_name]``.